That mugger is a hero

1  2014-03-24 by RzK

If it wasn't for that mugger, Lady Di would be out drinking every night and boozing up more than usual with that money.


Sam was the mugger.

Whoo Kid and Black Earl helped him

Whoo Dat!

It was a Migger.

The mugger was actually trying to help Lady Di out, in her drunken haze she dropped her pocket book and he went to return it to her, but after she turned around and saw her face he panicked and ran.

Her story telling was so infuriating I started punching the arm-rest of my sofa in a fit of rage.

Why won't she fuckin kill herself? She's almost at retirement age, and has less job experience than a 20 year old.

The second I heard Bill say she already has beer but drove drunk to the liquor store to get more was the final straw where I lost any bit of sympathy for her... the fact that some of the money was staff donating to her is also a piss off. I have more respect for Bobo than her.

Bill gave some good info, but raised a good question.

How did she blow through almost $30,000 in about a year?