Does Anyone Have the Videos/Pictures They Discussed Today?

2  2014-03-25 by [deleted]

I think the Russian "Euro-Trash" thing and the hunting pictures. I have no idea what they were watching it was just techno music and I assume it's like parkour or something but does anyone know where I can find the vids I don't use Facebook


This is the video of the people walking on the dangerous wall.

Easy way to find the clips they talk about on the show is

thanks so much

Possibly Queeb,

Probably Quay.



I found this on Twitter. I think it's what you're looking for.

@OandAshow: Now we're watching this video of a walkway around an old mountain

Here's another link they put up today:

@OandAshow: We're watching video of these people BASE jump from One World Trade Center

Uno mas:

@OandAshow: Thanks to the listener who turned us on to the Stairway to Heaven in Hawaii
