Di's bits sounded way too forced today

1  2014-03-18 by Edgarsteeth

Randomly during Belle Knox interview talking about Dr. Drew:

Di: "Uhm, excuse me Belle, do you have HBO? Because I can't afford it."

Di: "Belle, do you think coffee coladas make you go to the bathroom?"

Seriously? That reeks of Sam writing a note and telling Lady Di to read it verbatim. There was zero relation HBO, tv, or anything anywhere in the conversation. In addition to that, there was about 30 other forced bits (at least) in the interview. Di is great when she comes in naturally but if they already have her reading off queue cards by today this week is going to get very stale very quick.


Holy shit, do you listen to the show? Of course he is feeding her lines. THATS THE BIT! He has been doing it for YEARS. I fucking hate you people.

Yes, Di even said she was reading off pieces of paper. If the lines are being fed to fuck with someone they way they do with Bobo it's still funny.


i hope she is being fed lines,as soon as she starts thinking for herself the bit is fuckin over.

Di doesn't have Marion to build the stupid with. Could you imagine those two yammering at her?

I actually stopped listening to the show (I was listening on youtube since I was at work during the live airing) and started watching a "holocaust denier" documentary instead.

For the record, I think I might be in the denier camp now.


Those youtube comments. XD Jesus christ.

Read em and weep baby!