Bored of Anthony's Obama talk

0  2014-03-26 by [deleted]

Yes, we know his middle name is Hussein, you don't need to emphasize it every time. Yes, we know he doesn't like guns. Blah blah blah.

Anthony is my favorite on the show by far. But his Obama talk just makes him come across like a tea party douche. In addition, he is still on high alert about the Cold War with Russia happening again (which it never will). It's like he never grew up from his days of when he was a kid and they feared the actual Cold War.

Ant is, in his own way one of the smartest people I've ever heard, but he loses me completely when he discusses politics.


I'm bored of Obama not being impeached.

I want to believe that he's playing it up for the show (I think he's said as much over the past few years) but sometimes you just can't be sure.

He's still a funny motherfucker though (or cousinfucker, if he had his way).

It's like he never grew up from his days of when he was a kid and they feared the actual Cold War.

Most Americans don't progress beyond what they thought when they were 12 or 13 years old.

You have to admit though ,Ant is at his funniest when he discussing (ranting) politics or the economy.

Haha yeah fuck America man!1

lol. He discussed Mr. Hussein for about 5 minutes. But I guess any amount of discussion that isn't absolute asskissing would be "boring", right?

EDIT: I am sorry for assuming you didn't like it because of your political beliefs. It appears that you just like complaining about the show in general. Opie would label you a "hater" for sure.

You're behaving in such a 19th century fashion. According to OP, the Cold war ended in 1979.


What? It's over? Who won? When's the ticker tape parade? Perhaps a signing ceremony aboard an American carrier?




Okay, you may be sick of it, but you can't deny the relevance of the discussion, particularly regarding Russia. How can you say for certain Cold War tensions won't heat up again? Is it better to just pretend nothing is happening?


Obama himself sure ain't going to let people know.

Looks like someone voted for Obama


Haha. I can understand people disagreeing, but getting this upset? Go screw.


