Young Lady Di

18  2014-03-18 by RzK


She looks good. It's amazing what alcoholism can eventually do to a person.

More like trauma led to the alcoholism.

She was pretty open about being a party girl that would do coke. I think the dark side of fun party girls is that some can't leave it all behind.

They should show high school kids before and after pictures of Di.

There would be no more underage drinking.

I feel like Di was a great girl once. Shit happened in life and it turned her into what she is today. Occasionally she'll say something in a tone that's girly or flirty but it just becomes awkward because she looks like a hobgoblin.

EDIT: I also just realized that in the face she kind of looks like the adult actress Austin Kincaid.

I thin it was before the inheritance. Dint Che work work at some factory for 10 years?

Her hubby throwing himself infront of a train probably ruined her. I honestly can't imagine having to live through that and being happy.

She used to work at a brewery.

bud 'n bubs

"I also just realized that in the face she kind of looks like the adult actress Austin Kincaid." I can't unsee this...Austin Kincaid ruined forever.

She looks attractive.

God help me.

By 80's girl standards, she might as well be a supermodel.


Only pic I could find of the young water buffler

Her name is Lady NNYAHh.


Does anyone have a picture of Bill?


I always though he was saying "hello ball" in that scene. He's talking to a ball, why would it be "Bill". Maybe it's me but I never got this.

Now if someone can find young Marion, who was said to be unfuckable back then too, that would be most appreciated.

I don't know how I feel about this.

She looks like a bustier Tina Fey.

Man, the 80's weren't that long ago. It's insane what cheap beer would do to your body.

Who woulda thought this fine young lady would be habitually engaging in cocaine induced sodomy.

And hobo cum.

Never forget the hobo cum.

If attractive means not looking like she got beaten in the face with a river rock then yeah she was gorgeus.

No but yeah. Drink in moderation folks.

River rock, homerun.

hey, how are YA, lady di? how are YA?

not horrible, like now.

She looks like a totally different person.

what the fuck happened. but in fairness to her now, she always did have saggy tits. no loss there.


Yes faggot, we would. Especially knowing that miller light is showing her the high life

Ewww, I said that in the Buffalo Bill voice. Everyone in Lady Di's family tree should be wiped out, period.