What is up with all the downloadable episodes disappearing from the app?

2  2014-03-20 by Derpese_Simplex


the entire on demand option seems to be down. its sucks!


On demand looks to be working through the web yet the mobile app doesn't show the same data and it also deletes all downloaded content. Just incredible a company of this size having these type of problems for a service they're making customers pay for.

Ever try using Time Warner Cable's mobile app? Or internet? Or cable?

Yeah, I've used the internet, as a system analyst you kinda gotta be able to do that. They have it working on the WEB which shows that the on demand content is somewhere online, they just can't deliver it to the mobile apps. BTW.. Howard's latest on demand is on available on the app, R&F, O&A are not and content that use to be available(time permitting) are no longer online too. I'd have to guess it's a problem with reporting what's still available to the app(either deleted listings or the timestamps are wrong), basically a server side problem.

Sort of missed my point, I was saying SiriusXM isn't the only company that provides a shitty product that customers pay for.

Correct, but they're one of the big companies that their customers can easily drop their subscription and still get the same music/content as you can with on demand. Internet is still tough to change depending on where you live and HD TV online is a pretty big bandwidth hog.

It almost feels like SiriusXM is doing things to drop down R&F and O&A numbers before new contracts are signed. Opie talked about their numbers vs Howard recently(with them beating Howard on Demand during the summer months) and then on demand problems instantly happened to his channel yet Howard's most recent show is still available. R&F no longer have O&A's lead in, lots of "other" content on the channels are getting moved out to just have replays so the channels have less content for people to listen to.

And it has a shit rating on the App Store and hasn't even updated for iOS 7. Just a baffling cunt of a company. Like why wouldn't you try and fix what people use most to hear your content. It only means more revenue in the end if you fix simple things. Christ, all other similar apps work flawlessly yet this shits the bed weekly.

From what I understand it's contracted out and with that it can be a huge problem to fix problems or make updates. They just need to create a new mobile app in house. It really wouldn't be that difficult with a small team with everything that looks like it's in place already(by looking at the web player).

Once a week with this shit. So tired of the App

I wonder if its a change instead of an accident...checkd Sterns out and its the same. Prob worked a deal out with advertisers so the avoidance of commercials is out of the question

Audible gets you yesterday's show and it is commercial free. I like it better than sxm route.

Except when it doesn't upload the shows for dayyyyyys after uploading Monday, Tues, Wed on time (reasonably) and then not getting Thursday and Fridays shows until the following Monday. It's cheaper, but still a pain in the ass.

I'm working a 12 hour at the moment and looked to the Audible app for today's show. And at 2 a.m. It still isn't uploaded. Before leaving for work, I thought "Fuck, Audible! Let me go and look on the Sirius app." and the episodes are gone. Why do they make it so hard to get the show. Why would any non die-hard fan put up with this shit?

Right now, I have to give a big thank you to Stevey Knight the only reliable fucking person when it comes to getting the show.

How can random guys from YouTube be more competent than the entire SiriusXM company?