Opie Totally Gets Monty Python

13  2014-03-25 by MrSerialX


I'm glad there isn't audio recorded of all the times I've lied and contradicted myself over the years.

What is there to get about Monty Python? It's just comedy.

He's a chameleon. DeRosa is here? Lets pretend to hate Monty Python to relate to him. Now it's just Ant? Lets pretend to like Monty Python.

It's like im reliving highschool.

Is this your channel, it's my fucking new favorite youtube channel!!!

That's the bit guys.


Who cares?

Opie isn't always as funny as the other guys on the show, so let's obsess about how much we hate him to a creepy degree.

Yeah.... That's what we DOOOOOO!

I'm surprised that he's seen The Meaning of Life. I've never met an American that even knew about Monty Python films that weren't The Holy Grail.

I think a good deal of Americans that are fans of The Holy Grail also know Life of Brian.

Maybe... I'm sorry if what I said sounded rude or insulting to Americans. It was just something that I have noticed. I was not trying to be one of those 'hurr durr americans is dumb' people.

They're all a bunch of cigarettes here.

No I understand. It's a very niche thing here. I guess I was just lucky to be introduced at a young age so I could foster an appreciation for this type of comedy, which I love.

Also, that wasn't really an insult. People should stop down voting that comment.

Or, I guess, who gives a fuck about down votes? But that wasn't a slight against Americans.

I own the entire Flying Circus set. But its more a status thing. I just pretend that I get it.

Ant and Jimmy have mentioned the Mr. Creosote skit like a hundred times.