Unmasked announcement: Opie & Anthony

43  2014-03-28 by stevenknight

Ron just announced an Opie & Anthony "Unmasked" interview on the show, tickets will be available for listeners to attend as it'll be done at Carolines comedy club. Excited?


"I left Harborfields High School with one bad voice and a dream to become a professional broadcaster... I thank god that dream came true brothermahn!"

i know i have been shitting on them lately but im so fucking excited for this, i love radio stories, i wonder who will show up.


I'm gonna be fawkin zooted

You gonna have a lotta empties, mahn?

What are the odds of Bob Levy showing up?

Pretty high; he waits tables there on Tuesdays through Fridays.

Gotta save the weekend for Scotty's steakhouse

I laughed for ten minutes at this lmao



I saw Jimmy at Caroline's awhile back, it's a really cool room. Should be a cool event for people that are local to NYC.

Cool cool

I really did post a valueless comment in retrospect

Cool story bro. Tell it again.

That is one to be at if youre in the area

Oh shit! i'm actually off that day! This long island trash is going!


I'm going!

fuck yes, a serious interview with someone who not only does great interviews, but will know how to play puppet master to both O & A

Maybe. The venue is too small for the Opster. He puts up numbers.

This is going to be good.

Can't wait for this!



I'm living that Ron Paul "It's happening!!" Gif right now. Fuck, I wish I could be in NY for that.

Very cool! I hope someone uploads a video of it in its entirety. Should be an amazing interview.

Well the audio will be being broadcast on Sirius. Unless you just have to have the visual element

I honestly think they may have shot their load with most of the best stories already today....because they told the first things that came to their mind.

That was the idea, I think. To get the shock-schlock out of the way.
Maybe it'll reveal something interesting. ha. who am i kidding?


I want to see this live more than anything, a million bucks Ronny B will bring life to O & A and he's one of the few that can do that. Ron is the true pro in the game

Anyone else disappointed that this is on a Thursday night?

Is Ronnie B going to ask @opantxm about his heart attack?

Countdown to Jimmy being pissed off because he wasn't included

"Information on how to request tickets to be in the LIVE audience with Ron Bennington, Opie and Anthony and Jim Norton coming soon so stay tuned."

Or there was already a Jim Norton Unmasked.

He will just be passive aggressive about it.

i hope Ron asks some hard hitting questions like "Gregg, why is it you suck so bad?"

I really don't understand what you get out of this gimmick.

Some would say, myself included, that he started the gravy train of this subreddit from being on the 'Opie is the captain' following to the fact that he sucks ass in a majority of threads.

People eventually got bored of it and now the heat is on jimmy

I enjoy him

Here's your chance to shine. Go up and speak your mind.