"Pedestrian Desserts"

12  2014-03-31 by [deleted]

Quite possibly the most enraging thing on the show. While the pedestrian desserts on today's show did indeed suck, Roland couldn't even pronounce or spell Daniel Boulud correctly when trying to come off as the superior food snob in the room.

I enjoy Roland on the show and he has an odd charm about him that makes him enjoyable, but when he gets into foodie mode its just annoying and pretentious as all hell.

He reminds me of a housewife that posts on Yelp all day. I was reading some of the reviews for Cronut guy's bakery and it was cringe inducing seeing these average joes worship a fucking piece of bread.



Roland is like the high school junior who thinks he's deeper and more intelligent than his peers just because he listens to Godspeed You! Black Emperor.

I used to not care at all about Roland but today's show was the worst. Uppity fat twat, he is. He's literally got nothing going for him. Fat, ugly, incomprehensible in English and Spanish, a job that no one likes the work he does at, a general shitty attitude, can't take criticism. Ugh.

relax reddit badass

Is Roland gay?


He's mysterious

He's metzican.

He's marzipan.

He's fat. A hehehehe

Roland's insults are the most pedestrian thing about this bit

He has 14 year old comebacks like I hope you die, I hope you get cancer, get in a car wreck. His brain can't compute any smart comebacks. He's a shit dick.

I think my #1 pet peeve about the show is how they NEVER call him out on this shit. Could you imagine Sam, Erock, or even Travis getting away with being that unfunny?

It's kind of Roland's thing. That's just what he does now.

Roland is a guy who was in basically in shape 12 years ago, and now is a fat piece of shit. I would say he hasn't touched a girl in 10 years minimum, if at all. He thinks he found a way to be better than other people, and thats food. He literally has nothing going for him expect he thinks he has great taste in food, and knows people in the food industry.

I'd rather eat pussy than lunch

Roland must be a little retarded.What grown man carries on the way he does? Giggling all the time like an imbecile and completely losing it when ever he is called out.

Dudes extremely insecure

The way he's acting is the same way that paid shills act in the video game industry when they talk about a bought out review. He shits on the other product and tries to interrupt when someone talks about a group that he doesn't support.

I so want Roland's foot to rot off from diabetes.

I'm glad the boys called him out on his shit today. There's plenty of places that can make a fucking Cronut and that Dominique guy is an idiot.

I can't wait to see that fat fuck clutch his chest and fall over.


Roland is a mumbling fat homosexual. His opinions are uninteresting and valueless to the show and where are all these great guests he's supposedly so capable of booking?

Roland probably has a miserable existence. Women are revolted by him and outside the show he's probably really lonely and has no actual friends outside work. His whole food thing is the only thing that makes him feel good about himself so whatever. I kinda want one of the callers to make him cry I'm sick of his cockiness

The way Rollo is, he'd probably kill himself. Seems to me he cannot stand one iota of criticism and his skin is extremely thin.... make your own joke with that one.

Well your wife is sleeping with someone else, hihihihihihihihi.

I don't get the whole "angry panda" vibe they think he was, you can barely understand him and his slams are very basic and predictable, somewhat pedestrian actually.

"I hope your [wife/children/family pet] get [run over/AIDS/retarded]"

I'm looking forward to the cronut taste test. That'll be remarkable.

Remember when he tried to be the show's movie expert guy? What happened to that? I guess he replaced it with trying to be a foodie.

"pedestrian human being"

his lazy voice isn't "cute" or "endearing" like he's going for .. its just boring and makes me tired

Compared to the rest of the show he is a food snob. So what


he is a fat slob

didn't hear today's show, but i think the food snob thing is just his new bit to piss people off.

coincidentally, happened to be listening to the 2011-01-21 show today. o&a were trying to get Entenmnnmnann's crumb cake and chocolate donuts, and travis brought back a bag of donettes.

at one point, roland was commenting on the delicious desserts at Food Emporium. supermarket dessert = pedestrian.

I think my #1 pet peeve about the show is how they NEVER call him out on this shit. Could you imagine Sam, Erock, or even Travis getting away with being that unfunny?