"she makes people like me turn your show off" ... i think louie would have slammed belle knox as well .. i agree about patrice but don't forget louis ck

16  2014-03-20 by [deleted]


Dude, she's naive and 18 and does porn. Why the fuck would we make fun of her?!

Let's instead trash an over the hill, miserable, incontinent alcoholic who is literally dying in front of our eyes.

yea i know i don't hate her she is just a kid.. i just hate the whole story and phony crusade angle ... her handler made me absolutely sick, what a fucking parasite latching on to this girls brief moment of fame

Dude, they were trashing Lady Di, not Tippy Tom.

Oh, wait...

But she is hot and are not allowed to say anything negative about our heroes!!!!

She is not hot, she looks like a creepy victorian porcelain doll.

Great find. Louis always speaks the truth.

I don't understand why everyone wanted them to slam her. I mean most of her views are stupid and a little debate or at least talk about them would have been nice, but why just be un-necessarily mean to her? She was nice and forthcoming. If she would have acted like a total cunt I would agree with you, but it would have been un-provoked.

Fair enough. I think the bigger issue is why have her on in the first place? She contributed nothing.

Do non-comedian guests ever really contribute? I was glad to hear from her on an honest show. She was big in the news and the b-b-b-boys like pornstars, so why not have her on? Even if it's a dull hour and a half of radio, that's only like 6% of the weekly content they produce.

Non-comedians definitely contribute!

Neil deGrasse Tyson, Michio Kaku, Mike Tyson, Chris Kyle (before he got killed), Dana White, some musicians have been great, some of the wrestler friends of the show are interesting, I'm sure I'm missing quite a few...

I'm more interested when any of them are on than when a comedian that isn't a regular is on.


I think so many people wanted her to get beat up by them is because she represents that same selfish entitled brat that we all know in our lives that always gets away with behaving that way. The person who never seems to get their own bullshit handed right back to them. She is the quintessential entitled cunt everybody knows.

Eh. She's not as bad as some people I know. I know a bunch of really stupid, entitled people. Someone I know actually posted on Facebook a while ago something like "Take this quiz to see how entitled you are and to see how many people you oppress!!" and make posts assuming all white males are racists and horrible people all the time. It's annoying as fuck.

Who gives a fuck? Why are so many of you still obsessed over a forgettable interview?

Its ridiculous how angry people still are over a few words she said.

The first few topics about were interesting. But can we shut up about it now? It's over.

Same with the "oh patrice would've knocked her around" crap. Yes, he would've, he was an amazingly intelligent man who could cut through bullshit like no one else, we get it.


Wow he sure DESTROYYYYYYED her

ugh, take that video title back to buzzfeed or upworthy

Do non-comedian guests ever really contribute? I was glad to hear from her on an honest show. She was big in the news and the b-b-b-boys like pornstars, so why not have her on? Even if it's a dull hour and a half of radio, that's only like 6% of the weekly content they produce.

