Falcone becomes a Pre-Show Regular? - Upvote / Downvote

306  2014-03-28 by [deleted]

400 votes: 343 upvotes / 85%

Dear Sam Roberts,

You've had your chance and now the fans have spoken.

Kindly do the right thing by stepping aside and returning to being a snickering voice in the background, throwing in the odd E-Rock insult and trying to pretend you represent youth culture.

Dennis Falcone is the future. He was given a chance and he took it. He has the voice, the charisma, the looks. Women want him, men want to watch their women fucking him. He is an unstoppable warrior of a man driving this radio show up into the rarefied atmosphere.

Don't let your ego get in the way of what's best for the show. Don't stand in the way of a life-long radio-guy finally getting a gig he deserves.

Do the right thing.


Yeah, fuck that untalented asshole Sam and his shitty voice.

I love Dennis radio voice

I love sam and denny. Denny preshow sam post show seems like the answer.

Especially if they are the cohosts of eachothers shows.

Yes please.

Rotate the host regularly.

I actually love Sam, he's got a great understanding of good radio, and he certainly has cut back on the wrestling shit. But I also love Falcone. So why not have both?

This is radio gold. Take us out Sam.

Denny will storm the Reichstag, impose martial law, have Sam eliminated and lead the Knuckleheads to 1000 years of glory!

I just pictured Denny at the head of a large group of Nazi's but on their arm sashes, instead of a swastika, was just a set of knuckles and instead of a deaths head emblem it was a picture of Scorch on the top of their peaked caps.

I know its a who gives a fuck thing but the mental image of it just gave me immeasurable joy

Edit - Oh and all of the tanks, instead of having unit markings, just had a picture of Fat Erock on the side.

Perfect. Instead of gas chambers, the victims are just locked in a room and forced to listen to The Dear Leader, on the "one's and two's", for weeks on end. Death is caused by massive brain hemorrhaging, none survive.

Im a sam fan, I gotta say I don't understand where all the hate comes from. I get that he's a shit stirer and overly eager to throw his colleagues under the bus, which would bother most people, but without that we probably would've missed out on countless Erock/Sal/Danny/Troy/fucking everyone beatings. In fact I think his service to the show is invaluable. Furthermore some of my favorite O&A moments involved the graphic sexual harassment of young sams mother... I like denny too but only when the boys are trashing him.

Sam is the fucking work horse of the show...hes responsible for so much behind the scenes shit going down that leads to eventual hilarity that it blows my minds that fans wouldnt like him. Do people not get that shit stirring on this show is almost an essential aspect of its mythology? Imagine if sam had not been there to egg on the conflict happening in the studio all those times he does. Imagine if he had not been there to basically tell the retards like jewish daniel or bobo and lady di what funny stuff to say or do. Hes like the retard whisperer. And we should all love him for it. He is the architect of many of the actual funny things done on the show. He actually knows what is funny or entertaining for the listener. And I would say he knows that even more than opie or ant or yimmy. Considering all three of those people are probably double the age of the average O&A listener. Hes just more in touch with the real world and whats actually funny. (making fun of retards mostly and stirring up shit)

I do hate the hair though. And hes not the best on-mic personality. But for behind the scenes stuff you guys should be kissing his ass for all the laughs hes brought you.

Bring on the downvotes from the O&A retard fat neckbeard army. God you people disgust me.

Amazing how the show completely sucked before the Westchester Hipster showed up, isn't it? How none of that happened before he showed up. How the show was never funny before the man-child appeared, right?

Sam is the ONLY person who has made me turn the show off, ever. Dave eating shit never did, or doody hat, or the vomiting, or the toilet antics of Jim Norton.

But if they start a segment that features Sam, especially if it's wrestling related - radio off.

When O&A leave radio, he's fucked. He has no talent, he'll never carry a show on his own. But you keep thinking the little suck up matters.

PS - most of the back office drama is gone, since Danny left. Yeah, Sam does it all. Uh huh.

Same here. Any Sam heavy segment gets me switching to music.

More recently since he became "Executive Producer" you can hear how many "Sam segments" he brings that fall flat. They feature the three stars of the show being disinterested and Sam furiously trying to save it. Naturally they all involve "viral" videos or some other pop nonsense, which cuts out Ant and Jim immediately.

This needs to be copy and pasted whenever the Sam Fan Club starts waxing poetic about what a genius he is. This is the only place I've seen in the O&A fanverse that adores him. Everywhere else rightfully disregards him as a talentless shithead.

Yup sam does a lot of behind the scenes stuff. Lets just keep him behind the scenes.

Yeah, Sam has his faults (like any other person on the planet) but he is a total work horse, and people don't give him enough credit for being the master of never breaking show kayfabe and extremely dry sarcasm. He can talk shit to someone's face and they have no fucking clue. It's an art.

Sam= wrestling fan, terrible haircut he only maintains because he thinks it's unique, twink, not particularly funny and certainly not interesting.

Nothing worse than a non-feminine twink! Am I right uninterestingmm?


...not that there's anything wrong with that

I actually like the shit-stirrer Sam. It's his face, voice, and music taste that bothers me. Maybe he can't control 2/3 of those but I don't have to like it either. Fuck him.

His music taste is a bit. A lot of the shit he pretends to like (other than wrestling) he does as a bit. You can hear it in his tone when he talks about shit like Gaga, Jersey Shore, the Wives shows, there's a mocking tone to his voice.

His shit stirring is the only good thing about him, other than that he's mediocre radio cancer, I have no idea how you people manage to listen to that clown talk when it doesn't involve a bit. What in the fuck is the appeal?


She can't hear because she's deaf u dumb piece of shit

Sam is a gimmick. All the things he does are ok asides to a main show but as their own show it sucks. Have you ever heard Sam actually make a funny joke? heard Sam try to do an impression? mount a compelling opinion on a current event? He's shit when he tries to create anything from himself. He can point out goofy shit other people do or take the side of pop culture that he knows adults think are stupid or childish.

Anthony: Jay Z sucks

Sam: You mean hova?

Anthony: WHAT?

Sam: That's his name young hova

Anthony: Yuck

How many times can you listen to that ironic bullshit?

Yes, show some fucking emotions for once, that little creep.

So far I've seen him:

  1. Being sarcastic about everything.
  2. Giggling like a schoolgirl when the boys are bashing someone he personally knows.
  3. Being happy at a stupid wrestling event.

Poor dude probably just doesn't have a soul.

The boys use to have a bit where they "didn't like Sam". Ever since fans of the show, take on the bit. Plus, they are mostly burn outs who hate to see him succeed in life. God forbid...

I keep seeing the "shit-stirring" as a defense of Sam. Your average high school freshman girl has the same skill set. It's not exactly rare.

Shit stirring is a fucking art form. How dare you. Your average high school freshman girl has NOTHING on sam.

Falcone > Primetime

Anyone is better than fucking Sam.


Agreed. I'd rather listen to a cantaloupe than that Brillo headed dumb ass.

Him not going along with the "deez nuts" bit was hilarious.

I liked how Opie smashes the listeners for "not getting the bit" and a few days later misses the bit completely on Denny's Rick Dees tangent.

Cancel the preshow, its pointless.

I love you Sam -- seriously, you're a real talent -- but it's clear you don't wanna do a "clip show" and I don't fucking blame you. We can hear it in your voice that you feel above that kind of bullshit. I mean, Jesus Christ, everyone has a brain and the Internet, so we don't need a fucking "packaged" show recap; the format just doesn't "sound O&A." And yet Denny's almost-feux-yet-weirdly-real enthusiasm combined with his clear understanding of the show makes him the perfect host for that nonsense. He makes it work.

That said -- Sam, I wish you had the "real" after-show back. That hour produced a lot of great long-term material for O&A and it's a shame that format is gone. You knew what you were doing when you slowly shifted it to "The Sam Roberts Show."

Couldnt have said it better myself. The guy was absolutely flawless into the clip transitions it made me actually enjoy what was being said. Because Sam just trips and repeats himself up to the point of aggravation.

People actually listen to the pre-show?

I'll be honest, I listened to the Pre-show and then the post-show. Skipped that crap in the middle. Falcone me, bro.

I think we need Führer Falcone added to the SubReddit Image in the upper left hand corner. I would enjoy that.

Dennis Falcone is best for business

More Denny!

Love both but the pre-show sucks. Give Sam, Who Dat, and Nicole a show already.

I'd love that...very much!

On a different channel? Sure.

Anything to ensure I never have to hear that awful laugh ever again on the Opie and Anthony Show. I was really pulling him for to get that E Radio gig, but they apparently didn't think he could even pull off that bullshit pop culture radio.

Bring back the old Shit Show and have Denny on as second mic please

Only time I'd like to hear either of them speak is at the other's funeral.

All i ever really want in my life is the Sam, Denny, Scorch and CQ show.

killing the pre-show replay at 11 would do it for sam to get his show back and denny do the pre-show as well:

pre-show hosted by falcone 0600-0630

main show 0630-1030

sam roberts show 1030-1130

main show replay





Give it a week before people are calling for denny to be fired.

fired? people will be calling for his head

I've been calling for it for 6 months now.

I liked them both, I like how he completely just shut down the last Dee guy. Also, I don't want him to replace Sam... maybe a Sam and Denny pre-show

I like Sam and he's a workhorse. I think Denny should do Pre-shows on Friday- Perfect guy to get us into the weekend and then get the shit kicked out of him by the grumps at 6:30...



Denny is god

Falconer no question


I think that young man has a bright future

Tweet this poll to the boys and the radio show. I'm sure even Sam doesn't want to host the pre-show. He can be great when there are others in the room esp. Whookid and Nicole but sucks otherwise. @OandAshow @JimNorton @OpieRadio @AnthonyCumia

We need a Dennis and Nicole on point + Sam/Travis/Whoodat/Mars on the side 1-2 hour show that's more pop culture and viral video focused. Dennis and Nicole to keep things going. Travis to give some in depth introduction of the bit and Whoodat, Mars, and Sam to chime in. A change of pace that's still uncensored but has a more cheerful vibe.

Heil Führer Falcone!

I don't get the Denny love here. I don't dislike him, I find him mildly amusing, but this subreddit is fucking bananas for him. To the point where anything negative about him is quickly downvoted. There are more Denny-lovers than Opie haters here.


Denny is.


What can I tell you, Denny is our leader.

Dennis Falcone changed my life.

Everybody loves Denny because hes a perfect juxtaposition for the show and has developed a great and refreshing character. Honestly after so many years of listening it can be just as hilarious listening to Lord Falcone's upbeat radio jabber every now and then as opposed to the constant potty-mouth and jumbled delivery of Jimmy and the boys together. He's the perfect new character for the show, because thats what he is, a character and its also equally hilarious hearing about the incidents where his nice guy facade starts to slip behind the scenes, i.e. "lets see a photocopy of dat ass" or him generally getting drunk and trying to mooch things.
Plus now that he's divorced I'd love to hear some new bits about him going out and hooking up/converting women to a lifetime of Falcone devotion and other various antics.
I'm a big fan of Sam too, but mostly for his work behind the scenes like a lot of people have mentioned like stirring up shit and controlling the retards. I think its hilarious that he's also probably sick and reading all of this and becoming more and more sick with rage at how adored Denny is within the community. Maybe he'll take some of these comments to heart and realize that he's never been particularly creative/funny or interesting on the air and his whole pop-culture, wrestling shtick is getting old and horribly uninteresting on its own.
Anyways, love ya miss ya Sammay

Feel that Denny circle jerk.

He stinks and knows it. And yet lets us destroy him because he's a huge attention whore.
