KISS are fucking horrible

181  2014-03-26 by [deleted]

And have always been horrible. Gene Simmons is one of the biggest pieces of shit to ever live. Even their video games suck. Fuck KISS


Im glad Ant hates Gene to this day.

Ant's line about the Gene Simmons' sex tape and Gene "Fucking like an old lion" is one of the funniest things I've ever heard.

Rightfully so, to be honest.

They're both scumbags

One of the few ways I agree with Ant, is that Kiss is a shit band based on a gimmick and Gene is a complete asshole.

When he's right, he's right.

Ant is a pretend sociopath. Gene is the real deal.

He loves loads of them in his mouth

What, you don't like love gun?! GET IT? IT'S HIS COCK. HE'S TALKING ABOUT HIS COCK. And don't you want to party eh-vu-re-day?! Kiss is absolute shit.

I like to rock and roll all night. And part of every day.

great Mike McCready reference brah!

Yeah Jimmy has 0 credibility when it comes to talking about music. Whenever he starts trashing any band for being shitty or having terrible lyrics I can't help but think of the horrible lyrics of "Iron Man" or "Love Gun." Even "Crazy Train" starts off like it is gonna be a badass song with the opening guitar lick and then it turns into some upbeat rhythm guitar followed by some of the worst lyrics ever written. If it was any other band singing those lyrics I could just picture Jimmy sarcastically saying "He's right, I mean really, it's not too late to learn how to love and forget how to hate" "Alright, we get it! you're going off the rails! enough already!" "Is it really a crazy train? Really?"

You could really say that about any rock song,"is it really a stairway to heaven, IS IT?!"

That's one aspect of why OnA fans suck. We've let their cynical nature infect us. You just need to learn how to love and forget how to hate.

Well done sir

Don't forget Jim likes Lady Gaga as well. Yeeeccchhhhhh.

Gaga is way better than Kiss.

Is she?

It's hard to quantify that low to the bottom of the barrel.

What's worse, being stung by 5,778 bees, or 5,779 bees?

Probably because she resembles a tranny

Nailed it. As someone who wasn't born when they were around, I could understand getting caught up in the time's popular music. Jimmy has arrested development ever since his couple years of being an "alcoholic." Let's face it, Jim's just a closet case. Must be confusing and weird for him.

His couple of weeks as an alcoholic.

His 2 isolated incidents as an alcoholic.

His 1 beer he once drank.


"Alright, we get it! you're going off the rails! enough already!" "Is it really a crazy train? Really?"

I heard that in Jimmy's voice. Even though he'll never say it.

That said, I could listen to an instrumental version of crazy train on loop for 10 hours straight.

I think Ozzy deserves some credit for his lyrics. "Crazy Train" isn't a great example, but I would say a lot of his other songs are, mostly because they're just his honest thoughts about his life. They don't always rhyme, they're not songy, he doesn't have a very melodic voice, but there's something I really do like about Ozzy.

But yeah Kiss is fucking brain dead retarded dogshit that no one with any sense of taste should admit to listening to, let alone liking.

Have you heard Thirteen? Holy fuck is that some corny shit.

Yeah, the devil, we get it.

Iron Man is probably one of his worst songs lyrically. I like a fair amount of Sabbath songs but I can also admit when they suck. Norton just kinda blindly loves his idols regardless of what they do. He's still got that same sweet little 13 year old boy mentality about Kiss and Ozzy. That being said, Sabbath is light years ahead of Kiss in every way. That brand of Cartoon-rock makes me nauseas.

Ozzy doesn't write the lyrics for 99% of the songs. And I dont have an issue with the lyrical content for most of them. Honestly, in my opinion, the first three albums don't have a bad track on them and the fourth album only has one and it's Changes.

After the first four albums the rest with Ozzy is hit and miss, there isn't a complete album after four. I really did like 13, i thought it sounded like where they left off after the first four.

Also.... Fuck KISS, they have never been good and I hope Gene fucking dies.

I like Changes actually, but otherwise I totally agree.


Yeah Iron Man is pretty dated, but it also is probably their oldest song. I prefer Ozzy's solo stuff.

I still laugh when I think about the time (one of many) when Jimmy was trashing Led Zeppelin's use of fantasy in their music. Opie immediately got a guy on the phone who said (paraphrasing), "Yeah, Black Sabbath would NEVER make a song named like, oh I don't know... "The Wizard"? Jimmy's defense of all things Black Sabbath and Ozzy is sad, funny, and brilliant all at the same time.

Ha I remember that call. It was great. Jimmy is such a lil fanboy.

Heh. Reading those song titles reminds me of when I was around thirteen. We used to think that Black Sabbath was cool because the local biker gang, Lucifer's Motorcycle Club MC, played Sweetleaf and The Wizard a lot at their clubhouse. We got over it by the time we were fifteen.

EDIT: Which was the same time we realized that "MC" stood for "Motorcycle Club."

Haha yeah I'm 28 so that music is before my time but my father collected records so I heard all of that shit in the 80s/90s when I was growing up. My father was the same way though. He liked Kiss and Sabbath when he was in his teens and thought it was rebellious to listen to "the devil's music." I do still like the song "The Writ" by Sabbath though.


It's weird that his two favorite bands are so diametrically opposed in quality. Having Sabbath and Kiss as your favorite rock groups is kinda like having Wu-Tang Clan and MC Hammer as your favorite hip-hop artists.


Yes to this, and it's pretty obvious that he's deciding his favorite bands based entirely on nostalgia. It's okay, he can do that, but I don't understand it. Nostalgia should not be a deciding factor on what's good to you.

I know people who love really really AWFUL retarded shit because they liked it as kids, and they absolutely refuse to acknowledge that it had any flaws, in fact they rationalize all the flaws into positives just because they can't look past their own nostalgia. That's usually when I tell them that they're incapable of objectively judging through their nostalgia, and I'm able to objectively judge because I'm on a higher level of thought and comprehension than they are. They usually don't like it when I say this.

^ Assburgers McGee ^

See what I mean? 8)


Worst band ever.

Reminds me of...

(Mimi Beardsley)

Haven't you done this before?

(Mimi Beardsley)

Worst name ever

(Mimi Beardsley, Mimi Beardsley)

Are you fucking any negroes.... ohhh


Fuck the down votes. I love that song.

Gene treated Jimmy like total shit at the Casino and jimmy STILL praises them. Fucking hate him for that

I agree but really though, does jimmy strike you as someone that has a ton of self respect?

Hahaha, good point

Jimmy has mentioned on the show before that he fantasized as a child that Kiss would come to his house and beat the shit out of him [throw him down the stairs, kick him in the face, etc] only to be nurturing afterwards.

Weird kid.

Yeah - but Jim would be okay with some new makeup and some performances. What grown man gives a shit about what makeup a 60 year old wears?

KISS could come out with ICP makeup on and Jimmy would still diddle his manvagina over them.

The comment that Gene said about having to earn the makeup. If it was anyone else, you could've heard jimmy scream "ewwwwwwwwwwww" from space. The fact the your a grown man talking about face paint is sad.

They're utterly awful, but I can guarantee that if I were a kid in the 70s, I would have loved them.

I don't know. Like my favorite artist, kid rock, once said "I can smell a pig from a mile away". Gene Simmons is a pig.

Oof. I wouldn't go around telling people that

Wow. You just outed yourself dude. kid rock is worse than kiss.

How can you not be a fan of baw it da baw da bang bang boogey

He called him an "artist"

One good song does not make a great artist.

Kid Rock has a good song? I don't think I've ever heard it.

You didn't like his duet with Sheryl Crow? "I put your picture away" "sat down and cried today"

Perhaps you're not familiar with the classic protest song "I am the bullgod"

Aw cmon man. He's kinda cool.

I embrace your sarcasm.

Was that some kind of joke?


It was a bit right?

My favorite from when Erock burned him 2 weeks ago

"Yeah your flies open" "My flies always open, faggot"

He used the "F-Word"? Is Fez afraid to come to work now?

Fuck haha. I got worked up and stopped scrolling. Disregard my above comment.

It's hard for people to read sarcasm.

That's fine. I'm okay with the down votes. That's the kid in me, baby.


Are you fucking kidding me?! You're shitting on KISS (who have earned their fair share of shit), yet your favorite artist is fucking Kid Rock?!?! Amazing.

I won't argue.

Also scumbag caller mentioning Kiss in the same breath as Metallica.

Well to be honest Lars is just as bad as Gene and Metallica have sucked for a pretty long time.

Yea but Metallica used to have substance, Kiss has always been gimmicky nonsense.

Metallica broke up right after their ... And Justice For All tour.

I really wish they would have some of the metallica guys on. James seems really cool and Lars could go either way.

They should ask Jim Breuer to get them in.

They could go on Safari in the studio, and hunt down the elusive Rolanbuffalo and Erockiger.

You're reaching.


Wasn't Kirk in studio quite recently? About some weird posters he collects or some shit like that. Lars has did at least one phoner.

That was a while back because I remember Danny sitting in for the interview and getting shit from callers afterward. Coincidentally KISS was also there.

Jimmy knows nothing about music he thinks R.E.M. is "Shitty Emo" music

I think Sam is manipulating the rap music too. He's doing nothing but playing really mainstream club garbage. Meanwhile there's been some excellent songs that they would absolutely enjoy, just like NWA and Biggie. Other than the nigga nigga my nigga songs.

When Jay Z figured out he could get away with rhyming nigga with nigga, it was over.

They do play the best "nigga nigga" songs though.

I realized Sam just likes stuff that teenage girls like. The only stuff on his radar are mainstream stuff whereas someone like Travis or Troy would know more of the hip music

Eh. Sam or Travis tried bringing up Kendrick Lamar one time and they weren't having a bar of him.

I cringe every single time I hear that turd talk about how great Rick Ross is. Dude's an exposed fraud. Fuck Sam and his shit taste in everything.

Jimmy made fun of the WWE and how corny The Undertaker is. But isn't being a fan of 60 year old men singing in make-up just as lame?

They're both lame.

Anthony breaking in with def leppard jibberish was pretty funny. Seemed like when they were talking about past show members being dicks it was directed at Danny.

they could never live up to their image.

I saw all the album covers as a kid, and thought they must be the most badass band ever.

Then I heard them…

Sounds like somebody didn't know how to party EVVVAAAHHHREEEDAAAYYYY!!

I'm not sure about partying during the day. But rock and roll every night is the way to go.

Duuude. The distance between the cover's promise of "Love Gun" and the actual music delivered, is the distance between a ribeye steak and a plateful of shit.

My only exposure to KISS is through the show, Gene comes across as insufferable. But I understand being tied to something from your childhood though.

You gotta let that shit go. I can barely listen to most music I enjoyed as a teen. Its good to grow. It's even better not being a Jim Flourentine.

The other day, a Twisted Sister song (I Wanna Rock) came on the radio in the gym, and I started laughing. Because it's so ridiculous, and yet in 4th grade I thought that shit was cool.

Yeah, at some point you gotta let go.

That's a song/band I hated as a kid, but actually grew to like, the older I got. Lame chorus, but catchy verses. Simple, dumb, fun.

Watch the video for that song, be prepared to cringe.

Oh, it's a classic. Total cheese, but a classic.

The song is dumb, but there's nothing cringeworthy about that video.

Dude get over yourself

"You gotta let that shit go"

"Its good to grow"


OPs not doing too well in the comments..

Yes. Its always good to hang onto everything from your youth. Also, I was being completely serious.

Why do you hang onto the youth of a 45 year old man you don't know?

Let it go, its good to grow.



Just quoting OP.


now now, let's not be so hasty to judge...the pinball machine was OK!

I can't believe Norton isn't familiar with actually good bands like Metallica, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, etc. Like what was he doing in the late 80s and 90s to have missed out on them

Poppin a couple of brewskis, probably doing some bong rips too.

Sucking some dick as well, lucky fella.

Yeah. All those good bands, and Soundgarden, and Helmet too, COC, Sepultura, Prong, White Zombie, Tool, more...He didn't have to just stick with Sabbath. It's strange.

It's not like he was in a drunken stupor. He's been sober since 1986 when he was 18 years old.

There's no excuse for him still only listening to the same shitty bands he loved in grade school.

When someone says KISS is one of their favorite bands then you know they know nothing about music. At all.

For fuck's sake Christine Sixteen is about a middle aged pedo Gene stalking a high school girl. I mean, eww.

Gene is a cunt

I agree with Opie when he said Led Zeppelin's better than Black Sabbath. Jimmy's a tool

There are people who think Black Sabbath is better than Led Zeppelin?

Well, Black Sabbath didn't steal their most famous riffs from unknown bands.

I don't hate zeppelin, but some of their shit annoys me. Plant's inflection grosses me out sometimes and some of the Lord of the Rings shit is cringeworthy. Page is mostly great, but some of his riffs are sloppy.

I'd rather listen to War Pigs or Paranoid over any LZ song.

Sabbath dabbled in Lotr shit sorta . Fairies with boots and wizards and whstnot. I love both bands and hate middle earth stuff!

EDIT: okay, I was trying to be funny but I guess Fairies wear boots was about seeing skinheads while tripping so I take it back.

I don't have a blanket hatred for fantasy or scifi references(my favorite band is Clutch and there's no shortage there), but stuff like the gollum line in Ramble On just ruins the song for me.

"The Wizzard" Is abot a LSD dealer.

idk I could still listen to hours of Zeppelin I can't get through one KISS song besides maybe "Lick It Up"

I definitely prefer Sabbath to Zeppelin, but attacking LZ's lyrics while defending Black Sabbath is crazy.

Sabbath's lyrics are atrocious. Go read the lyrics to any of their songs right now. For a legendary band they are remarkably awful.

I think it may be more the inflection combined with the lyrics rather than lyrics alone.

Jimmy thinks they're comparable I remember they had a debate one time where Opie said he could never get into Sabbath and loved Zeppelin when Jimmy was talking about how much he loved Sabbath

I didn't grow up to KISS, so they just seem like a fucking novelty band to me. There music is just dreadful.

I grew up with Kiss, AND they absolutely are a fucking novelty band. Your ears are telling you the truth.Their music is utter crap.

I was in first grade when Kiss was popular and wasn't allowed to get their albums.

I did see them on CHIPS tho :)

What's that?


Jimmy defending Gene Simmons bugs me

I usually call them "the Def Leppard of the 70s" but that's mostly only because of popularity.

They're really more like the Billy Squire of the 70s.

Listening to Kiss is like listening to a really fucking SHITTY local band that somehow got way too popular.

Disagreeing with this, only in that Billy Squier was better and heavier.

Hold the phones, reddit doesn't like something?!

If you grew up in Jimmys time you would have a different opinion on KISS. They aren't the greatest band from their time period but if you had seen them in concert you would have been blown away by the energy and production value. I think GWAR is the only recent band to successfully use the formula. Some music doesn't translate well from live performance to recording.

I would beat up KISS fans if I was a teen back then. Also, the band ghost is using the KISS formula to great success right now.

He's an old man that is nostalgic for the past. I can't fault him for that.

Black Sabbath still rules.

The Beards. I was just looking for an excuse to post this. Ausfags have turned comedy rock into an artform.

i like black diamond...

I agree that Gene is a complete fuckface, but I don't mind KISS as a band. I don't go out of my way to listen to them, but it's not one of the bands that I turn off when they're on.

I will say that if I hear Jim verbally fellating Gene Simmons again, I won't bother listening for a second time.


Also, Gene's book is some cringe-worthy shit. He basically spends half of it calling his bandmates antisemitic junkies.


Aside from an early song here and there, KISS is pretty intolerable. However, no KISS would mean no this or this.

Although, to be fair, the latter was pretty great in its original form.


Hell yes. Shannon Tweed was the Skinamax Queen from the late 80's to the mid 90's. Those breasts were amazing.


Although I don't care for them, I could certainly see why geezers like them like them. Long before the internets was there to deliver you the exact type of music you like in droves, you kinda had to take what you could get. KISS was some extreme shit for its time and most people who listen to good metal today probably would have been in the KISS army 30 years ago.

The best part of KISS is Detroit Rock City, the movie not the song.

Some of you expected uneducated perverted filthy comedian to have a good taste in music?

I always say, if "kiss" was just four four normal dudes in street clothes and you walked into a dive bar on Long Island and they were playing those exact same songs it would be one of the best live music experiences you'd ever see. They're not great musicians or songwriters by any stretch but they do a certain type of basic bar room rock pretty well. The fact that they became a phenomenon is ridiculous, the commercial whoring is embarrassing, the make up and costumes are just sad and I loathe everything about Gene and Paul as people.

The particularities of Jimmy's taste in music I'm always confounded by. In general he has really good taste in music, but then he'll say something like KISS were one of the greatest bands ever and I think what the fuck are you saying dude? Also, The Who was a really great band. He's not wrong that their clothing was faggy as fuck, but they wrote some of the best music ever. Black Sabbath is still phenomenal though.


they've been talking about them for weeks.

Remember when the boys were going over the list of nominees for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and spent 30 minutes praising Hall and Oates (a pop duo), KISS (a gimmick band), and Peter Gabriel ( a pop singer), yet when they arrived at The Replacements (a rock band), they sounded disgusted?

They're all about da hitsss.

I fucking hate avant garde - Anthony on Devo.

I can't name one KISS song. I grew up listening to hip hop. This is where this show loses me, when rock music gets discussed.

It is odd though that a band dressed up like clowns and people enjoyed that.

Kiss: Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child game was amazing. Their music is amazing. Gene is a faggot, so is OP.

I kinda liked that game but the Fucking controls were horrible.

Kiss is a kids band like Tenacious D.

The D is a comic/rock group, they aren't supposed to be taken seriously. People, like Norton and Florentine, take KISS very seriously and it's sad.

Tenacious D sucks. There, I said it.

And not sucks in the way that Primus sucks.

Disagree only because Tenacious D. is 1000x better and heavier.


Thank you. Came here to say this. Kiss blows.


Wow, you think a comic-booky band from 40 years ago is no good.

So edgy.

Hi! I'm filling in for the grammar douche today.

KISS is fucking horrible.

do i make the check out to you or him?

Service is it's own reward.

its. its own reward.

Goddman punctuation police always getting in the way of the real police work that we do here in the grammar department.

Agreed with shit stain op fuck kiss


Yeah, KISS is shit and so is Sabbath. Who listens to that crap in 2014?

Kiss yes, but you'd have to be insane to consider Sabbath shit.

I went to see Sabbath in concert this past August and I had a boner that lasted the entire show that's how great they were. It was practically a priapism.

Nothing like squeezing through a crowd with a raging hard on

I do that at Justin Bieber* concerts.

.* Is that what Anthony's girlfriend's peers listen to these days?

Go listen to the first 4 Sabbath albums and you will realize that you have no idea what you are talking about.

I don't know. Like my favorite artist, kid rock, once said "I can smell a pig from a mile away". Gene Simmons is a pig.

You gotta let that shit go. I can barely listen to most music I enjoyed as a teen. Its good to grow. It's even better not being a Jim Flourentine.



They're both scumbags

That's fine. I'm okay with the down votes. That's the kid in me, baby.

Poppin a couple of brewskis, probably doing some bong rips too.

Just quoting OP.

Yeah. All those good bands, and Soundgarden, and Helmet too, COC, Sepultura, Prong, White Zombie, Tool, more...He didn't have to just stick with Sabbath. It's strange.

It's not like he was in a drunken stupor. He's been sober since 1986 when he was 18 years old.

There's no excuse for him still only listening to the same shitty bands he loved in grade school.