Danny Ross: On dishing it out and the inability to take it in return

5  2014-03-19 by CasinoIndian


Ugh, plenty of other ONA clips to listen to without having to relive this insufferable douchebag.

I didn't mind Danny much until he started hanging with Ant. He started thinking he was the talent. This led to his fights with Patrice, and others that were just uncalled for. In his last year or so, he could take no criticism, but I thought the shit show was better when he filled in.

CoFuckingCane, that shit's pretty over the top, not as funny as the guys made it out to be. I'm almost, almost, annoyed at how Anthony and Danny were buddies.

I don't even get it. How is it funny?

I don't think it's funny either, in the context of it all it's pretty amusing but I don't think it warranted the praise it got from Anthony & Opie.

I'm pretty sure they still are even though Danny constantly shits on OnA via twitter

I don't know, I don't think they're the best friend they used to be. They might be amicable, but I don't think they're good friends anymore.

I think it was over for good when Ant called him "a miserable piece of shit" on the air.

"Miserable fuck"

I hate Danny, but in my opinion it is the best production piece ever.

I not a big fan of Danny but he was the man at finding shit online. Oh Sam!

The only good thing he did during his tenure was the co-fucking-cane bit. I tried hard to like him but you could just tell he was a dick.

I do have to say that his performance during the Half-a-Hulk Face bit was pretty funny. Other than that, fuck him.

edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XszgcecdatE

I cant get through a Danny clip, its painful to hear him again. The good news it makes Sam seem way less annoying after hearing Danny again.

I never really understood why the listeners hated Danny so much. It seems like 100% of listeners hated him and it still seems kind of weird to me. Did he do something I'm not aware of?

What? Just look at his face. How can anyone not wanna fucking punch it and crush his fucking skull?
