0  2014-03-25 by [deleted]

Meanwhile other people who have said pause: Jimmy, Anthony, Louis CK, Colin Quinn, Brian Regan, Richard Pryor, Greg Giraldo, Patrice O'Neal, George Carlin, Alonzo "Hamburger" Jones, Paolo Serpieri, Doug Stanhope, Dennis Falcone, God (last two are redundant).

Of the last 3 O&A clips I've listened to, Jimmy has said "pause" about 800,000 (net) times more than Opie ever has. Apparently it's some sort of verbal command, but I'm not sure what its purpose is. They WERE watching a video at the time, and the video was playing, and when they said this odd word, the video stopped playing, but it's probably not related, because one time Opie made a joke that wasn't very good, so I know there's no purpose to the word "pause" even when Opie's not the one saying it. Does anyone know what hospital Opie was born at, so we can travel back in time and kill him as a baby, because sometimes his jokes aren't very good and therefore I hate him eternally beyond all control to a degree that's kind of confusing and disturbing and sad to anyone who reads my shitty ass fuck worthless cunt bitch whining ass bitch posts?

I dunno sometimes when it comes to complaints about Opie, people are really just................

pitchin a fit.


you guys talkin about pause so much it's like we're in the zoo or sumthin

"That's a very salient point, Chip" - CQ

Dennis has never said pause you lying piece of shit

Unless he says "I dont pause the hits on 60s on 6"

So he doesn't say pause but then that's a thing where he would say pause, a complete contradiction in the timespan of 13 seconds!!!!!

Well i dont know if he says that. I was just commenting maybe that is where he might say it.

As long as we agree that Alonzo "Hamburger" Jones has definitely said it.

All those bullets are from HATERS

I'm just as annoyed when Jimmy says "EXACTLY" 10 times a show.



PAUSE doesn't annoy me but HOOOLLD ONN!!!!!! does

Listening to the show right now. Shut your fucking cock holster, Opie!

One thing that annoys me about Opie that he's done multiple times: He ruins a good bit that has a potential for gold by choosing to switch to shit.

Example: the boys beginning to watch the Room and wound up talking to two black holes for about 30-40 minutes because Opie called them in.

This infuriated me to no end. I had just reseen The Room for the first time from beginning to end that same week so I was really amped they were gonna watch it and comment on air, then Opi sees two dumb black broads walk by the studio and insist on bringing them in so they can plug whatever awful shit they were there to plug. Things like that are why i fucking hate the guy, he steers the ship to shit.



me too bro. glad we're on the same page.

My favorite part is that the entire sentence about the hospital was directly making fun of you, and you're here just completely unaware of it.

You're sort of like Lady Di without the Natty Ice.

who am I? MartysucksMcFly? Im aware of your shit sarcasm. Its awful.

Oh phew you must actually be a very smart person who doxxed Opie because you don't like him on the show and prompted a mod post on this subreddit. I guess I had you pegged all wrong!

I knew a jhohcable once upon a time. I think it was the aol messenger name of a guy on livejournal. Is that you? If so, tell me the name of the blonde crazy girl with glasses. You know the one.

Well not her real name, but I called her sasy.

There you go. We know each other, after a fashion.

This isn't a good sign, pretty much everyone she knew hated me for dumping her (instead of marrying her like I should have).

I didn't know her. I knew you. I only remember her from your posted aol chats. AND THEN THERE WAS MUCH CAPS LOCK SARCASM.

Boy those good old days. But so much has changed now (nothing changed).

But you're still fighting the good fight with dickheads who obsess over a radio show where they hate one of the hosts.

Boy do they hate them hosts.

I don't even disagree about Openy that much, he's kind of a doofus sometimes, but the amount of mad that people get at him is just funny to me.

you're the one coming across like an idiot. i never 'doxxed' opie you stupid mother fucker. the guy who made that comment wasn't a Mod and said later on in that thread he didnt think people were that stupid to believe him. egg on your face faggot.

You sound upset.


Your name is "opiesucks" and all your posts are about how much you hate opie.

I win. 8)

haha whats to win? you connected my name to what i do. welcome to this subreddit detective.


yea i hate when Ant says THE all the time, what a fucking unoriginal prick....

That can't be the only thing.. period!

Think it's just his voice/accent that makes it grating.

Jimmy politely asks 'pause', Opie bellows 'PWWWWAAAAAAUUUUSSSEEE!".

Let me reset this for the new listeners...


Ahhh the only thing better than a complaint about Opie is a complaint about complaints about Opie. Hey maybe Sam will see this post and he'll tell the Opster that you were defending him and next thing ya know you'll be 4th mic!


BBQ? Bad Boy Quin? Bare Bottom Queer? I feel out of touch.