The Lady Di internship is the most concentrated amount of good content these guys have ever had

31  2014-03-20 by Drmacaroon

it's like watching a train wreck slowly happen in front of your own eyes, where you know there's going to be a fatality. you can't stop it, so you don't want to look away.


It's been said already but Colin Quin is a smart motherfucker. He knew that the potential here wasn't just to laugh at a buffoon. We get that almost once a month anyway. He made us stare at Lady Di, and all she represents, right in its bloated face. It's fucking artistic honestly.

right gang?

Team effort!

Turns out CQ might actually give more of a "care" than he chooses to let on huh...


Colin Quinn: Program Director??

i like the fact that the idea came to him through meditation.

My mind is blown every time she opens up some new information. How the fuck do you blow 60k in 9 months without buying a car or house

Food shopping.

food shopping and CLOTHES. get it right man.

and beer!

PERSPECTIVE: she blew approx $170 after she received it from the show. If she did that every day for approx 1 year (353 days) she would spend $60,000. She blew 60,000 in half that so she was spending over $300 a day. I dont understand how even beer could have been that much. There's something going on that she isn't saying. Drug habbits i understand, just fucking $300 in beer, no way in hell.

Beer at the bar, buying people rounds and take out every day.

Her and bill also both smoke. I'd imagine a pack of cigarettes in NYC/jersey is ~$10-15

no shit? thats unreal

I'm from Chicago and in the city itself I think a pack is up to like $12 or so with tax.

Yeah I used to live right outside chicago in naperville packs were $4.50, now I live in LA and its still $4.50-$7

No shit? I live in Naperville now. They've gone up since then though, they're right around $7-8 now. They just keep piling taxes on.

bahaha still have free parking?

Yup! Sorry, I mean with cigarettes. Like every year the price goes up

Easy-just be a fuckup your entire life.

natty ices and chicken fingers

I thought originally last year she said it was like 10k which I imagined would last her like a year of boozing. Blowing 60k in 9 months when she probably splits the dirt cheap rent with Bill is indeed pretty fucking mind blowing.

Oh I could blow 60k in an afternoon if properly motivated.

It's pretty easy though. You figure of that 60, she only saw 40k. She prob covered household rent/bills for that time, so now we're down to ~30k. You figure two heavy drinkers can easily go through $20 worth of shitty beer a day, and you know they aren't making food so you figure they order out for 2ish meals a day so that's another what...$30 on food a day? Now we're down to 16k left. She bought clothes so that's prob 2k, you know she prob bought an overpriced TV/couch/fridge, so that's another 4k or so, now we're at 10k left. She lives in NJ, so you think she took a couple trips to AC? Hotel, transport, food, money to gamble. For someone who thinks they have an endless pool of money, she could easily drop 2-3k per trips. She's a gullable fool, so you think she has some "friends" who hit her up for loans that never got paid back? Maybe she spent some money on her kid?

I don't think blowing 6600 and change a month is that difficult to understand even without bills and stuff. But I'm a degenerate gambler and could easily blow that cash in a weekend.

Lady di did not spend 2k on clothes. She didn't go to ac. And there's no way she spent 4k on a couch and TV.


Natural Ice is brewed with a blend of premium American-grown and imported hops and a combination of malt and corn that lends Natural Ice its delicate sweetness. It then undergoes Anheuser-Busch’s exclusive ice-brewing process, which takes the beer to a temperature below freezing and leads to the formation of ice crystals which create its signature rich and smooth taste.

It's also the white-trash choice, as it has some of the highest alcohol content of the mass market beers.

Without resorting to malt liquor, of course, because that's for black people.

The preferred beer of the sexual predator.

We need a Lady Di cribs. I have to know what the flophouse she lives in looks like.


i'd donate money to see this.

i'd donate a liver. she may need it too.

I would definitely throw in on a kickstarter for this. Could you imagine a week at Di's place, pure insanity for the win!

They just need to strap a GoPro to the new dumb-intern-guy, and have Di give him a quick tour around their bedbuggy apartment. I'm sure she'd do it just for the ride home.

If Bill comes in studio as a surprise on the same day Dr. Steve is in, I would cream my jeans.

You can bet Ol' Bill gets a litttle too drunk every now and then leading to a sloppy beast battle. Impassioned falling over and slurred words.

Jimmy's "what're you? A fuckin' spider?" line killed me.

I cannot get enough of learning every detail of her awful life. I didn't think it was possible to be so fucked up.

Train wreck radio... Love it!

I spent 30 years as a civil servant dealing with an endless parade of Lady Dis and Bills. To me she seems like a zoo exhibit for hipsters who never have contact with losers like her. Try being a cashier selling scratch-offs in a convenience store for a while and you'll get your fill of Lady Di pronto.

Yeah as a horse racing track employee, its like an amplified version of my customers. For some reason I still love it though.

I do sell lottery tickets. The drunk lottery addicts are my least favorite customers by far. I go ughhhh under my breath every time I see them headed my way.

In an abandoned building on a door.

I was listening to the podcast at work and laughed so hard I almost drove off the road when she said that.

She's like a character in the periphery of a Charles Bukowski story.

Lady Chinaski

The fact that management wanted to end this prematurely shows that they don't listen to the show.

It's clear Tim Sabean doesn't listen to the show, otherwise he would have found a kindred spirit in the shit-spraying, bathroom destroying Lady Di.

The thought of that savage ONLY throwing up in sinks is hysterical!

I wonder who is more self-obsessed Marion or Bobo.

For some reason I couldn't stop cracking up when she said she could buy a SwimSuit to go in Anthony's jacuzzi.

She's really amazing. She's like an incredibly well-written character from a movie like Fargo or something. (PS. Anthony, STOP it with the Fargo "oh, yah?") Or like some hugely talented method actor. I just can't believe she's authentic.

Is it reasonable?


To use his own term, he's shoehorning it in to everything recently.

I've noticed the Fargo thing recently too! I've heard him make "Oh Marge" "Gotta eat breakfast Margie" etc. comments a few times in the past week or so

Its fucking sad.

I fucking can't get enough.

Having Sam feed Lady Di stupid questions to ask is not good content and pretending that Lady Di is coming up with these on her own is hack.

agreed...shitty radio.

I wonder what it would be like if they got Lady Di's son on the phone. That would be really depressing

Colin Quinn is our risen savior. "Huh, oh, what? Wait, wait. Um..."

Jimmy while Marion is on the phone: go ahead Marion..

I've had enough of her for quite a long time. I would be very happy not hearing either of those buffon's voices for several months. Bobo too.

bobo sucks. i hope he falls onto the traintracks one day. lady di is less annoying and more just a spectacle of complete failure

I used to think that, but after a week of having to listen to Lady Di, I feel like jumping in front of a train. Imagine having to live with that shit every day? No wonder why Bill drinks...

Eh. I like it when she calls randomly for 15 minutes. Too much of her is just annoying.


It's funny, I would have totally thought that would be true, before this magical week actually happened.

They should of gave her more money for all the content she brings. Opie is so damn cheap, I want to give her $100 and I'm no millionaire.

It would just be wasted man. Like giving money to a bum

food shopping and CLOTHES. get it right man.

PERSPECTIVE: she blew approx $170 after she received it from the show. If she did that every day for approx 1 year (353 days) she would spend $60,000. She blew 60,000 in half that so she was spending over $300 a day. I dont understand how even beer could have been that much. There's something going on that she isn't saying. Drug habbits i understand, just fucking $300 in beer, no way in hell.