Listen to all 5 days of Lady Di's internship—totalling 14 hours—via this single YouTube playlist.

68  2014-03-21 by stevenknight


Steven I wanna suck your dick and it ain't even gay

I hope you have a wonderful weekend, you saint! This is just want I wanted to listen to while doing some yard work this weekend. Thanks!

Steven Knight, you rule

O&A's staff deserve a medal for dealing with that daughter of a Water Buffaler all week

I thought Dr. Frankenstein was her father?


I'm sorry to correct you, but it's a Buffler.

you mean mother of one?

Her father buffled water and his father before him buffled water


She was in the Navy?

Yeah. A random caller, Anthony* from Long Island, couldn't believe it either. Said he knew her for 15 years, and it was the first he heard of it.

Love the hour long compilations Steven. It helps my day so much I just listen to it on my iPhone when I'm driving, doing hw, jogging, etc. Thanks so much your channel is the best

This playlist is going to be slightly depressing when they find her like Chris Farley on the ground in a few weeks or less

Seriously, this week was depressing, and she ain't even dead yet.

I felt like I was listening to a downward spiral of her life, as its slipping away.

(I feel this is the most morbid comment I think I've made on reddit to date.)

<3 you stevie

He's a sweet boy.

He can be silly at times though.

Her existence tests our sanity.

Goddamnit Stevie you're a peach


You would figure that with a 14 hour work week Opie would be a happier guy.

I listen to these over and over all week with the online app and I can say I was glue to it cause every second some gold mine like her being booted from the navy can come out.

Worst fucking bit ever.








Tard overload!

Where's my cyanide pill Rx, Dr Drew?

Thank you, Steve Knight.

you're a saint

Thanks Steve, really appreciate it. I can listen to this when my family come and visit for the weekend!

How about no.

(I'm not criticizing the efforts for the youtube link...thats awesome....this was the hardest week for me to listen to ever.)

Im still wanting to try this Full English Breakfast Bobo has been raving about

I've skipped 4 workouts this week to listen to these every day. I can see how most O&A fans are fat messes now.

Save the videos and then listen while workingout...thats what i do :)

how do you find the time for all of this?

Way to turn lemonade into lemons.

shut up stupid

Nice try Sirius XM

Seriously, this week was depressing, and she ain't even dead yet.

I felt like I was listening to a downward spiral of her life, as its slipping away.

(I feel this is the most morbid comment I think I've made on reddit to date.)