A bit disappointed in the boys today.

65  2014-03-18 by BoboOrbani

I liked the Bella Knox interview, and overall I like Belle Knox, but I feel the boys could've pushed back a little on her SJW/Feminism nonsense she's been repeating on all the media stops this week. The girl's obviously been introduced to all this slut-shaming/ patriarchy/ white male privilege through her university Major. It's the Sasha Grey school of porn stars trying to aggrandize what they do a little bit.

For example, they made fun of people being outraged over Dr. Drew's dumb joke about taking a cynanide pill, and 15 minutes later they had Belle in talking about how offensive that was and didn't challenge that assertion at all. Then Norton said his girlfriend said he was an emo lesbian when he was younger and Belle goes "I totally resent those characterizations." I understand she's cute, guys, but come on, that's classic hole stuff.

Her story seems like it's 90% a publicity stunt. I'm not saying they should've fucking attacked her viciously or gotten into an argument about social justice issues, but they couldn't disagreed a bit more, which I think they do, but didn't articulate during the interview.

Patrice would've been great for today's show. I wonder what he would've thought of the Tumblr/SRS crowd?


Patrice would've ended Belle Knox's career with his logic

Within the first 2 minutes we would have heard the infamous Patrice sigh. Damn I miss that guy

I honestly think within the first few minutes of the interview she would just start repeating "two weeks, two... weeks, twoooo weeahks" like a malfunctioning robot because patrice's logic destroyed her processor.

It's so sad we'll never see him completely disembowel somebody logically anymore. I can't think of any other person with the balls he had because most people care about their career. Not that taking out some stupid attention whore would question his career but only he had the integrity to do it to minnows and whales.

I think Jimmy and the boys aren't as aggressive when it comes to guests in-studio. The only people I think would challenge a guest would be Vos or Patrice. Lord knows we can't trust Vos with being the voice of reason

Let's not forget what a drunk Jim Jeffries can do to a porn star.

Oh god that was fucking beautiful


This was my immediate thought at the 1st cringe-inducing comment. An 18-year-old college student moonlighting as a porn starlet who fancies herself a 4th wave feminist? Oh how Patrice would have deconstructed this girl! They need a new comic 4th mic that is fearless b/c they have bid farewell to those days.

This interview was one of the few times I wished Dice was in studio with them.

If ever since patrice's death was someone justified with the "i wish patrice was here" sentiment, this is it.

Why though? She was nice to them and rolled with all the questions. She entertained Lady Di's dumb questions. Im not saying she was a good interview, or that she is even that attractive, but i don't get why she deserved to get destroyed. She's a dumb, naive 18 year old college student who will soon realize the causes she believes in are bullshit. The porn industry and everyone else will forget about her before the year is up.

She's a dumb, naive 18 year old college student

...on the radio so now she has a podium from which to display her stupidity, unlike all the other stupid 18 year olds. Of course she deserves to be ripped down, and not just her but the tools who allowed it to happen.



I hate when a whore tries to pass off her fucking on camera as some sort of political statement. She was fucking for money. that's all it was. It wasn't a statement for women's rights. It was a girl making money the easy way and then trying to pat herself on the back a little too much for it.

The world's oldest profession, just on camera.

She's the first girl to make doing porn seem like an act of nobility

Yeah. I was just thinking about it and it'd be like a hit man killing someone he doesn't know for 10k and then trying to convince people that he just offed the next Hitler.



haha thanks.

(That was a bot)




Ok. I must say, that was clever.



Analogies can be difficult to comprehend.. don't be too hard on yourself, kid.

Nothing better than making up a totally nonsensical analogy and then being a smartass about it.

It makes sense. It's someone doing something that people think is immoral for money and then trying to pass it off as a noble act.


She's a dumb whore slut.

Slut shaming!

Slut shaming shaming!

I thought the interview was terrible, and Belle Knox's story sounded fake as hell. O, A & J morphed into the stereotypical white knight they've railed against in the past, eating up any bullshit she spewed. Only Sam, feeding lines to Lady Di, acted how a member of the Opie and Anthony show should act in this situation. I'm looking forward to Col's tongue lashing.

To be fair Opie kind of did prod her a little bit a few times. He at least got her to admit that she'd be doing porn still even if she didn't have student loans.

shes not as cute as they say. she looks like colin kaepernick

Holy shit, you're right.

Agreed. If she didn't gobble dick on film they wouldn't have given her a second look.

The only ways she would get attention is either being a porn girl or an intern.

She looked more like the Pedro Martinez midget

Hundreds of thousands of chicks in porn and this 5 is getting all the attention.LOL

Who is jackin to this hook nose zilch!?!

Ant apparently. Shes a cutter, just his type!

"That's probably not politically correct to refer to Native Americans as Indians."

That line made me want to sign up for a FacialAbuse subscription.

So Belle defends making kinky rough blowjob porn vids but then she says she regrets making one of these videos herself? What kind of logic is that?

I think the verbal abuse part of it bummed her out, but she knew the deal. Facial abuse is all about complete degradation. I love it personally. The one where they fucked the deaf girl is one of my personal favorites. Her name is Juliet Willow if you want to look it up.

Never really got the appeal of those.

must've had good parents.

I like it too (apart from the puking). I wish Belle would make a sequel!

Yeah I'm not really a fan of the puking either.

My google search suggestions are getting interesting.

You'd love /r/tumblrinaction.

A bit disappointed is a fucking understatement. This was pathetic on every level. If they don't have it in them to be antagonistic anymore, then fine. But if you're going to try to do a straight interview, why let this lady's handler steer the conversation and not even get anything interesting out of it?

I love how her handler had to reiterate almost everything she said, while affirming everybody she was 'teh smartest person evar!'

Not to mention the 3000 times she told us how "nice" Belle was and Mandy constantly asking questions as if she was doing the interview.

what a vulture that handler was ... lady di SAVED the fucking show and that parasite kept redirecting back to belle .. awful awful guests

I skipped through until I heard Lady Di. They shouldn't give the whore ~40 minutes to blabber about who gives a shit

What I take away from the interview ultimately is that she is young and naive and I feel kinda sorry for her. She is going to be used up by both the porn industry and also the clickbait journalism (like what's-her-name that was in studio with her) industry in a relatively short amount of time, and not have a lot of career options otherwise, because doing porn counterfeits her degree. Unless she wants to be like the Anita Sarkeesian of porn or whatever, she's there forever.

The O&A show obviously had some sort of agreement with her handlers that they were not going to really fuck with this interview, and use it for viralbait basically, so I was not too disappointed with O&A, because I got what I expected.

You're probably right regarding that last paragraph, especially considering the guys are friends with and like Mandy, and also considering Jim and Ant were testing the waters to see if Belle would fuck them after the show.

Also, I don't think Anita will be around forever, if you compare her to the careers of people like Andrea Dworkin and Catharine MacKinnon, they become semi-famous for a few years, then sort of lose ground both within their movement and also in the mainstream media.

If Colin calls them out on this they'll devolve into the role of victims. This whole show has been sounding phoney to me lately. It makes me kinda sad. I miss Patrice.

I hate when people say "Patrice would have made x show better". Patrice would make anything better, he was possibly the funniest off the cuff person ever.

Ugh, without Bob Levy's call and Diana it was just three mo's pandering to a hole.

Haven't heard this yet, only about 40 minutes into the replay but I'm bummed to hear this. I was extremely disappointed with how they handled that Farrah Abraham twat. I doubt this Belle Knox girl will be as awful but it sucks to see them being soft on idiots because they're hot. We're due for a good, cringey, uncomfortable interview.


They had that dumb whore on and didn't bash her for saying how her being a whore shouldn't follow her around during her professional career?

She's a dumb slut who has no idea how life works.

I couldn't agree more. Even IF she graduates from Duke (which she won't), that degree won't be worth shit because no one will ever hire her. They'll realize she's an HR nightmare because anyone at the company can pull up DP videos of her at a moments notice. How's that for "empowering"?

To anyone punching out early, you have to watch the entire thing. My god, what a cunt, and I don't mean that she has a nice cunt, but that she is a cunt.

The ending is hilarious. She complains about how men will always make more money than women no matter what, but then the camera guy points out how that in porn its the opposite. She thinks that is fair, because it is a "capitalized society". EXACTLY, YA DUMB BITCH

The best thing to do in this situation is to just ignore her pandering and give a listen to the Black Phillip show. Listening to that show after hearing something stupid from a female is more than a pallet cleanser, it's detox.


Yeah man. Honestly I don't think it's Patrice's logic alone that makes him great, but the balls he had. I understand Opie & Anthony weren't trying to dog that girl, but they could have at least disagreed with her.

Since when is slut shaming such a bad thing. My ex used to get so mad when she caught me on porn. Was she "Cock Shaming" me?

Slut shaming does really suck for women, I'll admit. But what kind of crazy person gets mad at someone for watching porn??

Jim comes off as so pathetic during these interviews...a pandering desperate creep trying to get into her pants. He has really become the least likable part of the show, sorry Opie haters.

Two high school drop outs and a frat boy who don't care beyond how she takes dick. I'll give them credit. In 15 years of listening they've gone from a hostile mean albeit hilarious to unprepared and non caring.

I really couldn't stand how she felt like a crusader. If she wasn't patting herself of the back for taking a load I'd like her a lot better..

Would be nice, but I can't blame them. They'd just get a bad reputation for "attacking guests." Publicists would avoid them, etc. Openy is jizzing his pants at all the viral video potential, and I understand that too, getting the show some heat, just a taste.

Patrice would be too perfect. Would see springs flying out of her fuckin ears and cuckoo clock noises and shit.

I can. This soft ball interview will get them no heat and being rough to guests is when they are at their best. Nobody gives a shit or remembers the safe, boring A-lister interviews. This show needs to go back to The Whistler guy type guests that are ridiculous and fun. This interview is a perfect example of everything wrong with the show these days. They used to brag about being real and honest and celebrate that idea every Jocktober, but this interview is evidence to the complete opposite.

Yeah this is Blamey McRadiolistener, you have cancer of the guests BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HIGGA BIGGA HOO DOO BAOW

Horse shit. You're talking about Belle Knoxx as if she is Jennifer Lawrence. No one anywhere would have cared if they demolished this nobody. Publicists denying movie stars becaus Belle Knoxx got offended? Lol

They wasted Bobo yesterday, HE should have been there today, babbling at Bella.

the boys are horrible interviewers, they should stop doing them, it is a place to hang out with comics

That other girl there was aggravating. Constantly chiming in trying to steer this girl in a certain direction " you're the troll slayer belle" shut the fuck up

That was comedian Mandy Stadtmiller

That was a comedian? I thought it was a girl from that magazine belle did the article for. She kept helping her along.

Jim challenged the outrage at Dr Drew's statement a bit when she brought it up again. He said that you have to take it in context and that it obviously wasn't literal. Oh, literal whore!

Love the gaggers.

Not my kind of porn, but I'll save this for anytime in the future I hear her talk.

The vocal fry was strong with this one.

Arguing with a feminist is like struggling when you fall into quicksand and it's exactly what they want. It's better that they just objectify her by kissing her sweet little ass.

Arguing with liberals...it's like playing chess with a pigeon; no matter how good I am at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over the pieces, crap on the board and strut around like it's victorious.

If you can somehow force a liberal into a point-counterpoint argument, his retorts will bear no relation to what you’ve said — unless you were in fact talking about your looks, your age, your weight, your personal obsessions, or whether you are a fascist. In the famous liberal two-step, they leap from one idiotic point to the next, so you can never nail them. It’s like arguing with someone with Attention Deficit Disorder.

I'm a liberal, you could call me a feminist. This woman's a fucking cunt.

I just enjoyed Lady di's blabber throughout the interview.

How much money does the IRS take out of your check?

And when that porno chick said to lady Di "Oh, there is porn for every body type out there, you can get into it." I just about puked.

Ant said she'd earn about $27.00 a scene. I think that is too much!

I was ok with it the first couple times...after that it was just painfully obvious that Sam was feeding her shitty lines.

I agree. So many times I got disgusted at them for not calling her on her shit. She's not intelligent. Her voice was right up there with the most annoying voices of all time.

As much of a grim reaper dick Dr Drew is... He was right.

I would off myself if she was my daughter. I saw what she did. There is no nobility in what she does on camera. Entertainment? Yes. A public service for jerk off material? Yes.

But noble? Fuck no.

I'm so glad I have 2 sons. As long as they don't go into gay porn, I won't be killing myself.

Exactly. Garbage men are doing a public service, nothing noble about touching garbage juice,though.

What;s SJW

SJW = Social Justice Warrior

Sir Warrior of Justice, Sir Social of Tumblr.

not using gender-neutral pronouns like zhir and zhim

Patriarchal authoritarian-minded devil.

The only thing that disappointed me about that interview was hearing bob levy call in. God damn was that horrible. He's never funny but today he took it to another level today. It was actually kinda sad. They need to change the hotline number on that guy

He's a train wreck with his Lady Di level of questions.

youre giving this idiot and the boys what they want, now OnA will see all these threads and say "hey we made a huge splash with that interview, did you see all those threads on reddit" OnA only care if we hate or love something but if we dont talk about it as much they forget about it.

now opie will bitch about it tommorow and say how much he's "had it" with "those people", i always defended him but im so sick of his fucking sensitive bitching, "those people" are the only ones sitting through your 4 hour cruise control radio half of the fucking time, get off the radio if you dont wanna be criticized, or stop phoning it in, and dont give me the "we did a great fucking week of radio" so that means you can call it in the next week?

i wish bill belichick was the program director, he would turn this back into a professional radio show.

She got accepted into Duke. She has intelligence. She's a Women's Studies major. There's not a lot you can do with it except be a Women's Studies professor. She has first-hand experience in porn. Humiliation porn. Low self esteem. Cutting. Religious, military family. Being outed and slut-shamed. Add all this together, and I see a doctoral dissertation based on her experience. A mainstream book or three, with media interviews making her a star. And authoring Women's Studies textbooks. Keynote speaker. Special guest lecturer. TV Network consulting correspondent. Becoming a Women's Studies professor at a prestigious university, perhaps the most well known Women's Studies professor in the country.
A story of triumph. A story of empowerment, recovery, and redemption. A train she'll be able to ride all the way to tenure and retirement.

I could see Patrice baiting her with this right before he shut her down.

To be fair to "her", she got outed for the porn, and is successfully spinning the publicity to her advantage at the moment. Other than that, all this feminism stuff is hypocritical bullshit, and nobody is calling her on it. Women act catty/jealous around her, and most men don't call her out on it... b/c she's got tits. Jim Jefferies, or Dice (in the right mood) would have shut her down, but sadly that wasn't the case.

  • It's hypocritical to play the feminism card with a dick in your mouth... AKA while fighting for "equality" in a female dominated industry (an industry that's tougher on male performers than most "male dominated" fields are on females).

  • Then they argue "sexual expression", as if it's some all encompassing umbrella that's used as a get out of jail free card. All they're doing is selling their hole(s). An athlete trains and uses their body for competition, a scholar uses their intelligence, an artist uses their creativity/mind, and then you have chicks like this without any talent, so they rely on the hole they were born with.

I'm not knocking it, but call it for what it is. And the boys should have done just that.

I wish someone would have told that aggravating cunt that was with her to shut the fuck up. They should have told her to stay out of the studio. Annoying fuck.

I found her really boring, and think it would have gone a lot worse if she didnt have her handler with her, to keep reminding her about what to talk about, although to be fair she is only 18 or 19. To defend the boys, they even said before she got in there that they were going to change and become lame, so I guess I cant be too disappointed in their honesty.

As a media destination you want people to enjoy themselves when they come into the studio. Also, Jim and Ant were at least testing the waters on some after hours potential.

And she goes off saying she'd fuck Opie. Burn!

The Opster!

When did Jimmy get a new girlfriend?

I think he meant his ex.

He said he had a girl on monday, but who knows if was just trying to dodge Lady Di, no one challenged him.



There wasn't a need to be mean, necessarily, if they so chose - she's a nice enough girl/guest, and if they're not going to go out of their way to go after her, so be it.

The incredulousness of Opie/Jimmy to the white knight comments, though, and their dismissiveness of it as stupid people who should be paid no mind though, was just plain stupid. You're (extremely) entertaining broadcasters, but you're not beyond reproach - the thin-skinned nature of their response is just ridiculous.

The other broad in the studio was cock-blocking.

Jimmy challenged her on the dr drew thing, it wasn't right away but he did.

By the way, I noticed she didn't do Howard's show... I bet Old Howie is scared his daughters would get into porn too

Howie is on vaycay.

When isn't he?

I was waffling on your whole post until the last part about Patrice. He would have DESTROYED her...

Yeh it was weak as piss! All this hardcore talk about liberals and they get a naive 18 yr old whore in and do nothing. Also why the fuck did they not push the subject when she said her dad was there for moral support...WTF

LOL i just said to Ant that Lady Di was the only one with balls in that interview..his response was "so, you didnt get WHY SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE WITH BALLS? #Clueless

Umm how about the fact that you talk a massive game until someone is in studio and then you turn into a bitch...and im a massive fan. Im sure i will be blocked for even questioning the issue

patrice would have destroyed this bitch. jim did speak some logic saying a jokes a joke

but todays show was overalll terrible.fuck lady di i hope she dies slow of the runssssss

The chick was annoying, no doubt. All those porn star/stripper/hooker girls are a total waste of airtime. I'll never understand why they still have them on the show.

That said, they did use Lady Di to her full potential. I'm a little surprised that not everyone is understanding that they DID fuck with Belle Knox. They just did it in the safest way possible. Which is still a pussy ass thing to do, but they didn't TOTALLY blow it.

I just want to point out that the boys were fucking with her by making lady Di ask awful questions.

'For example, they made fun of people being outraged over Dr. Drew's dumb joke about taking a cynanide pill, and 15 minutes later they had Belle in talking about how offensive that was and didn't challenge that assertion at all.'

If I remember correctly, immediately after she asked Dr. Drew for an apology, Jimmy fired back and tried to reason with her. That's specifically his pet peeve. The guys also have to tread lightly in that situation. She wasn't really the brightest person to converse with, and stood behind some of her positions based mostly on emotion, about as smart as the average porn star. Maybe law school was just a bit hard for her? It's not like they would have been able to instill any counterpoints onto her.

I agree, the boys were a bit weak on her. Very very boring, I'd listen, then zone out for 15 minutes and be like "she's still fucking on?". ENOUGH with the fucking porn stars and fighters. They're ALL the same people. "Uh, what's your favorite scene to do?" "Do you have a fat pussy?" "What's it like getting hit in the ring?" "Huurrr Durrr" These people are not interesting, they have NOTHING to contribute. I'm quitting the show. See ya!

"I love a guy holding me down and nearly choking me."

"I want equality."

Ok. eye roll

Look, I get that people like the sex they like and that not every woman is every guy's cup of tea. I would never down the porn industry because that's not my thing (I have no problems with the porn biz), but with that being said can we just all agree that there won't be any peace prizes awarded for porn actresses this year? I'm not shitting on the girl, but this elevation of porn to a feminist triumph just rubs me the wrong way.

they talked to that cunt for almost an hour and a half. worst show of the year.

sameeee thauung as seling your soul to a baaahnk for 20 yeaaarruuuzzz to paayaeee your tuiieettion .... jesus that was awful radio ... thank god for lady di


I always skip the parts with guests =/



"Why is she whining about slut shaming and male privilege" they say on the day the O&A subreddit is full of "EEEEUUUH FUCKING WHORE"

Unless you're fucking Patrice O'neal come back from the grave SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT WHAT HE WOULD HAVE SAID! You have no fucking clue what went on in that guys head or what he would think of anything. You're all nobodies and being so fucking arrogant to think you could predict what that comedic genius would have to say about something is an insult.

To be fair, she was probably 5 times better than most of the porn girls they interview. But that's not really saying much. At least when a caller dropped some logic about porn women making more she admitted that she could have been wrong.

She was an overall cool guest why would they be mean to her. And all feminism isn't bad feminism. Any girl who can do facial abuse, be sexual, and have fun but also calls herself a feminist is ok in my book. What exactly did she say that was so horrible? It wasn't like she was banking bossy



Ant coughed or grumbled when she first said the Whits Male Patriarchy shitwords.

Rip peatrice i lobve jim norton but jusy how involved in t this show is he

Dude your phone cut out...

I didn't read all that rubbish you wrote, but I'm guessing this is about the "white male entitlement" comment. Just the idea that you and Ant especially completely deny that it exists is the best proof that it exists.

My privilege has been checked.



oh hilarious. Something norton used to say 5 years ago still has the same impact today. You're brilliant sir.

Sorry I don't follow everything a comic says.. And aids jokes are away's right when some one like you says white privilege is real and then drops the nigger word..fucking dummy.

I seem to remember another person who liked to stereotype - George Zimmerman. We don't need your Zimmerman-like hate thought around here.

What a load of horseshit! We white male opie and anthony fans all pulled ourselves up by our bootstraps out of the gutter in downtown Detroit raised by a single mom who was addicted to crack!


White male privilege is a fairy tale invented by nutso liberal creationists to explain why white males are more successful than niggers, Mexicans, and women. The real explanation is that god did not give everyone the exact same brains. White males are more successful because they have higher IQs and are more driven. Asian males are more successful than whites because they have higher IQs and are more driven. No one complains though about yellow privilege.

Am I on /r/opieandanthony or /r/stormfront? How is this upvoted?

Please do explain where I'm wrong.

No, I'm not going to argue with you about why your century old philosophy of racial hierarchy is wrong.


That's because you can't, you creationist. There is not a shred of evidence that all people of all races are equally intelligent, yet you apparently believe otherwise.


What makes you believe what you believe? Faith?

This is not a debate, Jerry. I'm not going to debate you.

That's because you can't.




How else would you describe people who believe wholeheartedly, without a shred of evidence, that god gave all people of all races and both sexes exactly the same brains?

So it's just my imagination that the richest people in the world are complaining about how oppressed they are? It's my imagination that the party of "less taxes for the job creators" are 99% white?

Yup, the richest people in the world, Jews, are constantly kvetching about how oppressed they are. But they're not white. And Republicans are primarily white not because of white male privilege but because mud people love Democrat gibmedats.

Richest guy in the world is Mexican, and he owns Mexico's biggest telco. China has more NEW billionaires than any other country in the past 10 years.

Take your SJW fairy tale and shove it.

Its funny how enraged people get at the concept. Like how O&A&J were seething when some college made an "i have white privilege" ad.

must've had good parents.

That was a comedian? I thought it was a girl from that magazine belle did the article for. She kept helping her along.

Ok. I must say, that was clever.

Please do explain where I'm wrong.