Jimmy is the worst it's unbearable.

7  2014-03-20 by dts3301

Yes, we get it you like transsexuals. Yes, we have heard the using a shotgun as a ______ joke 1000 times. Yes, you like fat pussy's and taking pictures with celebrities. It is a never ending loop of the same bullshit over and over again. Every time a porn star walks in to the studio he turns into a pathetic needy douche. He is worse with his MMA worship then Sam is with his Wrestling. When he argues he turns into a giant baby. It has gotten to the point where I just skip over his rants. I have seen his comedy specials and to be honest I don't find them funny, compared to Burr and Kelly he is not even close to that level. They need a 4th mic that doesn't deal with the bullshit (kind of like Patrice).


I love Jimmy. The only thing I dislike is his debating style.

No, that's fine. Keep talking about how bad I am at debating. There you go. You're a tough guy. No, that's good. I'm just the guy who does this for a living, why wouldn't I listen to some loser who doesn't get it. You're right. I stink. You're absolutely right. Congratulations you fucking figured me out. No, good, just steamroll over everything I say. People want to listen to what you think, not me.

Wow, you channeled Jimmy right there dude.

You forgot about overusing the words "baby" and "feelings"

"baby boy" is the worst.

I watched that old video of him debating the Truther during the walkover, and his use of " baby booooy" was embarassing


Not to mention that they constantly "steamroll" callers (good and bad) themselves. Hold on hold on HOLD ON.


Very well put, agree totally

How about his ass-eating technique?


Colin said one of the best lines ever that completely halted Jim. Jim said something about being fake and Colin came back with; "like your whole personality?" dead silence for 3 seconds and someone else picks up the conversation on another topic. Jimmy has only been put in his place on this one occasion as I know.

BUT, Jim is funny, he is very fast and some of his comebacks this week have been so fucking on point.

He is a needy emo lesbo but I love him for it, he needs our attention to make him feel better and im happy to give him some.

I would love to hear that is it from today's show?

well if it was silent after a joke then that's considered a bomb.

No it was more of a whitey moment, when you don't know what to say because it was so incendiary. It's a bomb in another form.

"That was great. Thanks for that." -Opie

I like Jimmy, but come to think of it he hasn't really done any new jokes for the past few years outside of characters. I like the shotgun jokes but I can see your point. Almost like he is hoarding his jokes to use outside of the show.

MMA and pornstar interviews are insufferable. Hooray, another meathead in to talk about hard work and determination, and then choke out Jimmy WITHOUT A VISUAL ELEMENT. Hooray, another pornstar to talk about sex and hear how hot she is WITHOUT A VISUAL ELEMENT. The only reason that porn shit worked on Stern was because he had Howard TV and prior to that nobody knew how to use the internet to get off so they fantasized on the radio.

Perhaps I'm just getting burned out on the show.

No, dude. Everything you said is right on the money. It's sad to realize, but we're all growing older and our ability to be entertained by the same couple of saps is getting weaker.

Jim has some good jokes, but their mostly spontaneous and forgettable

They need Attell.

Quinn would be fantastic too

Eh, sooner or later everyone would have some problem with whoever would occupy that seat - yes, even Colin.

Attell is more of a one-trick pony than just about any other comedian.
"Drinking! Sex! I'm ugly!" Same shit all the time.

I've always thought Jim is a very needy person, I noticed it when I started listening about 10 years ago but he makes me laugh multiple times every day and that's what matters to me.

I wouldn't be disappointed if he wasn't on the show. I've really enjoyed the shows with just O&A when Jim is on the road. Opie seems more relaxed and engaged; and he doesn't have to fight another person to get in a funny line.

That being said, Jim probably isn't going anywhere. As many people realize, his comedy, by itself, isn't that great and cringe humor will never get him a big enough mainstream following to allow him to walk away from the show.

It will always be impossible for him to say a funny line.

It's not like he's bob levy, no need to imply he is.

Why not unduckable or unfoxable?


From the sound of the intro, I think the show management may also think he's run his course.

It is slightly annoying, but I think its just a personality trait. Everyone is repetitive. Even the great Patrice was repetitive, if you listen enough. e.g. "White tricks".

Intellectually, its extremely hard not to be repetitive. It's like trying to break a habit... Jimmy is sharp, really fucking sharp. So I love him for that.

His reuse of jokes are ok when the setup is slightly different. I don't find him a great stand up comedian, and his "house liberal" speaking points are annoying and self important drivel. I think Jimmy has lost his smile.

Dude if you don't like Jimmy don't listen to the show.

.........go on.

It's almost like there's a choice in hearing someone's voice for 3 hours a day, mon-fri

Ahhh leave and good riddance, ya squarebob spongepants.

Jimmy had a good run but you're right, he's fucking complacent. He just tells the same tired jokes, meanwhile Ant gives the world's fakest chuckle in response and Opie doesn't even pretend anymore.

I've noticed nobody seems to have a problem with his hat based humor.

People are finally realizing he recycles the same jokes over and over? I've been listening for about 8 years and noticed it very early on.




And by snow cone he means shotg- ....nevermind.

Jimmy is like a govt worker who has been on the job for so long that he no longer cares about being underpaid and non appreciated... now he is just happy to do nothing and cash the check.


His few cds were ok but i havent put any effort to check out anything new. To me his stand up is meh. I enjoyed him at the traveling virus in camden but that was i dont even know how long ago. Debate skills are low, he will resort to just name calling or taking his ball and going home. His riffing skills are pretty good and he can be pretty quick but yea he has a tendency to repeat shotgun as a toothbrush, comb, q tip etc. And the tranny jokes. I find myself saying "alright, we get it. You like trannies" out loud when i listen. But id rather listen to this show than any other show out there.

All 3 of them have their unbearable traits, any three people put together for an extended period of time would bring the same reaction sooner or later. Just do what I do and take breaks from the show every few weeks, whether it be Ron & Fez, one of the many quality podcasts out there, or just listen to music to occupy your time instead of them.

A break from the show isn't going to change the new epoch that they are in. Jim is adopting a left-wing, whiny, persona, so he can try for a 3rd failed pilot, Ant is just trying to keep his job, so he has no edge anymore, and Opie whines about his kid not being able to wear his Batman mask to school. Also, their comedy pool is non existent, now that EVERYONE [including Joe Derosa] is now incredibly successful, where they're either on TV, or they're writing for TV.

O&A went from a comedy show, to a boring talk show when Patrice died.

Wow, if only there were other comedians out there to make friends with.

Shut up. You know Patrice can't be replaced by Bob Levy.

Yes, Bob Levy is the only "comedian" out there.

He's the only one they're really pushing outside of Colin and Vos.

I love Jimmy, but I wish he plays into his strengths more, which are his quickdraw quips and those legendary characters. I just want to skip the parts where he needs to have his thoughts and feelings heard about something in particular. unless it's a bit on hating something. His recycled jokes can be a decent crutch to fall back on, but they're not getting anything better than a small chuckle unless it's the first few times you've heard of the show.

Jimmy is the reason O&A have no female listeners. Too many shit jokes at the breakfast hour. To his credit Jimmy is the conduit to many funny comedians.

All of his characters (except for Chip) are amazingly funny. Strange how a guy who can do that can't seem to be funny in any other form. A few years back Anthony began fake laughing at Jimmy every time he spewed one of those horrible shotgun as a ____ type jokes. He just started doing it to ease the discomfort of a mediocre line. And so Ant convinced him it's funny, and Jimmy continued with it. It's funny when you hear Ant REALLY laughing at Jimmy. It's a totally different laugh. It happens during Ted Sheckler a lot.

The shows without Jimmy are great. They don't spiral into negativity, they actually think about multiple sides of things, they find the humor in current events. It's a beautiful thing when Jimmy isn't around.

Fock u. Good luck with wolfy tonight.

who knew constant kid fucking jokes weren't funny? I wish someone would tell him. I agree, Jimmy is a drain.

Tranny's what?


Don't we all?

Hilarious that you're named Van Damme.

You guys saying that Jim doesn't have "new jokes" or "new material" are fucking crazy. Jim is one of the quickest guys ever, he is constantly riffing and throwing a shitload out there, and not just chip and edgar jokes. I haven't even watched his last few stand-up specials, I'm going strictly on what he does on the show. He certainly has his topics he likes, but he still fires out lines constantly. More of than not, they're really funny.

I was with you until you said Bob Kelly is funnier than him. Bob Kelly sucks. Jim is still great, but you're right about every other point.


If I hear 'shotgun shampoo' one more time I'll be using it myself.

Yeah it's too bad he doesn't come up with a bunch of interesting, knowledge-based questions for every single guest or maybe come up with a few characters to stay interesting.

they are radio personalities. Personalities meaning they will have traits you like and dislike. So go fuck yourself. You made a personal judgement on someone, now you need it verified by the online community? Again go fuck yourself.

No, u

I love Jimmy.

You may think you have seen all his tricks, but just wait until he get what we call "on fire".

He will have you busting a gut laughing. It happens often enough, but I admit that it's been awhile since he really had a good barrage of comedy on the show.

Look up the podcast "Jimmy hates animals". Enjoy.

Dude I think you're misunderstanding us. We all respect and appreciate Jimmy. He has made us all laugh a million times. We're just getting sick of his repetition lately. Let me ask you this, can't Jimmy be funny without using the words 'cock' 'tranny' or 'shotgun?' We think he can, and so we complain. It's the internet; we're gonna complain even about shit we like.

I'm sure he can be funny without those words.

However, I defer to another thread topic "Jimmy's Flow Chart" where in the comments people are basically calling for Jimmy to be replaced.

I think the flow chart was funny satire on the situation, but anyone who thinks Jimmy should be replaced is a dolt.

Jimmy is the second funniest person I've known of. The first was Patrice.

Do you enjoy his stand-up?

Yimmy is a huge part of why I started listening, but I'd say he's super quick with a line more than he's that funny.

There are a ton of guys like Doug Stanhope, Colin Quinn, Eddie Pepitone, Patton Owsalt, and Marc Maron, who, in my opinion, are way funnier but they aren't on radio 20 hours a week, so they don't get the same the opportunities.


Tsss dat's fuckin' gold, take us out piggy boy

I'm not a fan of his comedy, but love his sharp wit. Just listen to his and Rich Vos's roast, razor sharp.

I think his comedy isn't as compelling because it isn't relatable. Tales of gallivanting about with trannys is pretty niche...

I agree completely, as hard he makes me laugh almost daily, I can't get into his stand-up, it feels forced after hearing him be so funny everyday.

I just thought it was odd for him to think of Jimmy as the funniest living person.

I guess I meant it more as a personal preference than one being better than another.

Wow, you channeled Jimmy right there dude.

Quinn would be fantastic too

You forgot about overusing the words "baby" and "feelings"

Attell is more of a one-trick pony than just about any other comedian.
"Drinking! Sex! I'm ugly!" Same shit all the time.
