Would You Guys Respect Opie More If He Did An AMA?

0  2014-03-28 by AutoJesus

I know a lot of you hate the guy. If he actually read all the criticism, and came out on air and said he's aware of it, and will do an AMA to respond to all of it seriously (without doing Twitter Voice or using the term 'hater') would the dislike of him be toned down?



But if he actually gave his point of view on the things he does that people criticise, would you be more open to him? Personally I like him on the show as much as the other two. I've just always been curious as to why he gets the most hate.

He gets the most hate because:

  1. He's not as naturally funny as Ant and Jim, which shows.

  2. He's role on the show is clearly understated until he does it poorly (trying to move along a bit that has legs), in which case it's blatant.

  3. Your mom's box.

Who's going to do an AMA in a sea of hate and talk about their supposed problems? It'll never happen.

I used to hate the guy, I sort of like him now. You need to accept the Opieness. I'll say this for him though, long time guests seem to like him more than Ant.

Just my humble opinion.

Ant couldn't fucking wait to get out of there today. He was packing up before the show even went off the air. If I were a guest and that happened to me, I'd be pretty put off.

Nailed It.

I certainly think it would help. Opie is hated because he's steering the ship. As he's done on-air, when people have complained about him for moving the show along to new topics regularly, when you don't have someone steering...things can get tedious quickly (e.g. Jimmy and Ant forever riffing on one subject).

And some of the hate seems warranted. He tends to trample over people like crazy, use the same five phrases ad nauseam, and favor his own pet subjects.

But an explanation wouldn't hurt.

He's annoying sometimes, but I don't hate him since I can see that he can do some things that Ant, Jimmy, and the rest of the staff can't do by themselves, like doing evil or cringe-inducing things that got the show its fans in the first place,have the nerve to let crazy things happen, or let shit get real. If Ant was running the show, would we even see homeless people and abominations like Lady Di, Marion, and Bobo on the show? Ant also withdraws when things start getting real, as he reminisce the spaghetti incident. Opie brings the nasty mess that the funny people of the show can work from, and a whole week of Lady Di (courtesy of Colin Quinn) is just one example of it.

stupid cunt killed the show this morn with his shitty management stories.

Always with the same fuckin management stories.


If people can have it in their hearts to accept Scott Shannon I'm sure they can for someone they seem to listen to every day.

He's fine and I don't hate him but do you think he's going to "Drop the bit" and tell you something he hasn't said in the last 20 years?

I don't care about him or Jim personally, I just wish they would try and be funny: you know, that weird thing they did 3 years ago. Then again, doing $500 advertisements, being like 64th on a list of the worlds top 100 radio shows, and watching all of the people you used to shit on/goof on become nearly A-list celebrities probably has to do with those 2 being miserable, fuckheads, now.

I don't think Opie has enough self-awareness to do a decent AMA. He's put so much effort into fabricating some dramatic narrative about his life and his career (e.g. poor growing up, starving while working in radio, got fired on purpose, traumatic childhood, told off this or that boss, etc.), that I don't think he could even be honest.

He would get all passive aggressive towards insulting questions, or try and make jokes back at people but fail. Then he would come on the air the next day and grumble about the "dummies" on reddit.

The thing is, Op doesn't actually care. He's got the fuck-you money and that's all that counts. I already respect him immensely and find it hilarious that others can't seperate the truth from the bits. He's the layman and the navigator, directing the show and making it easily accessible and understandable to the wide array of fans. Not everyone listening is a 10+ yr superpest.

People commenting here will be the first ones in line to snag a pic and autograph at Caroline's.

I've been a listener for 15 years. My "hate" rotates amongst the hosts.

He would only answer the questions that make him look good.


Yes. As long as he responded to all questions seriously, how could you not have more respect for someone that is willing to do that?

Opie is actually an integral, if not THE MOST integral piece to the show. I never understand the level of hatred people have for him on here...

That being said... what the fuck does Opie have to gain from doing an AMA??? either he demolishes the 4th wall, or he plays the roll of Opie.....

He is definitely a private person in reality. Gregg Hughes isn't Opie... Opie is the character he plays on the radio. I get the feeling Gregg is actually a stand up guy, a family man that is actually a really good dude.

If he does an AMA he can either do it as Gregg, or as Opie.... What do you want? You might possibly get Opie to give half ass answers to bullshit questions about the show.... You will never get Gregg to open up about everything. You area cunt on the internet, you mean nothing to Opie. The best you are going to get to what you seek is the Unmasked that is coming up...

I don't want him to do anything, just so I'm clear. I'm just interested due to the fact that the hate for him on here is so intense, it borders on psychopathic. I actually read here that someone wanted his son to fall out of his apartment a la Eric Clapton's son.

All good, bro...

But just know that the chances of Opie doing an open and honest AMA are about the same as me growing my dick 10 inches, growing wings and flying around the world fucking models for the simple fact that i have a huge dick and I can fly because i have wings...

someone wanted his son to fall out of his apartment a la Eric Clapton's son.

Oh those knuckleheads! They're so extreme!

More people trying to talk like Jimmy. Ironically, they probably complain about him too.

See, that would be the problem with an Opie AMA; the ratio of shitposts to real comments would be 1000:1

Are there any radio shows out there where the hosts aren't just playing characters? Is there any way to tell?

Probably not. I get the feeling Ant is the closest we will find. I get the feeling he is a lot like the personality he plays on the radio.

Radio characters are just that, characters... an actor isn't the same person as the character they play in a movie.... thing is, this has been a 20 year long movie, where we have come the believe the characters ARE the actors.

I don't know, Mancow seems like a genuine prick.


Why do I have a vision of a 40 year old man sitting in his pants and refreshing the page to laugh/ jerkoff to his downvotes/upvotes?


Hit the bricks, nigga!


That would never happen. He doesn't give a shit what the haters think. And he shouldn't. He knows he sucks.

That's why I'm speaking hypothetically. If being the operative word.

no, he has a shitty personality, his crutch is being an asshole to people to their face, and then when he gets confronted, he babbles stutters and goes high pitched (IE: Dice Vrs Opie)... that's it

Like many others i don't hate him, but i don't like him, if it's Opie and Anthony only, i don't listen because i know it's 4 hours of Opie talking over Anthony and Anthony just having to deal with it, and laugh at his jokes and fake stories

Are you kidding? No Jimmy shows really portray how good the two are by themselves.