3/20/14 Show

9  2014-03-20 by [deleted]


Lol. Jimmy's hurt feelings from being ignored about addiction advice. Marion and Colin shut him out.

But Jim is an expert because he drank heavily for a couple of months when he was sixteen.

The worst part this week was how smug and self-satisfied Jimmy sounded when Dr. Steve said alcoholism was the toughest addiction to break.

Why are you getting down voted for speaking the truth?

why do you care?

I can't be a white knight for oandasuperfan? When I left that message he was at -2. I do love the attention your giving me however, valley chip. Xoxoxo say "grody" for me... It makes my boy pussy moist.


When did this happen? I heard him get pissed that Marion kept interrupting him & Colin (and Colin encouraging it, which was hilarious).

I didn't hear him get his feelings hurt about addiction advice.

Edit: Oh, I see, this was just to start some random Jimmy Hate again. You people are weird.

It's amazing how it seems like I'm listening to a different show to some of these dopes.

Did you hear when Sam came into the studio? You could totally tell Jimmy was angry, because he didn't acknowledge him coming into studio. It's definitely because he was going to plug his upcoming gig and Sam ruined it and now resented him the rest of the show. Opie didn't even dare bring it up, but you could feel the tension in the studio.

Man does Jimmy hate Sam. /s

This marion call is one of the best of all time.

Haven't laughed that hard in a long long time. Fucking amazing show so far.

It is enraging listening to her. I don't understand how something can be so fucking funny and infuriating at one time... Di is a sick dying pig, but somehow Marion comes across so much worse.

Marion is literally the worst person to ever call into the show. I wish her last call would have the sound of her walking off of a cliff. Hate her.

How? Everything about her is hilarious (whether or not its intentional is hilarious, and I'd argue the fact that it is not intentional makes it funnier).

Is Dr Steve in today or tomorrow?

He did a phoner in the first hour.

Best line (When talking about Di's alcoholism)

Opie: How long until something catastrophic happens?

Dr. Steve: That's difficult to say, thats between her and her creator.

Anthony: So Dr. Frankenstein

That dummy line by Jimmy went unnoticed but it was a good one.

Would would of you very kind people who listen live tell me how long Colin stuck around for today? Just curious.

He left about 2 hours into the show just after Lady Di had her makeover done

Excellent. Thank you.


I love how Sam is re-defending the Belle Knox interview still on the pre-show.

Don't say White Knight... Real fans aren't allowed to say it.

He subtly framed it like Opie "introduced" it. Not invented it. Every one heard the fag say otherwise yesterday.

Fans dying for an invite to the compound say it.


Yeah, I agree, enough with these uneducated, intolerant, bigoted Anthony wannabes.

Sorry you cissie shitlords, you're not welcome in this subreddit, check your privilege at the door.

You just said it ZT, you tricky bastard!

What do you expect him to do? He voices a "clip show" as Fez called it, is he going to run down O&A and say they are wrong? It's not like he's secure a gig with the WWE yet/anytime soon.

It's an improvement.

Anthony's "Dr. Frankenstein" joke had me in tears

Anybody have pics of Lydia's big tits?

Thanks Steven you a cute nigga

Goddamn, son—I was not prepared for those tits.

Steven delivers (as always) Thank you sir!

What does her face look like?


Fuck you, Anthony. I'm 3 episodes from finishing season 2 of House of Cards and you shit in my cheerios.

I'm surprised that Sam doesn't get it.

Marion has quickly became the most annoying amazing caller to the show for me. More so than Needy Reverend Bob or Evangelical Larry.

Yes, more so than Needy Reverend fucking Bob.

EDIT: Pandering

Marian is so FUCKING frustrating on the phone! I can't handle it much longer.

Marion was never the "hot one" and now she's basking in the schadenfreude of the downfall of her friend because it makes Marion feel better about her life. As Anthony's said "She's gotta turn it around and make it about herself" that's how she convinces herself her life is better.

Jimmy's line asking Marian if she was "a one-man band in high school" was brilliantly funny for some reason. I'm still chuckling about it hours later.

when Marion told that guy to grow a dick and Jimmy did a quiet, low key Chip "fuck yeah" i literally chuckled for the next couple hours. it got me so good.

Those moments made me a fan of the show, to be honest. Ant and Jimmy are so quick. I'm not a fan of gross out humor. I'm not a fan of shock jockery. But I love it when they are being honest and brutal and I love how incredibly quick they are.

everyone defended The Fox News Anthony's hijacked plane theory, even going as far as calling people idiots for NOT thinking it was hijacked and now they all agree that it was a stupid idea in the first place.

I didn't. It was retarded from get. But opie's "breaking" news is nothing yet. No one has seen any wreckage yet with their own eyes.
