Anyone else think Anthony is the funniest person on the show?

81  2014-03-21 by [deleted]

When I look back at the show and its funniest moments, it really puts it into perspective on how big of a role Anthony plays in most things hilarious. Racial stuff aside, he has the quickest comebacks of anyone I've heard and just delivers on laughs day after day. He can make even the most mundane stuff seem hilarious and has encyclopedic knowledge on the most obscure things.

Opie is great because he knows how to work a radio show and keep it going, Jim is a good support mic, but in my opinion, Anthony is the real comedic talent of the show.

I'd actually put him above a majority of comics on the show when it comes to delivering strong material, maybe even higher than Louie and rivaling that of Patrice (god bless his soul) when you take all things into account. I could never see him doing standup or comedy writing, but when it comes to the funniest people in media today, I'd say he definitely deserves a spot up there.


Anthony is the funniest but he is also a piece of shit

Ant is the Walter White, Don Draper of radio. No redeeming quality whatsoever but likeable as hell.

I dunno if I'd throw Don Draper in there really. Maybe Tony Soprano would fit a little better.

It's a very difficult situation

Isn't likability a redeeming quality?

You really need to get over it Danny.


you jelly?

You 14?

You lose your puppy?

Anthony is the funniest conservative lifetime NRA member I've ever heard.

This is fact. Conservatives are generally extremely unfunny.

Nick Dipaolo, or Colin Quinn?

Oooh you named 2 comics. Mitchull is totally wrong huh? /s

I don't give a shit about politics dude, go argue with someone else.

Colin Quinn doesn't wear his soul on his sleeve. Dipaolo is in the same category as Vos for me. I don't really care for him.

CQ thanks you for giving a care

Most comedians are ultraliberal as fuck so any comedian who is a conservative is unwelcome (YOU SEE THIS IT MEANS NOT WELCOME, microphone tattoo)

pffff typical brainwashed lib





stanhope is libertarian

but i bet you only listen to fag alt comics making star war references and being PC

I agree that Anthony is the funniest. I'm kind of getting sick of Jim Norton and its making me really miss Patrice.

Jim thrives when the subject matter can be turned dirty or dark, Ant can drop an obscure show reference like his Captain Queeg 'Strawberries" line the day Sal got waxed and destroy the entire room.


i like where this account is going

Also being funny comes from intelligence. Anthony is really freaking smart like he knows all these random facts and he's the only one who understands what scientists like Neil Degrasse Tyson are saying(Jimmy pretends to understand). Anthony is just a genius in general

FYI, Anthony gets his knowledge from Star Trek.

Anthony is really smart and has a freakishly good memory, but I doubt he's a genius. He just picks his spots and knows his limits. Opie tends to talk out of the anus, knowing all the while that he's full of it, and he's just filling up space/throwing out a topic in hopes of finding some material. Anthony only acts informational/knowledgeable when it comes to facts/topics he can be confident about. If he forced himself to talk about things he didn't know ahead of time, he'd sound less like a genius and more like a quick guy who's lacking information... (Jim Norton?) Ant's role on the show allows him to sound smarter than he is, not hatin here, I'm just saying.

Downvotes, please and thank you.

Hmmm you might have a point but I remember times when impromptu discussions about race, politics, science, etc. with Patrice and Anthony would almost always have memorized facts ready

I consider a genius to be someone who can provide original thought, regardless of memorizing stats. Again, not hating on Anthony because the guy is amazing. It's just that he holds existing ideas, a shockingly impressive reservoir of them, then uses Bill Burr's "I'm Right dot com" to support himself. Compare that to, say, Patrice (not really the sort to ballwash him, but hey). Patrice would provide unique insight, not based in anyone else's views, but in his personal experience. Then he'd back himself with logic and common sense. I'm not assuming Patrice is a genius because probably he had a lot of stuff completely wrong, lol. My point is only that Ant would have to produce a novel concept, IMO, to be a genius. Otherwise, he's just a brutally funny, very smart guy.

Patrice had facts. Ant usually had talking points.

Did you mean he talks out of where the doodie comes out?

A genius? I mean, I think he's funny and has great timing; that said, he's got all the time in the world to look up stuff and memorize talking points because he truly does nothing else when he leaves the show and goes home. To quote Patrice, "Ant, I thought you went into a coffin on Friday afternoon and came out Monday morning".

So yeah, if I had all the time in the world, I'd sure sound smart too.

This also explains why Opie is not funny.

No, that's not even remotely accurate.

Ant skims topics, and knows enough about some subjects to fake his way through. He doesn't really go in depth with much, compared to Joe Rogan, or some of the other people who come in. Ant's not stupid, at all, but he's not disciplined enough to truly research and master any subject, unless it's something like his drones, or guns, or putting a studio together - then once he gets to a certain spot, he gets bored, and walks away. He's smart enough to read the headlines when something in astronomy comes up, but he has no real in depth knowledge about things, and he's wrong quite often. But like he says - in front of microphone = fucking genius. Random facts don't make you intelligent, it just means you have a good memory.

I've seen nothing "genius" from Anthony, and I'm a big fan of his. I'd like to think he'd agree. He keeps up with Degrasse Tyson for the most part, but Tyson dumbs it down big time on the show. If Tyson started talking about it in the real technical language of his chosen field, they'd all be lost in a heartbeat. That's why Michio Kaku dumbs it down for them, too.


Honestly Anthony has made me laugh my ass off more than anyone else I've ever listened to besides Patrice

imo jimmy is funnier when he wants to be the comedian of the show instead of the socially outraged/political soapbox horseshit but thats getting further and farther in between BY THE MONTH

Jim got me into the show. Ant is what keeps me around. The sickest part about Anthony is that he makes it look easy, then all us dumb fuck fans think WE could do it to. No. Imagine talking for four hours a day and keeping it entertaining for 20 years? Fucks no. Ant is the most underrated entertainer I know of. He Carson tier. And I stand by that.

Funniest people in O&A History

  • Patrice/Colin tie
  • Anthony
  • Jimmy
  • Everyone Else

No Ron Bennington? When he's in they're on their game. Every time.

Ron fucking destroys people. If Colin and him tag teamed tears would be had.

Ron is the most talented person in radio

Honestly, I'm not a big R&F fan...but almost everything Ron touches is gold.

I enjoy his interviews very much.

Patrice has his own tier. Let's be honest here.

I agree, he wasn't just the funniest guy in the room but he was pretty good at the radio support role.


Actually you're right Jim Jefferies, Louis CK, Burr, and even Vos and Bobby deserve to be on the list.


No Dennis Motha Fucking FALCONE.

Your list is invalid.


patton funnier than colin, are you fucking insane....

  1. patrice, colin
  2. attell
  3. anthony, burr
  4. norton, kelly, jefferies,vos, etc

No Dave Attel? He's somewhere between 3 and 4.


Agreed this is the perfect list. Although I think Opie is definitely funnier than Joe DeRosa even though I really like Joe

Yeah that is a good point, I'd actually place Opie above all 3 (Vos/Bobby/Derosa) if you take into account his phone hangups/cake stomp/evil opie

I also consider Erock and Sam who aren't necessarily funny but their involvement created so many hilarious moments

Definitely. without Sam we wouldn't have a lot of good bits. Hell, just in the last 2 weeks Sam was responsible for bringing us Cakehorn and the Lady Di internship (via Colin). He is definitely underrated. E-rock has been slacking lately (well, he is always slacking I guess) he but has a golden history

Sam is the perfect "strawman" to argue the worst things, so it gives others an opportunity to tee off on the subject/person.

Sam's laugh is great

If anyone remembers the Billy Burr bit on adventure vacation excursions in foreign countries, that was pure gold!

i'd put burr above jimmy


I love Burr, but imagine 4 hours of him every day...

I listen to him an hour a week, MMP baby!

I love his stand up comedy so I thought I'd enjoy his mmp. WRONG. It's just a rambling typical bostonian shitting on anything remotely intellectual. Some funny moments but it's not worth it.

Whenever I listen to Burr or Dipaolo's podcasts I am just waiting for them to start yelling about something pretty much.

I think he's the best standup doing comedy right now. No question. But I definitely enjoy his mmp more than his standup.

I'd love every second of it.

Good point, I'd put that freckled nut bag higher

uninformed was great

Woahhhh....Nick Dipaolo IMO is up there with Colin and Patrice

Every one of Jay Mohr and Jim Bruer's appearances were comedy gold back in the NEW days.

I wish more people knew about these...

Jimmy shouldn't even be on the list, when you start factoring in Vos, Louis, and Nick Dipaolo.

You would never hear Ant bitching about shows that didn't sell out.

Every show would be like Michael Richards last show.

And most racially insightful. 8)

Everyone who does that show raves about how amazing Anthony is. He is fucking lights out man. When he's riffing and he's on, it's just gold.

Edit: spelling.

Hands down... And the smartest. He's extremely well educated for a high school drop out

Saying he's the smartest out of that bunch is not really that much of a compliment.

He also has a gigantic, throbbing, veiny italian billy-club-cock

I've always noticed during interviews he's the one that makes the guest truly laugh. He's can put guests at ease in seconds. Without him, interviews are kind of stilted and typical radio show stuff.

I'm glad he's been off the racial/political stuff recently. Those were some dark months.

Eugenics was the true low point

He is great, but then again he is Anthony from the Opie & Anthony show, so of course he is great at what he does. He is on 4 hours every day and has funny or interesting things to say about almost every topic, and even when he doesn't, his delivery is usually still very enjoyable. He is one of those dudes who could read a phone book and make it sound hilarious. Anthony rules.

I think having so much air time could go one of two ways: either you wear yourself out and get dull and redundant, or else you refine your craft and develop a superior on-air presence. Anthony is a glorious example of the latter scenario. I'm no radio historian, but I think the only person who's done a better job of this than Ant, is Ron Bennington. That man is always fresh, he's amazing.

Ron Bennington once did a show all by himself because his cohost was doing some "Fez is Silent" bit, his staff was too hung over to function and Black Earl had another one of his "fainting spells". It was probably one of the best R&F shows ever.

Ronnie B and the Mandog

Thanks, I'm still new to R&F. This is really incredible

This is hands-down my favorite episode ever. I could listen to it over and over again and it's great every time. It's one reason why Ronnie B. is a legend - he can do a 4-hour show and just ramble, and it's still amazing radio.

Commenting to listen tommorrow

Yes, and it's not even close.

That dude is hilarious He also has me saying "yeah is it reasonable" all the time

What's that line from?

Fargo. When the Francis (forget her last name), the women cop asked for a place to eat in Minneapolis, someone gives her a recommendation. She then says "oh yea, is it reasonable?"

Thanks for cluing me into that reference. I need to watch Fargo again.

Ant would be an amazing stand-up comedian if there was a way to have Opie keeping the pace to move him along. Otherwise he'd riff on the same joke for an hour.

As much as people hate him, Opie is the secret sauce that makes Ant so funny. Otherwise, you get a shitshow like LFTC.

then why is every nopie show fucking hilarious?

LFTC is great (when it's not just karaoke).

Ant doesn't need Opie.

ding ding ding

that's the sound of Ant knocking tin

AH HA HA HA (punchline) HA HA HA

Of course he is. Are you Maid Marion? We're all giving SXM our petty cash to hear the wisdom of The Great Leader. Imagine that world. Funniest show ever anchored by acid attacked faceman.

I think a lot of why Ant is so funny is his comedic timing. On top of that, his references are usually pretty good, his impersonations are spot on, and his improv is also solid. You actually hear Jimmy laugh REALLY hard are a lot of Ant's jokes and I feel like Jimmy is usually sincere in his reaction.

He can say the smallest thing and I'll start laughing harder than I can explain. One of my favorites is when anybody named "John" calls in. All he has to do is say, "Hi John" in that squeaky old-lady voice and I absolutely lose it. Was one of my favorite bits from back in the day.

He'a funny fuck -- period.

By fucking far...

He's also an AMAZING impressionist. Every time he drops a Jesse Ventura or a Nixon I'm usually hoping he won't stop, because I'm cracking up.

The QUICKEST wit I've heard is Adam Carolla, but Ant is definately second and as far as the show goes, he's easily the funniest. If he did stand up he could surpass Jim's level of success in about 2 years.


"BREAKING NEWS" (Said in Opie's one and only imitation voice.)



He has his moments.

yes, i do.

He doesn't really have much competition w/o Jimmy on, but Jim is just a bit funnier. Anthony, though, has consistently made professional comedian guests howl.

Funniest regular. Love his insight and rants. Just goes off on the most random things like FiOS movies and politics.


your mom is funnier

Anthony is even funny in his sleep.

Can someone explain to me what you "le Redditors" find so funny about Patrice? You people are talking about him like he was a god but all he ever did was be loud and struggle to put a sentence together. Do you really all find it hilarious when they're arguing and one of them keeps screaming HOLD ON A MINUTE....HOOLLLLLDDDD OOOON AA MMIIINNUUUUTE....HOOOLLDD OOOONN AAAAA MIIIINUTE over what the other guy is trying to say? Was it the fact that he said "niglets" a lot?

(God bless his soul)

Yeah, that was exactly it.

Guess you don't get funny, suck to be you 0_-

Jimmy is quicker, or used to be.

Anthony really is a disgusting person. But he is funny as hell. That being said I still think Jimmy's funniest.


Ronnie B is a an awesome force in radio but there is only one Anthony. He's the man. I can't imagine the firepower Anthony would have with Ronnie B. It would be electric.


jim is better on radio than ant, when he wants to be he can be amazing, but ant while he can be funny its usually predictable and him having a bunch of knowledge from watching tv doesnt make him this scholar some people make him out to be, he's a shut in what else is he supposed to do but absorb random knowledge?

Choosing between Vos and am empty chair, I would choose the empty chair every time. I'm almost willing to say Levy would be a better guest than Vos...almost.

yeah i agree, people say Vos is pretty funny, but he's only funny the same way Lady Di... he just says stupid shit and the boys rag on him. And his insults are about 9/10 misses.

I love this. The OP started posting on here 2 days ago. Yes, Anthony is funny. We all like him. Incidentally, I learned from my 3rd grader today that apparently slavery was wrong.

Fargo. When the Francis (forget her last name), the women cop asked for a place to eat in Minneapolis, someone gives her a recommendation. She then says "oh yea, is it reasonable?"

Hmmm you might have a point but I remember times when impromptu discussions about race, politics, science, etc. with Patrice and Anthony would almost always have memorized facts ready

Ant doesn't need Opie.

You 14?

then why is every nopie show fucking hilarious?

Did you mean he talks out of where the doodie comes out?

LFTC is great (when it's not just karaoke).

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