Has the show been as good as ever this week?

0  2014-03-20 by Hyper_Polian

Has the show been as good as ever this week?


For the most part, it's definitely been a classic week so far. Lots of stuff from it will be referenced for years.

Sure it has. Not in recent memory, but it certainly was consistent for many years. 2005 had several times where it'd be a fantastic week-long stretch of shows, sometimes with Patrice or Burr being in every day.

It's been a very good week of radio, though.

A lot of that style of show (guest comic 3rd mic) occurred when Jimmy would leave to film Lucky Louie.

EDIT: Yep 2005. I retract my post and go fuck myself.


The show reached a few all time lows this week. Who knew the daily adventures of a drunk would be boring.

Sucking up to a porn star and making fun of someone disgusting. It would make Howard Stern wince with embarrassment.

The current Howard Stern show should be sponsored by /r/cringe.


they certainly have their best week of interviews. she missed teman though, and the interview promptly failed.

I've fully switched to OandA the last year, and I have to say this had been a great week. I love the interviews and the fact that Lady Di is probably one of the few people that can frustrate the Fuck out the guys has been great!!!

It cant be the best because of the way they handled the first half of the Belle Knox interview.

When they've had Patrice for most of the week before, yes.


This has been the BEST week of radio on any show in any genre on any platform. Today was like the icing on the cake. What a fantastic show, Opie and Anthony forever you negative scallaboons.

Aside from the Belle Knox abortion, the show has been great this week.

No, it's never been this good. Personally, I think it's great because listening has evoked a wide variety of emotional responses in us. One minute we laugh, then we feel pity for this train wreck of a woman.

Even with your shit calls from last week still tainting the Lady Di 'ship it's been incredible radio, Lady trucker.

I didn't call.

Nailed it. Have to listen after work because the vibe will fuck with my approach with clients.

Nailed it. Have to listen after work because the vibe will fuck with my approach with clients.

The current Howard Stern show should be sponsored by /r/cringe.


Even with your shit calls from last week still tainting the Lady Di 'ship it's been incredible radio, Lady trucker.