Someone explain Jim's joke from today's show for me please.

3  2014-03-31 by [deleted]

So they're talking about cronuts and Sam mentions that Victoria Beckham had some.

Jim then says "Imagine how much trouble she would be in if she didn't have that 'e' in her name..."

The everyone bursts out laughing... So it would be "Bckham"?

The clip is here.

Am I missing something?

It's annoying me. Someone please explain so I can delete this.

Edit: Solved thanks to /u/krivas, Spice Girl = Spic(k) Girl.


Posh spic, or spic girl?

Yup just relistened. Posh Spic is what he was referring too. But Spic Girls works


Thank you, sir.

I skipped the food talk but if this is what the joke was there is absolutely nothing funny there.

Can you find the time code and link. I'm quite sure you missed a comment by another host where removing the E made a word sound like 'cunt'.

Found it here.

I remember that from today and I couldn't figure it out then but it got a big laugh. Could it have been like Victor Becham instead of Victoria, drop the E? I donno.

Was it Opie laughing? Because if it was that means he didn't get it either.
