What happened to Jay Mohrs on Monday's show?

7  2014-04-01 by Pedro471

I thought the b-b-boys said he was going to be on, yet I did not get my Mohrs fix. Any insight?


He already did the show recently. I can't handle that guy babbling for 4 hours and never shutting the fuck up twice in a one month period.

jay mohrs got somebody pregnant

His wife wouldn't allow it. Consider us all lucky.

Maybe he's droppin' loads for that new kid?

Probably got tied up looking for jokes to steal.

I think he told Ron he just decided to sleep in.

probably has to do his own show on Monday

Maybe he was fucking Howard the Duck Face, I mean his wife.

She never had work. He swore on his children's eyes.


Must suck having blind children. What a burden.

Mohrs x2 and a bbbb oys.

Cmon son.

Got AIDS. Died.