Favorite and Least favorite sound-bit?

1  2014-03-30 by JMueller2012

Nothing beats the car crash for me, but the "So... Isn't this great?" can sometimes really suck.


ShuUUuut up


7 years is my personal cell phone ringtone.


Context. They haven't used it in a long time.

Ant used to get me w/ the Police Siren in the early days of syndication. I worked 3:30-midnight at the time & I'd be driving to work on I-95 at 20 MPH over the speed limit in my shitty car. He'd hit that siren & I'd fucking panic every time.

Sound clip bits are never naht funny. Especially ones that use Steve's acting clips.

"Why not?"

You're in myYyYyYyYy fucking house!

The noise Bob Kelly made when he broke his knee is my favorite.

Homer boo could be the best. The obnoxious Crazy Jim laugh is great too.

Followed by "be more funny".

This is going great

"Wah wah, penis" or something. It's a Norton clip. Only heard it a couple times.

"Shame, shame, shame, shame on you" can be transcendent if used properly.

My least favorite would be the loud, long, obnoxious laugh. Too much of an Opie thing.

Some 18 years ago I left Dayton, Ohio with two very bad knees and dreams of becoming major league baseball player......

What happened?

I thank god this dream came treuwh!

"Goddamn rich cunt" had been done to death.

"N-person" still makes me chuckle.

They need some Fast Times At Ridgemont High drops since it's always hilarious when Ant quotes it.

Goddamn rich cunt still makes me laugh. The visual component really brings life to the bit.


I love Death Wish.

You're a Goddamn rich cunt for making me laugh at that again.


Does anyone know which ones Anthony has? And which ones Opie uses?

Surprisingly "the negro" is Opie's. I listened to the show the other day where he told someone to put that on his instant replay.

I always thought Ant does them all. Except the dial tone.

My favorites are

  • You can act like a man!(Godfather)
  • I don't care, I don't care
  • Robert DeNiro laughing(Usually played during a cruel moment)

That's terrific, that's terrific.

anyone remember jims horrible "THANK YOUUUUUU" during a taping for one of his specials, i loved that clip.

'shut up cunts, it's bobo time' - if you let it count, is my fav

'kiss' get over it' - i loathe. sabian's assistant covered it on R&F too...

'Get Over It' is The Eagles, no?

thanks, sorry

Stop crying and whining and pitching a fit. GET OVER IT. GET OVER IT.

"Oh dear lord!" is an old favorite. One that also doesn't get much play anymore is "Turn it off.....TURN IT OFF!!!! TURN IT OFFF!!!"

Least favorite has to be the stock fart sounds.

Also what's the origin of the what sounds like a crying woman on the phone saying "I hate you!"?

Favourite: "N person"

Least: I don't care, I don't care etc etc

"What's that supposed to be, some kind of sick joke?" is the worst. Mike Schmidt is the best.

Simpsons clips were great, the best were King of Comedy clips.

I miss ping pong

what happend!?!?!


That's terrific, that's terrific.