Questions you want Ron to ask Opie and Anthony?

0  2014-03-28 by opiesucks

i'll start: "Anthony, are you fucking tired of your co-host cutting you off to tell some made up story?"


"How important is the board?"

"Opie, could you please tell us all about being the candy kid again?"

It's bizarre how comments against Opie are downvoted. Even when they're not just hardcore attacks. Yours is an inoffensive one.

Maybe the downvotes are from being reminded of that story?

I come here because I'm a fan of the show. I rarely touch the up- or downvote button on any topic, but these fucking buzzkills deserve all the downvotes they get.

This whole thread is started by some no-life psycho, who opens some new needy "let's tell stories about how much we hate opie" -thread almost every day.

well excuuUUUUuuuuussseee meee!

It's the equivalent of a caller starting off with "love you, love the show". When it was relevant it was funny, now it's stale.

I dunno? I guess ya needta genuflect and bow your head when you say his name.

I really hope Ron touches on some of their issues they have had with each other. I'm pretty intrigued by this Unmasked because I'm going to just go out on a limb here and say Ron is a great interviewer

"How does it feel to know you would be a nobody stuck in a shitty life unless you two met each other?"

"That question is for... both of you."

"How good is it to have a co-host who actually doesn't mind taking the stick?"

"In a fight to the death who would win? My Twink or yours?"

I thought (hoped) you were killed or at the very least banned for the Lady Di fiasco?

I'm curious about their relationship/friendship. I don't think of them as friends for some reason, but every once in a while, they'll say they are. I'm sure they're sick of each other at this point, right? They've been cohosting basically as long as I've been alive

Why so fucking angry?

"Can I join your guy's show?"

"Are you guys best friends?"

You don't have what would be considered a good voice for radio, you're dumb as a doorknob and have ZERO comedic timing or sense; how fucking lucky are you that you met Anthony?

dOpie, comment?