4/1/99(.....ApPPppRAhELL FAHHHHLS EdddEsshIIInnee)

22  2014-04-01 by KennethFresno

GooUuUD mAArning...thEeeERes cheeEEsEEE iN mYyy raH-dEo


Roland would gladly fall on a knife for a donut. His allegiance isn't with the show, its with his pigginess.

He is being such a turd.

He doesn't even understand the show and how it works.

I bet he didn't even drink beer in high school.

*Road sodas.

That guy was great. And those lines work in any situation.

He uses his job to get free shit and when it comes down to it, he'd rather lose his job and keep his food friends than be loyal to those who employ him.

You're a dumb cunt.


"He was worried, so I was like 'Alright,never mind'"

Great job you fat cunt.

Holy shit how many times did that fat cunt say worried?

This is exactly why they never rip on Roland.. he's just an overly sensitive pig more concerned about food.

So the average OnA fan

Oh my God Ant is fucking insufferable today.

He hasn't had one of these rants in a while, I think it's just a build-up.

revisionist history teacher anthony at it again

"Women don't have these problems."

Yeah, women have always been a part of society. Yes, they couldn't vote, etc. but blacks have been segregated, enslaved, ostracized in any way possible. After integration and the civil rights movements of the 60s, there is still segregation and institutional racism - whether its currently intentional or not.

I'm currently listening to an mp3 of the show, here's how its gone: Opie: "Ant, want to discuss Obamacare? <fast forward 45 min> "...pyramid scheme..." <skip ahead 15min>.

"White privilege is earned..." <skip ahead 30 min>


I tapped out. Ant's confirmation bias is outstanding.

As Burr said, he just gets all his information from "I'm-right.com". It's apparent when they have physicists and stuff in that Ant is a pretty smart guy in terms of understanding concepts and broad scope of knowledge, but his lapses in critical thinking in a lot of his arguments are annoying.


What's the alternative to revisionist history? Social justice history? It seems like it. How come an interpretation of history aside from one that is almost completely leftist isn't acceptable?

Where did I insinuate this? Without writing an essay, anytime you frame history in a way that only caters to your beliefs and neglect to accept aspects that may challenge your belief system you are wrong.

I should have phrased that as "social justice history" seems to be the default interpretation of history in modern public schooling / university and other interpretations have gone down the memory hole, where the modern interpretation is objectively right and the old is objectively wrong and inferior.

History isn't a science with numbers and mathematics, so the modern orthodoxy against "revisionism" and the taking what insular politically-biased academics have to say about it as gospel truth is troubling.

My god please make this fat fuck cry today. Roland is beyond hate able. Just have a heartattack already!

Well im headed to terrorize Dom's twitter. Thanks Roles!

If only there was a beam that could hold that fat fuck, I wish he'd hang himself.

Only this show would be invited to do an Unmasked and start to muck up the works.

The endless bitching is exhausting.

"I'm days away from saying I'm not doing this" - Opie about Unmasked

Redditors called it! Opie is a cunt.

I figured Opie's wife wouldn't let him out after hours to do the UnMasked and he'd eventually find a way out of it. He bitched about being away from home for the Cleveland and Chicago trips because "his wife had to babysit the kids while he was gone."

I've also read several times that the reason they don't do more live shows anymore is not only SXM's budget... Ope is the one that doesn't want to work non normal hours any more than he has to. He also reportedly (from Danny so take that for what it's worth) wants to get paid an appearance fee just for showing up like he's Paris Hilton.

When Ron was on the show plugging the event I generally thought Antony was being evasive about the whole thing.

Should anyone really believe what Danny says?

Why doesn't he want to do it? I had to cut out early on the show today and didnt hear it.

One problem seems to be the venue, Opie's ego needs a bigger room.

The company want to do some weird thing where celebrities come out in the middle of the interview and present them with cupcakes. Names mentioned were Paul Williams, Maria Menounos, Donald Trump and Ricky Gervais. I am not joking.

Roland has thin skin. It's like sausage casing over a really big sausage.

Anthony's Rant: [Citation Needed]

Anthony's Rant: "When I was a kid, my family was on government assistance and now I hate paying into the very programs that helped my family because all those families are lazy leeches".

Anthony Rant: they need to contribute to society like i did by going to the emergency room driving other health costs up while not paying for it, or buying a jet ski on a credit card with no intention of pay for it. better yet, when you need a car fixed to get to work you steal it from your neighbors car in the middle of the so they are fucked.

I sleep well at night knowing that someday in the near future Roland will be found dead in the parking lot of a Wendy's with a Baconator in his fist and a bag of CroFucks spread all over his heart-attacked corpse. Hopefully there's tire tracks over his body from multiple automobiles (Including mine).

You better have a jeep if you want to drive over him.

This is the type of horseshit makes me appreciate the Sex-Bagel even more. He takes a beating time after time and (eventually) shrugs it off. Meanwhile that fat unfunny (and possibly gay) Mexican decided to be a selfish fuck despite the show and they handle him with kitten gloves? Opie should've let Jimmy off the leash (i only heard Jim's initial annoyance at the beginning, had to turn it off during the Obamacare stuff as i had "the blacks" in and out of my office) and tear that fat pig open and let him bleed. Why is he so protective of Roland? Nobody else in NY can book guests for the show?

and tear that fat pig open and let him bleed.

That shouldn't have made me laugh as much as it did.

For the most part, the show is better sans guests anyway.

Cronut guy cancelled, lol.

Roland cancelled him, because Roland is fucking cancer.

Seriously? No aprhell fhalls?


Ant: "Here's the deal"

and thats when I shut off the show and will await till i can fast forward an hour in with on demand.

Ant is so myopic that he can't realize that literally no one benefits from the ACA except the insurance industry, whom wrote the bill to begin with.

I think you need to tune out of the Fox News echo-chamber for a little while. A ton of people are actually getting affordable insurance because of the ACA. People who would have been too old to stay on their parents insurance, people with preexisting conditions, and (yes it's true) people who already had insurance but are now able to get it slightly cheaper. Look up the stats instead of just believing what Fox News and Rush are saying. Are there a lot of problems with the ACA? Yes, but there are also a lot of benefits.

Yes, some people are getting more affordable insurance, but on average rates and premiums have increased substantially, along with deductibles and out-of-pocket costs which have also increased for most people. There are some positives to Obamacare, but it's silly and arrogant to think that anybody who doesn't think the ACA is great is just an idiot who gets all their info from Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.

Well it's certainly not arrogant at all. I'm one of the people who already had/continues to have insurance from my employer. I make a good living. The ACA has not effected me in any way at all. To a lot of Americans this is going to be the case. Right wing news/talk radio is the main culprit for presenting the case that "Obamacare" is an abject failure before it is even totally in effect.

I have good insurance from my employer as well and it did go up due to the "Cadillac" tax. I'm in health care finance on the provider side and can see how much of a mess this law truly is. The new exchange plans typically are paying at Medicare or Medicaid rates which normally isn't enough for the hospital to cover its cost of doing business. The smaller town hospitals are being eaten up by the city groups or the for profit systems. In the end, the ACA is effecting everybody in some form.

You don't think that the problem lies at all with the insurance companies and the hospitals charging exorbitant rates?

Not in this case. The problem is that government plans or plans that use government paying methods don't usually cover the cost of the procedures. It's not what the hospital charges, they never get that. They make up for it with the commercial plans but when people loose those plans and have to sign up for ACA plans the providers get less money from them. When that money doesn't cover the cost to stay in business they get in trouble. There is plenty of other problems with the health care system but the ACA is making everything worse.

Yes, it is arrogant to think that you know the truth and anybody who disagrees with you is just an idiot who parrots Fox & Rush Limbaugh. And the fact that it's had the amount of negative affects that it has without even being fully implemented yet should go to show that it's a failure. Again, there's some positives in it like the access for ppl with pre-existing conditions, but on the whole there are far more negatives.

I don't think that people who disagree with me are idiots or parrots. I never said that. I just said that people who are saying right-wing talking points should read the actual data. If you read the data and are now just making an opinion in spite of that then that is fine by me.

What negative effects has it already had? How are they more significant than the positives?

Healthcare costs have been rising for years. Do you have any evidence that the average premium has increased above and beyond what would be expected by the normal trend of increase? Because if anything, the evidence I see points to the opposite (a smaller/slower rate of increase, pointing to positive effects):

Another important note is that health care premiums generally have been rising for years, regardless of the health care law.

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the average family premium for employer-sponsored plans rose by an average of 5.8 percent per year from 2008 to 2013. Before that, premiums actually were rising faster. From 1999 to 2008, premiums rose by an average of 13.2 percent a year, Kaiser found."



I'm fairly sure a lot of people with preexisting conditions would disagree with you. There is a lot wrong with the ACA but there is some good in there as well.

It really bugged me when Ant harped on the people with pre-existing conditions. I'm sure that he'll appreciate it when his new insurance company covers his next heart attack.

it's not about being for or against it for me, i just dont listen to a HS dropout who made his name by doing impressions for his political knowledge.

Benjamin Franklin was a high school dropout, you retard. Anthony dropping out means nothing about his knowledge.

way to miss the point entirely. but ya had to go back over 200 years to find a good example? guess it hits too close to home huh Mr. drop out.

Richard Branson was a high school dropout, as was Albert Einstein. I'm not even remotely comparing Ant to either of them, but out of curiosity, what's the education level needed to be able to have an opinion on politics?

Well to be fair Einstein only dropped out momentarily. He went on to finish the equivalent of high school and a Bachelors degree. Not really comparable to Ant.

(Not that I agree that Ant can't talk about this subject or is stupid)

Yeah, I think once you go onto further education beyond high school, the fact that you dropped out is meaningless. But then again, I'm sure Ol' Turkey ~N~ American Cheese learned a lot at the University of HVAC.

He admits to spending enormous quantities of time at n_____mania because he finds it to be the height of hilarity. He falls right into a certain category of people and they've never been known for anything remotely approaching or associated with intelligence.

He falls right into a certain category of people and they've never been known for anything remotely approaching or associated with intelligence.

Aren't you doing the same thing you're bashing Ant for by generalizing an entire group of people?

No. I'm disregarding Ant's opinion because he's a white trash idiot who stereotypically succumbs to the path of least resistance in the hopes it will make him feel a little better. I don't go to whitetrashmania.com and howl for 3 straight hours with a confused cat in one hand and a Bud in the other.

Why are you bringing race into this? Wasn't his rant today about the ACA?

Yeah, but then the conversation in the thread moved on to whether or not his opinion is worth a shit.

also missing the point. will the drop outs of this sub just realize that wasn't the point?

I also wouldn't listen to Richard Branson for his impressions.

See how missing the point works now?


So Obama campaigned for a year to get the thing passed, no republican voted for it, and all the democrats got fooled by the insurance industry? 2700 pages of government dictated rules to the insurance companies and now it's their fault?

From cronuts to what's probably going to be a 45 minute long Obama rant from Anthony. I'm tapping out already.

Opie with the line of the day? "Check out the empty seats, mon."

some slavery.. oooofff, jesus Ant read something that isnt stormfront

Enough with the Cronuts


Todd Show!

Ant burns a lot of energy complaining about a health care system that is going to cost him $50 a year more in premiums.

And no ,he isn't on a crusade for the people because he hates people!

I think we all know that Roland doesn't give a fuck about his friendship with the cronut guy, he gives a fuck about his connection.

Do you think Opie is gonna tell the April Fools story again, but always adding a slightly more edgy twist, like how they meant to do it so they could get a bigger deal.


Op and Ant's periods must have synced up again. Opie letting everything bother him and Ant high school drop out talking points rant is making them both sound like elderly wash women

edited cause im an idiot who doesnt proof read

College? you mean High School.

did i actually make that mistake. fuck i stink at life

Opie bitches about callers ruining the "that last guy sucked" bit by forcing it. But then he talks intentionally quiet enticing Lady Di to talk over him.


Todays show was great, good work boys!

I just heard Anthony state that unlike the blackies, women "have transcended the oppression that's happened over the years." It actually bothers him more what the negroes do to him, (whatever that is. dress and act intimidatingly for the 30 seconds a day he's confronted with them, Im guessing), than what his ex wife did to him. Despite the fact that blacks and whites are more equal on paper than women and men are.

Come on Ant. Admit you're doing a work. And just trolling, so we can all sit back and have a laugh about it. We know how you like a good pisser.

They should have brought the Kronut guy in and they should have fucked with him.

I cannot fathom how much of a pussy Roland is, Piggy boy sounds like he is going to cry.

one of the best shows ever!

The Obongo shills are active today.

Yes, some people are getting more affordable insurance, but on average rates and premiums have increased substantially, along with deductibles and out-of-pocket costs which have also increased for most people. There are some positives to Obamacare, but it's silly and arrogant to think that anybody who doesn't think the ACA is great is just an idiot who gets all their info from Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.

Richard Branson was a high school dropout, as was Albert Einstein. I'm not even remotely comparing Ant to either of them, but out of curiosity, what's the education level needed to be able to have an opinion on politics?

As Burr said, he just gets all his information from "I'm-right.com". It's apparent when they have physicists and stuff in that Ant is a pretty smart guy in terms of understanding concepts and broad scope of knowledge, but his lapses in critical thinking in a lot of his arguments are annoying.

You don't think that the problem lies at all with the insurance companies and the hospitals charging exorbitant rates?


What's the alternative to revisionist history? Social justice history? It seems like it. How come an interpretation of history aside from one that is almost completely leftist isn't acceptable?
