Anyone else feel really sorry for Lady Di being humiliated with that "makeover"?

0  2014-03-21 by BoboOrbani2

I've been having a blast all this week, but for some reason her getting that Saw makeover really made me feel sorry for her. It seems just really humiliating and demeaning to me. I don't know why that dumb make-up makes me so uncomfortable, but it does. I just want to hug her.

She's proven a sweetheart as well as a complete retard, and I hope she does complete a rehab and turns her life around.


She's kinda in on it. She bragged about it excitedly when Marion was on the phone. She knows what her role is and plays along. You can also see this in the video when she asks for $7000 for her shirt. There was also that staged Bobo bit that Erock blew.

That staged Bobo bit bothered me. Opie admitted they were going to pretend that Lady Di brought him up. Just how many setups are they faking, I wonder.

Plenty. It's a radio show

But don't they always talk down about staged / planned bits? Are they doing it seriously and at face value or is it tongue in cheek?

They talk down hacky stuff. Of course a lot of stuff is just a bit, it's a radio show. There isn't a radio show in existence that doesn't plan stuff out.

Planning out radio bits is so grody.

That's radio, do you think all the guests just wander in there? That shit is planned, along with 80% of the rest of the show.

Yeah, but there is a different in planning how the show will run and telling Bobo to call and then pretend on-air that you didn't. One's necessary and the other's phony.

Yeah, that's some howard stern shit.

Does it really matter? Do you laugh at the bits ? Then who cares if they are genuine or setup.

Fucking relax and enjoy some laughs

you mean you dont believe she took it in the shitter every weekend?

A good portion of Di's lines are fed to her by Sam. That shit about sharks was straight out of Sam's mouth.

you must be new here

Shit, when did Erock fuck up the Bobo bit? I've seen it mentioned but haven't heard it.

It was going to be a surprise to jimmy considering his discontent with the boy.

more importantly, Lady Di isnt going through withdrawal systems. Gotta love her!

If it involved bobo I'm glad piggy boy screwed it up

I laugh at it now after knowing how she handled it, but when they said they'd be giving her a makeover I was kinda excited to see what they'd be able to do with that face of hers. I'm a girl though so I shoulda known that that'd be something majority of the audience wouldn't give a fuck about. Ah well.

I thought it was going to be a real makeover too, which I thought would have been hysterical to see what she'd really look like if she took care of herself. They went the easy route and it was less funny to me, because they could have had her hit on people if she was dressed up. The stupid clown makeup is funny for a second, but thinking of her trying to wash it off in a bathroom somewhere is somehow more sad than funny / cringe.

Yeah they were on this roll with helping her and expressing concern, I thought the makeover was just something nice they were doing. I agree with it being sad though, day of I thought it was alright cuz she handled it like a champ, but then today when she was talking about how they made her go out in public with it I felt really bad. She can't go in the bathroom, but someone could at least give her some paper towels with soap and water so she could wipe it off before leaving the building. The bit was over by then, so what's the difference to them?

You know what show you're listening to, right?

I know, but I feel as if that awful make-up crossed the line from fun and funny to grotesque and demeaning. Especially since they knew she was banned from the washrooms.

You know what show you're listening to, right?


Watch out, you're a PSYCHO like the Opster

It's not real dude. Chill.

It's pretty obvious that Lady Di does have some mental problems, it's also pretty clear that she's playing up the role for the show. Sam has been feeding her lines, and Erock fucked up another bit with Bobo.

It's just a show man, don't take it so seriously that you feel sorry for any of them.

Hurr durr don't feel human emotions

Cry some more.


You could reply to any comment in this subreddit with that, and make the world a better place, but who would be left to complain?

Edit: Oh, lol, you are basically doing just that.


No she loves it. Shes a drunk that does nothing with her life, and for some reason is a part of a huge radio show. What do you think people say when Di tells them that shes "good friends" with colin quin?

There's no moral middle-ground with this show

Moral, I remember that word, it's a type of fish right? I don't think anyone there is trying to be moral or immoral, they are thinking about career vs unemployed, rules/laws, providing entertainment, and doing their jobs.

No, I think morals are a kind of tooth.

Yeah, that sounds about right, I think I had my wisdom and moral teeth removed. Let's talk about how much we hate the people we are in this subreddit because of.

What do you mean? I think I'm expressing that.

Maybe you should something something shotgun.

something something Kevorkian. Something something bullet.

Yeah, for a brief instant I think about how shitty her life must be and that its sad she's become this way. I quickly brush that aside because being on the show for better or worse is actually good for her. She made money, had some human interaction, got out of the house, and whether or not people laugh at her or with her, she's around people that aren't alright with her self-destructing behavior. It's win-win here for all of us.


It's mostly fake. I was getting a little douched out today because I could actually hear the marker squeaks of someone writing lines today. That, and I could hear Di talking to Sam nearly the whole show. I know Di is a mess, but this is still at least 60% bit

How did the writing lines upset you? The whole bit is that Di is getting fed lines.

I don't understand when people complain about an obvious bit, like that female caller who was complaining about Marion talking over people. That's exactly what they're going for, because they're pushing that idea.

It's not that they're writing lines/Di being in on it/etc., it's that they're not even trying to hide the bit. It really took me out of the theater of my imagination.

I see. I guess I see it as entertainment first and reality 2nd. I see most of it as bits and time fillers, that's why I don't nitpick and Jimmy's dumb rants don't bother me as much, etc.

Same here. The dastardly Sam Roberts kept making her call everyone "Frank" after she messed up that first time. Line feeding is great, but that was just faking her bumbling nature. Yet they complain about fake reality TV and Jocktober bits.

She didnt mess up the first time, Sam told her to call him Frank


It's just... disturbing.... and funny... and yes, I think she was ok with it.

Why feel sorry for her? The attention is the best thing to ever happen to her.

It made me feel sorry for me for the trauma of seeing a photo of it.

P.S. I'd trade 100 Lady Di's for getting back one Tippy Tom.

Look at it this way: spending an entire week with Di has given us insight into the depths of her health problems. The show staff has publicly begged her to get help. Where else was someone going to intervene in this way?

Compare this to The Howard Stern Show where the staff wouldn't permit a wack packer on air without getting them completely bombed first. Howard essentially let Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf drink himself into an early grave. (He denies this vehemently, but it's obviously true).

Though he denies it, Howard let Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf drink himself into an early grave.

And almost killed Artie. I got sick when I saw the video of Artie falling asleep on that tiny couch in the studio and Howard just laughing it off. How could you not see Artie was on heroin right there.

He also treats Beet pretty shittily. He has cried in studio multiple times when he obviously didn't want to go on air, but it seems like his handler and the show's staff made him. Howard is a shitty person.

...and now that he's high society, he's completely and utterly disowned the wack pack. He simply pretends they don't exist.

I guess Beetlejuice was hard to explain at Hampton soirees.

Has he? I stopped listening months ago, couldn't take it anymore. The only thing I was enjoying was Eric the Midget and that's about the only thing I miss from the show. Now that you mention it, since he went PG, I only remember fake bigfoot being in all the time and not a lot of wackpackers.

She's in on the bit, and comparably to things they've done in the past this was mild as fuck. Go listen to the time they ripped Stalker Patti's wig from her head. Really though I'm not bothered by any of it. Lady Di has chosen not to take responsibility for her life. She was a semi-attractive grown adult with a good job, and son, and she threw it all away. She's the grown adult that chose this path. No one forced her to start drinking, and not work like the rest of us. I have zero pity for her, and if it weren't for the fact she's absolute gold to the O&A show I wouldn't care if she lived or not. I mean I know its a little heartless, and I wish her the best but feeling sorry for her I will not. I feel more sorry for her son who's probably humiliated by his mother. I hope to God that kid isn't a listener. Also, O&A offered her help and she couldn't give a shit. O&A believe it or not have helped people on the show get sober before. They tried to get Tippy Tom sober, and they got Homeless Mustard clean. Mustard is still sober.

no. I laughed until I shartled

If you feel sorry for her because they put goofy makeup on her, you're probably going to feel even worse for her when they find out her gut is mostly swelling from fatal liver damage.

i think most of us here would wear that make up just to sit in the studio for a week :P call me crazy

She won't go to rehab cause she doesn't care, she's like penny from that 600 lbs monster show.


Ugh shut the fuck up.

The visual of lady Di in SAW make-up just being there and surprising Rick as he walked in made me howl.

You know what show you're listening to, right?

They talk down hacky stuff. Of course a lot of stuff is just a bit, it's a radio show. There isn't a radio show in existence that doesn't plan stuff out.

Planning out radio bits is so grody.

Yeah, but there is a different in planning how the show will run and telling Bobo to call and then pretend on-air that you didn't. One's necessary and the other's phony.

Does it really matter? Do you laugh at the bits ? Then who cares if they are genuine or setup.

Fucking relax and enjoy some laughs