The boys defending the Belle Knox interview

37  2014-03-19 by EskimoEscrow

Do they really not get it? I'm pretty sure most of us didn't want them to attack her for no reason, but all she had to talk about was feminism, empowerment, and white male privilege. The show I'm used to hearing would have destroyed her for that.


RIP Patrice.

Patrice would have torn her apart.

He would have probably been pretty quiet through half of it then half way through he woulda gotten fed up and called her out on her feminism non sense.

The boys are wrong, people think they're hating on em because no one called her out on the whole porn star thing but no one cares about that. We wanted them to call her out on the feminism bs.

Yep. Patrice would have her running from the studio in tears and the boys would've commended him on calling her out.

I think their reaction might have to do with becoming a "media destination" and not wanting to piss off guests and publicists.

I love Jimmy, but his reaction to the fans just reminds me what a little insecure child he can be.

He was a total fucking pussy in that interview. Just because she has fat pussy lips all of a sudden he's not Jimmy anymore, he's a white knighting liberal asshole




Dude, we got "he was a total fucking pussy" then your phone cuts out. What are you trying to say?

oh boy.

Here we go...




Ahhhhhhemmmm..... (clearing throat)

Yeah jimmy today was worse than the interview itself.

Jim is always a pussy when the porn chicks come in. There was one interview he did with a chick way more annoying than Belle when O&a were in court for Sandy Kane and I will never forgive him for the complete ass kissing he gave that bitch. It was literally one of the cringiest moments in show history.

The one and only exception was when he trashed the porn girl who started crying like a 3 year old. Aside from that, you can always count on him to lose his balls when a whore walks in the room.

Cringier than him gushing about wanting to bust a load in the feminist? Hard to top that.

Jimmy kept missing the point about the salary too. He focused on how "supply and demand" explains why women are paid more. Yes, but that wasn't the issue.

The issue is that when she thought female pornstars were getting paid less she cried discrimination but when she learned that female pornstars actually earn more... suddenly supply and demand is the correct interpretation! She was full of shit.

Exactly, maybe women employees shouldn't get payed as much because they have higher healthcare costs to the company. If she gets pregnant that's a year she can't work. Simple economics, oh wait, discrimination and White Male Privilege. Fuck Jim.

To be fair to Jimmy (on that one particular point) 1) The caller didn't do a good job of explaining the argument 2) Jimmy didn't watch the actual video where she debates with the director so all he had was the guy's recap of it.

My favourite part of the "interview" was the shit about men being paid less in porn because there's less demand, given her context is "empowering women through porn", a man breaking through barriers and get paid to do porn IS empowered. Any ugly retarded woman can be accepted into porn and make money, having a career and an education handed to you because you have a hole is literally the opposite of what she claims to be doing. Instead of trying to engage the supposed feminist, white knight little boys come up with "You don't like her cos she's a pornstar!"? Ad hominem or just phony as fuck?

I only half listened to todays start but I think Jim said something along the lines of "She's old enough to be put to death and serve in the military so I don't care if she does porn!", then pussies out of admitting he whiteknighted by saying "why would we attack a child like that?". She's old enough for that shit but not old enough to be called out on spewing bullshit.

P.S. the guy that was mean to her (poor pwecious snowfwake) I'm guessing was this funny motherfucker:

The old Opie would have had that efukt clip looping in the background. They've done it many times before.

You don't have to guess. It's exactly that same guy.

Jimmy is usually the one that's a champion for free speech and very much against self entitled people. Yet he fucking White Knighted big time the last two days since she was spouting hypocrisies left and right and saying words like "Indian" is offensive and things like that.


He's just a hack. Plain and simple.

I forget because the interview was so forgettable. Didnt jim ask if she was indian and then she took offense and say something about native americans. I forget.

She said the term american indian wasn't politically correct.

thats stretching it a bit much.


Jimmy hasn't been a champion of free speech ever in his life, except for the times he would posture like one, when it would benefit his career. Now after 2 failed comedy pilots, he's wrapping himself in whatever liberal cause he can think of [Redskins are racist, hunting is evil, black people deserve to hate white people etc], just for a 3rd shot. He really is despicable.

I haven't listened to that interview. Did she really bring up "white male privilege"?

Yes. She said something along the lines of "white men think they're entitled to our bodies" and then talked about participating in the single biggest industry that would make men think that way. Just a dumb child.

Specifically in rape-y porn.

She brought it up and then a few minutes later went to talking about being throatfucked and loving it.

What is the inconsistency exactly/

Just imagine in all seriousness...ghandi saying something profound and deep and then talk about how he likes to eat chicks asses. Its a little more difficult to take her serious and believe those thoughts are actually her own when she goes into throat fucking or squirting after saying something of substance.

"She brought it up and then a few minutes later went to talking about being throatfucked and loving it."

That part.

What do you see as antithetical between feminism and being "throat fucked"? You do realize feminists aren't actually trying to castrate men, right?

Because she's not a sex positive feminist, she's a typical college social justice feminist.

From what I know, she' s a professed libertarian. Hardly "typical college social justice feminist".

You can't be a libertarian feminist, they're opposites.



Individualist feminism:

Individualist feminism (sometimes also grouped with libertarian feminism) is a term for feminist ideas which emphasize individualism.

Interesting: Wendy McElroy | Anarcha-feminism | List of conservative feminisms | Joan Kennedy Taylor

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She's said it in interviews. And yes, I'm friends with many feminists, good friends even. They aren't all hyper sensitive cry babies.

You're friends with many feminists? You must be begging for a shower in Auschwitz

I love how her just mentioning "male privilege" etc. got almost everyone riled up here.

"But she does porn and is submissive in bed!" Yes, and she's not ashamed of that. That's exactly the point, you idiots. It's not deep or profound, but it is there.

*white male privilege. forgot the white part

You should still listen to the interview, Lady Di saved the show.

I have no desire to listen to it just because their interviews are usually boring as it is, let alone one with teenage porn chick. I listened to a bit of them defending the interview, though, and that was annoying enough. I don't think they should attack guests, but them giving some 18 year old girl, who is quasi-famous just for taking dick, a platform to parrot feminist nonsense is somewhat irritating. I just don't understand why they take some of these guests. Because of the off chance they will say something that CNN and all the news sites will pick up on?

Two of my least favorite aspects of the show are boring interviews and when the boys get ultra-defensive over negative feedback, and 50 year old men start throwing around the word 'haters.' This slut gave us an example of both, so fuck her.

Now I just can't wait until they get one of the girls from that TLC women show they love so much. Afterward Jimmy can tell us 'she is so sexy, fucking sexy' repeatedly, like he never saw a 7 before. Nothing better than hot chicks on the radio.

Lady Di was the best part of the interview.

How much do you think Ron Jeremy gets for an appearance?

In fairness, she only brought it up as a response to their question about why the frat guys would want to get her kicked out of the school, since you'd think frat guys would be in to porn girls. I took her response as her trying to guess why the frat guys would do that and "white male privilege" came up.

Anyway, blah blah blah, she's still wrong but its not like she brought it up out of nowhere.

Listen to the context. The autistic fans can't really grasp nuanced things. Buzz words have them all riled up.

It made me chuckle to hear Opie claim that they came up with the term "white knight" and that people were using it wrong.

By the by gang, I don't see what's so empowering about doing porn. Aren't the people you're railing against the same ones you depend on, and get railed by (Tsss ...)?

Anyway, media destination.

Yeah. White Knight is from O&A. Holy crap.

We invented White Knighting, Jimmy. Hoo hoo.

If you heard any of their previous shows about various pop culture events, Opie always claims to be the one to make them big [2 girls 1 cup is an example].

Jay Mohr put it best when he was trashing Louis CK's Ricky Gervais appearance: "We become what we hate", Jim hated self righteous liberals, he became one, Opie hated Howard, he became Howard.

I remember Opie once claiming that Jay Mohr invented the term "grower not a show-er"

Just like with when Ant talked about White Knighting, Opie assumes that the first time he hears a phrase, that's the person who invented it.

Didn't he take credit for chocolate rain getting famous as well? Lol

He also came up with "no homo". Everyone is copying from the Opester.


times like these is when Big Momma Prods would have torn this stupid cunt a new cunt

Would this cunt ripping have happened before or after he ate himself into a coma? Would the calories burned in a cunt ripping have counted towards the exercise he wasn't doing?

This reddit seriously needs to fuck off with this cringing ballwashing of St Patrice of O'Neal. It's beyond a joke.

He was alive, he was funny, he had some insights, he also said some retarded dumb shit, and then after all that, he wasn't alive.

Everytime you dumb fanbois cling to the hem of his garment, or RIP him ... again, or try to commandeer what he would or wouldn't have done to make your otherwise shitty banal comments seem profound ... all it does is cheapen his memory and begin to antagonise and make otherwise sensible people come to resent him - which is absolutely unacceptable. So this is an end to it.

Fuck off. He wasn't your property to say what he would or wouldn't have done. I don't know where you, and other guys like you, got the idea that you spoke for him, that you were now anointed his earthly representative; you were misinformed. So quit it.

Get fucked you silly cunt.

What if I don't want to. What's your next move?

Yeah, I fucking thought so. Keep barking.

Christ, you're a douche.

hahah yo i bet this nigga is danny right here. corny ass

Wow dude, you grieve in a really weird way

Who mentioned grieving. I don't grieve anyone you presumptuous cunt.

You post redundant threads going over the exact same tedious shit as was already beat to death by angry misogynist numbskulls and date-raping shitstains in half a dozen other shitty embarrassing threads already posted here.

You're a redundant motherfucker, that's the point I'm now making here.

That's a lot of words to say "I'm an idiot".

Stfu with your paragraph. I miss him if that bothers you so much hide my comment and move on.


You were desperate for a cunt ripping. Half erect at the prospect. But you wanted someone else to do the ripping cos you are a timid coward.

Right there I knew you were a beta faggot.

So I gave you a minor cunt ripping, to prove a point, and you started to cry. "I miss him"

This is your fucking wakeup call. If you can't take it, then you certainly don't get to request that others dish it out on your behalf, you weakling. Your cunt ripping by proxy privileges got revoked.

Hahaha you have some issues man. Seek help immediately.

Is that how you think your big hero Patrice would have come back? Not a fuckin chance.

"Issues and help-seeking". Yeah, beta, like I said. It was obvious to anyone.

Where'd the reddit tough-guy cunt-ripper from a few posts ago disappear to? Is that all it took to evaporate him?

tsss beta whats this guy a fish or sumpthin

Tsss beta why aint he vhs or sumthin,

Hahaha for someone who went on a rant about not knowing what Patrice would say or do, you seem to think you know everything.

I'll say what Jim would say. Go take some ambien, get behind the wheel and crash into burning building you dolt.

Did you you just say "beta"?


This reddit seriously needs to fuck off

I stopped reading there. You should say that out loud to yourself; how fucking embarrassing.

I understand them not attacking her, I don't think they should've.

But I also understand they didn't want to because they thought she was hot, SHE'S A GIRL AND TALKS ABOUT SEX THIS IS INCREDIBLE (is it?) meanwhile she's looking down her protruding bulby nose at the white males and their privilege, as Jimmy sticks his head in the sand and says "attack her for what?" as if there was no reason she could ever be made fun of, since she said she likes sucking cocks with him in earshot, therefore it is impossible to make fun of her for her stupid views and ugly mug.

It's the definition of a shallow teenage mentality on Jimmy's part, as she drops a giant trail of red flags while he's incapable of getting past the fact that she had pictures taken of her having sex DUDE DID YOU SEE HER HAVING SEX? AND WHAT ABOUT THESE VIDEOS OF HER HAVING SEX DUDE? DID YOU SEE HOW MUCH SEX SHE HAD? SHE HAS SEX! She could be flying a plane into the WTC towers and Jimmy would just be like "well she did have big pussy lips." But I mean he also still thinks Kiss is an actually good band, so I'm not hanging much value on his taste.

Also not a great Opie moment when he said "I hate when people take our terms and use them wrong" in reference to white knight, when white knight isn't an O&A term, and it's being used exactly correctly to describe Ant and Jimmy. Jimmy was talking as if she had already had sex with him because he defended her.

I DUNNO just my two cents in my not so IMHO opinion, that's just my opinion I could be wrong and if you disagree with me then you're probably just a racist homophone.

I invented white knight jimmy hoo hoo

I think that's where supply and demand plays into this - when there used to be more supply of sluts on the show, they would never treat one so kindly as to sit through her pontificating college talk nonsense. They would just be like, "NEXT". Now that there's only rarely the smell of poontang in the air, they get all shy and shit just hoping these girls stick around.

They should supply her with a fat cock and then demand that she suck it in the studio.

And then baton her shins and knee caps. With a claymore. 8)

They didn't have to trash her, but they were complete phonies in the interview. You can have an interview where you're not attacking the person, but you're not just going along with their bullshit. And the fact that she's 18 doesn't matter when she's putting herself out there for national interviews as a leader, and describes herself as "a type A person". And if you can't even talk to her normally because she's 18, then don't fucking put her on. Maybe the show is too adult for her then, and they have to pass on her.

Agreed. If shes adult enough to do porn. She should be adult enough to handle a real interview.

And the other thing is, she can try to bullshit her way into any narrative about how great or important what she does is, and Jimmy can sit there and talk about how normal it should be, but I would bet money that if they played a facial abuse video of hers in studio on the screen and/or the audio over the air, she would have had a problem with that and Jimmy would think that was harsh. But if it's not a big deal, why not play it over the air? It would have made for better radio.

I will agree Jimmy was a total phony. If anyone was trying to fuck her it was him. But then I think Jimmy is phony many times he talks, there's too long of a record of him saying one thing one day and then another thing another day.

Other than that I enjoyed the interview. She made herself look like an idiot, they didn't have to.

Jimmy really likes the porn industry, knows people within it, and hosted an award thing for it once. I don't think he was trying to fuck her, I think he wants to be her friend. He wants to be accepted and a part of that industry/niche.

Two of the three of them wanted a piece o dat ass.... that is all it is. They could have at least said that is the reason they were such softies.

The only thing I said while they talked about the interview: "Dude, calm down. She's like, a five."

I think a lot of O and A's reaction were they were just trying to get as much hype out of the story as they could.

Jimmy, was trying to fuck her and his hypocrisy is annoying.

I had zero issues with the interview itself, or Opie and Anthony's defense of it today.

Jimmy's aggressiveness to anyone who'd dare criticize it is offputting, though. Have a sense of humor about yourself; not everything is a personal attack.

i thought the interview was shitty but I dont blame the boys. mostly her vocal fry

I'm tired of them using the excuse of having "a hot chick in the studio" to ignore funny bits on the show. They don't realize that having a hot chick in studio does absolutely nothing for the listening audience since they lack a visual element of the show. It's the equivalent of them talking about the food they are eating in studio or saying "I can't say this let me write it down".

None of that stuff affects us when the only sense we have is our ears.

That being said, she would have been an insanely easy target for them to rag on, so I don't blame them for not doing it. It would have been uncomfortable to listen to. Rather, they just should have booked a different guest, or at the very least had Jim Jeffries sit in (Why is Patrice getting all the attention? :P)

That time jefferies was there with that porn star was gold.

Jesus thank you so much for bringing this up. I laughed so friggen hard when Rich Vos pronounced Bonobo like Bonaroo, the music festival, I actually started to think if I didn't calm down I might have a heart attack.

"Oh ya James Deen was like so great. Like we talked about like feminism then he told me he wanted to take me home and make me his little sex slave"

Wtf. Also she talks like Dr Steve.

they shouldn't have destroyed her, they just shouldn't have had her on .. it's boring and bad radio ..its hack shock jock garbage "talking about SEX ooooo!" they need to realize they are only good when thy are funny ... lady Di saved the show at that point and that FUCKING CUNT VULTURE would steer the topic back to belle (mandy?) to another boring question .. god damn that made me so mad and i should have just skipped over it but i wanted to hear lady di

I had to punch out of the interview...I couldn't take it.

She was self-important, fake, and for christ's sake...her voice was horrible.

"White Male Privilege"

As if being half Indian didn't help her get into Duke. Indian Americans have the HIGHEST household income of ALL ethnic groups in the United States. They even beat Asians, who also make more money on average than Whites in America and are much more likely to be accepted to top universities than Whites.

As if being female got her LESS money in the porn industry or hasn't encouraged men to pay for her constantly.

She has had Indian Female Privilege her whole life and has the balls to bring up White Male Privilege. Gimme a break, bitch.

Camille Paglia she is not.

Other than Patrice, Nick Dipaolo is another that id have loved to have been there

the worst part was when Opie said they came up with the term white knighting and people are using it wrong

I get why jimmy thinks she's hot, he likes a big puffy pussy above all else. But Ant? She looks like a lil coked up whore with a 12 yr old boys body, huge gonzo nose and yellow cheshire-sized smile. Maybe it's just the age factor that attracts him, but as someone in their 20's she seems to me like a 5 at best. Does anyone really think she's hot?

Have you seen the 4 Ant is dating now?

Is she the one in the holiday picture with him and and i think her parents? Yea shes nothing to brag about.

That's the one.

But then again im stuck jerkin off so hey, what do i know. I just get my bottle of lube and tissues, go to my computer, crank one out and go to bed.

You sound like Regular Joe on his day off.

That sucks. Hope it gets better.

Good luck with that

I tug my pud and then go get my container of coffee.

In one of the amateur allure type make-up, awesome lens'd camera clips I just saw she's cute. But in her clips on FacialAbuse and other less glamorous vids she doesn't look great

Supply and demand isn't truly the answer to why women get paid more. The supply of women who are willing to do porn is essentially limitless. That industry will never reach a point in which they are forced to increase pay to entice women to get fucked. For roadkill picker-uppers and sanitary workers, sure. But not for porn girls.

The supply and demand isn't being applied to employment but to the consumers. People are paying for vag not cock.

An example of S&D inequality is Wimbledon tennis in the UK. Female players are now getting the same prize as males, even though the male games have an order of magnitude more viewers per game. The viewers are what drive advertising and consequently the tournaments funding.

Supply comes from supply of labor, demand comes from consumers.

If as you say: "the supply of women willing to do porn is essentially limitless", the same must be said about men. So all that's left to differentiate them is the consumers demand, and that clearly favors women.

Ya see, the payoff here will be her Hindenburg-esque crash in a few months.

Did you see this

lol, at least it wasn't a basketball shot

never saw that one comin....

Agreed OP. There are ways to stay civil and have a discussion about the hypocrisy of many of her points. Though I think it would have shut her up (slamming the flow to a halt) to bring up anything like that.

They should have just insisted on seeing her cut up leg and showing them how big her pussy lips are or whatever. That would have changed the subject from her dumb theories about life.

The fact that they treated it like a serious interview in the first place is the problem. And if she walked out, then to hell with her. Who cares?

Well said. Weird that they didn't chime in for the easy to discuss mentions that are opposite of the show's ongoing consensus.



How did you pull "PC" off of anything I wrote? You trolling or just dumb?



only if I can slip a digit in around back ;)


I could but I have hands like Big A.

Good then you can come over and fuck my sister as well.

awesome, what's your policy on Clitoridectomy?

Depends on what you want from the show - asshole. If you want a thoughtful interview with an 18 year old, have at it. You got it.

Is everybody sending tweets on the interview to Colin Quinn?

Patrice, Vos, Jim Jefferies, or Louis CK would've schooled her

Did not hate her like many of the fans did, only thought she was young and naive. The point most people seem to be completely missing is that if someone believes in that stuff very strongly, attacking them in a hateful manner (like so many seemed to have wanted) would only serve to feed their ideology. It's sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy with these folks.

i didnt like the interview. but i didnt want to see her smashed. i would have liked to have at least one of them somewhat debate her viewpoint.

That was my point. Especially with Jim and Ant. Opie woulda said nothing since she said she'd fuck him anyway.

So what? I didn't want to hear her get smashed because I was hoping she would change her viewpoint, I wanted to hear it to be entertained. I wanted to hear them stay at least semi consistent with the beating they were giving her off air the week prior, not backpedal and grovel to her. No one is missing it, no one was looking to change her ideology they just wanted to hear The Destroyer. They wanted to hear them bring up the points they were making when she wasn't in the studio and redeem themselves for the failed backdoor teen mom interview.

Their beatdown about it only worsened when they tried to use hypocrisy to explain themselves and insult their listeners. Claiming she is a soft target while viciously berating an addict and a retard in the same show makes you look like a doushebag.

Those are the only topics she knows aside from how to disappoint her parents and get fist fucked for college money.

Jimmy's stupid fucking strawman argument that we wanted them to disagree with her feminist idiocy because she's a "sex worker" is ridiculous.

The problem with her isn't that she sucks dick for money, it's that she thinks she's Susan B. Anthony for doing it, and that she's an "inspiration" for young girls and is breaking down boundaries.

Her delusions of grandeur are annoying, not her chosen profession.

They should have called her out on the idiotic buzzwords she was regurgitating from her first year sociology/women's study professors.

Just playing devil's advocate here, but maybe they just figured it was so inevitable that she would be a trainwreck in two years they just thought it wasn't worth it. Also, that chaperone from xoJane was literally there to "keep the boys in line", and she did a good job of protecting Belle by being a hole.

That said, the show has been weak lately, so I'm gonna listen to something else for a while.

I fast fowarded to when lady di was being prompted, it was good then at least

Whoa guys! A PORNSTAR! What a revelation, pussy's never been sold before for the last 3000 years! What is wrong with them? It's like they're stuck in adolescence and think that we are as well.

You know what man, it is what it is. I understand and agree with some their points. Nobody that they've gone back and forth with on twitter or on call-ins could articulate what people were upset about, and really weren't representative of most people's criticisms. Like I said, it is what it is, as long as this doesn't get dragged on more than it has, I don't care. Even then I'll just skip over it. Who is kidding who, none of us are going to stop listening to the show over this.

I won't stop listening to the show, but I did unsubscribe a couple of weeks ago. O&A + R&F are the only two shows I listen to on SXM, and since the quality of both are dropping so drastically I just won't pay for it anymore. There are too many podcasts of good consistent quality for me to consider paying for sxm anymore when both shows I listen to have pretty much given up on their careers and are coasting to retirement.


i disagree ... it was funny which is the number 1 mission of the show. I don't think she focused much on feminist issues.

She was so honest about her life, there was no way they could attack her.


She wasn't disrespectful, and she played along with Sam feeding lines to Lady Di.

Remember all those Playboy and Penthouse girls that wouldn't even talk about doing porn, meanwhile Knox was openly talking about it with no hesitation or regret.

They're just fucking lazy.

I'm sure it would have been easier if Belle came in to the studio alone - but she was smart and didn't. Any attempt to attack her would have resulted in her and that other hole she was with turning the whole thing in to an extended, boring argument that only Patrice would have been able to make enjoyable to listen to.

Her new nickname is Belle Knoxious.

When will her 15 minutes be up?

I'm convinced this whole thing was a bit. They knew exactly what they were doing in the interview and pissing off the listeners was the payoff. I even heard opie quietly laughing for the second half of the interview. He knew exactly what was happening and so did Jimmy.

As they said, there is NO desire to "destroy" a 20-year old

Jew run industry promotes degenerate behavior, I'm utterly shocked. Someone should stuff Sabean into an oven.


You're absolutely right. Fuck social maturity. They should have really gone after the girl that's literally young, dumb and full of cum, made the room combative and contentious and shut down the whole interview. I hated how she was loose and relaxed and talked about choking down giant cocks and her puffy vag. The blue balloon IS better than the red balloon! Dammit! They are such pussies!

because talking to a pornstar who is into sucking big dicks, getting throat fucked and she has a fat pussy is all so interesting.

Yeah, we need more social maturity like paying Ladi Di $140 for her shit stained underwear.


They were bashing her all week, they did mention how hot she was but they still made fun of her. They made there opinion of her known before she was in the room and then they just acted like she was just the sweetest thing when she came in. Then they flipped out on there listeners claiming they are above picking on an easy target like an 18 year old.... While spending hours bashing a barely functioning alcoholic with some kind of learning disability and a mentally retarded twenty something with some kind of fucked up dick. It was pathetic.

EDIT: Also, Opie then claimed he created the term White Knighting and his listeners are misusing his word.... that he came up with...

I caught that white knight shit too, someone should forward the opster this:

He may get angry someone is stealing his content

Eh, I don't need a couple dudes in their 50's attacking a teenager with obvious self-esteem issues. I prefer to hear about them dating them than crushing their already dead souls.

You guys realize she's 18 right? In what world is debating with an 18 year old not completely pointless?

Repeating points you heard on the radio is BRILLIANT!

Can't help it if it's true. 99% of 18 year olds are retards with almost no post secondary education and 0 life experience. Getting all worked up about one regurgitating some point of view from another person is a waste of time.

When I'm listening to something that irritates or doesn't entertain me, instead of finding something that does entertain me I'd rather sit and listen, boil over with anger, then go on the internet to trash the people doing the interview so that others know how angry and irritated I am! I'm appalled that an 18 year old who's getting banged out for a living is naive & hypocritical and the middle aged men interviewing her aren't smashing her for that! How dare they not lambaste her like every other interviewer she's spoken to, what phony, white knighting pieces of shit!!!

I don't think it's a matter of them not "getting it". I think it's more of a matter of them not giving a shit about what the crybabies say about how they do their jobs. They probably feel like if all the crybabies quit listening, it wouldn't really affect their bottom line. I would bet that they are correct in this assumption.

Apparently, if you don't bash the show, you get downvoted. Fuck you cunts.

The interview was fine. You guys are completely moronic.

The show I'm used to hearing would have destroyed her for that.

So they're evolving. Good for them. I didn't think it was that serious. You're the hundredth guy to mention that white male privilege thing, do you guys feel persecuted?

Stop being faggots. This chick is awesome. You are really arguing about her politics? Wow.

Honest legit question. Why is she awesome? Because she does porn? She isnt reading this sub and she wont fuck you for defending her. Does that change your opinion?

I really don't know what the fuck people like you have up their asses.

I guess it's a matter of opinion. I think she's an adorable, sweet girl who enjoys the same things I do...and in my opinion, we have better sex than people like you.

I dont have anything up my ass. But im not in the stage of my life where just because she does porn makes her awesome. Thats basically all i am getting from you. From that interview youve decided you and her like a lot of the same things? But hey you can have that opinion it isnt going to change my life any.EDIT: Like i said earlier, she isnt reading this sub and she wont fuck you for coming to the rescue.

Why does everyone assume that people are defending the interview because they want to fuck her?

It was a good interview. I enjoyed it. She is an idiot. They didn't need combat her to find that out. You could tell through Ant's silence and redirection to everything Lady Di did.

I wouldn't describe her as awesome but nothing pisses me off than strippers and porn stars who act holier than thou. Her politics is fucked but she answered all the questions I believe honestly.

I could be wrong but from what ive read here a lot of people defending the interview comes off as "shes cool and awesome cause she does porn". Like porn has never been done. And thats really all the defense they have. If she didnt do porn nobody would give a fuck about her and NOBODY would be defending her to the degree at which they are.

I agree. For me I was interested in the story when I read it and then even more when the boys commented on it. I enjoyed hearing her talk about the other shows she was on. Her politics was complete bs and they just let her hit it and moved on. But if she didn't do porn, I probably wouldn't care at all. Of course, I don't care about Ted Lange but I enjoyed that interview too.

I HATED her handler, she was in there like she was 4th mic. Honestly i would have been ok with like a 25 min interview. But the stupid "OMG like this guy stuck a big cock down my throat and like i have no gag reflex omg arent i cool?" Just does nothing for me. Then here comes the handler...."well have you ever thought about....blah blah blah." She already knows the answer and is just trying to direct the interview. Like i said somewhere on here the handler came off like a fm radio host trying to lead a comedian guest into some of their material. "So uh brian regan is here with us...i hear you did a lot of science fair projects as a kid...ever do one about the solar system???" 'Oh well its funny you should mention that...'

LOL true. I was getting annoyed at her too. However I was glad they had her in there when Lady Di came in. I literally laughed out loud at the handler's, Megan I think was her name, reaction at two different points.

Why should it even seem like I'm 'coming to her rescue'??
Because she has people like you who think she isn't worthy of any respect as a human being? You assume that there's only one way to look at this woman. She's sweet and is a girl who likes good sex. Fucking stone her!! Go fuck yourselves hypocrites.

Haha wow really? Have you read anything i posted? No im not an uber-religous prude. But im no broseph who thinks doing bong rips, drinkin beers and listening to pornstars talk on the radio is wicked cool.

She's sweet? Youve deduced that from one interview. Where have i disrespected her? The interview in my opinion sucked, it was boring. With oa&j just being in awe like theyve never had a porn star in studio. Not challenging anything she said at all, not giving a different point of view at all.

Listen, she's a likable girl. You assume people should hate her based on what? People have espoused worse points of view on the show. I think she acted very nice to everyone in the studio even with all the craziness going on. They threw her a few curves for sure and they let Di yap fed questions at her, so it wasn't a love fest at all. I'm glad they didn't antagonize her that much and let her get into talking about sex.

They definitely should have shut that other, fat voiced, boner killin broad the fuck up

They rarely beat up on a good guest face to face...and she is a pretty good guest to get right now.

I dont hate her. I just dont find her interesting. Especially not worth a 40 minute interview. Her talking about sex really to me is not interesting. Yea she was pretty cool to everyone in the room, actually i feel the callers, sans bob levy, had good legit questions. Maybe im wrong but when opie and anthony just arent talking to me that comes off as biting their tongue because they want to adress something but dont want to come off as assholes because they dont know how to do go in the middle its either kiss ass or destroy. I dont think they have any middle ground. Its either fluff questions or just beating up on them (for on-the-fence interviews).

Well it's opinion then. Because I'd take girls like her, not all porn stars, over UFC fighters. Who the fuck cares about anything UFC related. Both Ant and Jimmy already said how they both like this particular girl before she came in. When they really want to talk to/ eye fuck someone, they aren't going to talk shit to her when she gets in the studio. Especially when she is so nice and honest during the interview.

I guess it's a matter of opinion. I think she's an adorable, sweet girl who enjoys the same things I do...and in my opinion, we have better sex than people like you.

How does it go to being about her and now it's about 'WE'? gtfo you pandering fake fuck.

Stop being faggots.

I think she's an adorable, sweet girl

The only faggot here is you.

I'll tell ya how dipshit. I was responding the the question as to why I like her. We have some things in common. We like good sex.

Go fuck your ugly old lady. Stupid fucking cunt.

Try harder, we all believe you.


He was a total fucking pussy in that interview. Just because she has fat pussy lips all of a sudden he's not Jimmy anymore, he's a white knighting liberal asshole

Yeah. White Knight is from O&A. Holy crap.

Yeah jimmy today was worse than the interview itself.


awesome, what's your policy on Clitoridectomy?

Is she the one in the holiday picture with him and and i think her parents? Yea shes nothing to brag about.


He also came up with "no homo". Everyone is copying from the Opester.

You're friends with many feminists? You must be begging for a shower in Auschwitz

If you heard any of their previous shows about various pop culture events, Opie always claims to be the one to make them big [2 girls 1 cup is an example].

Jay Mohr put it best when he was trashing Louis CK's Ricky Gervais appearance: "We become what we hate", Jim hated self righteous liberals, he became one, Opie hated Howard, he became Howard.

Jim is always a pussy when the porn chicks come in. There was one interview he did with a chick way more annoying than Belle when O&a were in court for Sandy Kane and I will never forgive him for the complete ass kissing he gave that bitch. It was literally one of the cringiest moments in show history.

The one and only exception was when he trashed the porn girl who started crying like a 3 year old. Aside from that, you can always count on him to lose his balls when a whore walks in the room.