From Today's show: Lady Di and Rick from Pawn Stars

6  2014-03-20 by EskimoEscrow


Pawn guy comes off as a smug douchebag.

What do you expect? The guy runs a pawn shop in Vegas where addicts and gamblers pawn everything away to feed their habits.

You should go in there some time. It's depressing as shit.

He stunk.

He is a smug douchebag.

He is. But how else would he get that new hot wife of his.

the one thing that stinks about a visual element is seeing them play on their phones anytime they arent talking

I just wrote that in another thread. They are seriously like little girls on their phone always checking twitter or instagram.

If i was a guest on their show id be pretty pissed off if they were fiddling with their fucking phones every 2 minutes

In these recent Opie's eye videos Jim is always on his phone, just occasionally glancing up at the other people in the studio. See this video and "Erock is ungrateful". The exception is the Belle Knox interview, when he was paying full attention.

I love how casual her "naah" was after such a ridiculous offer.