Belle Knox sounds so fucking dumb, you know what I mean?

73  2014-03-18 by OgieOgletorp

I don't care she does porn, but everything she says makes me cringe.


What a bore. She's a 3 with a GIANT fucking nose...

Also known as a Cumia 10

If it's 16, it's a Cumia 10

You mean if she's 10 it's a Cumia 10

Yes, you can repeat the joke and decrease the age for maximum hilarity.






Any idea how long the interview was? Going to scrub through later.

2 hours.

Holy shit! thanks pal. Looks like I'll be catching up on some podcasts today.

I was gonna give her a 5.

I can't decide what's worse : Pornstars or MMA guys

Man, this is like Sophie's Choice.

R.I.P. Tippy Tom.

so fucking hard, but i would say pornstars, i have never been entertained by one, but UFC usually always suck but one or two have been mildly interesting.

And they usually choke out Jimmy

wish they would choke out roland, has he ever really brought a great guest to the show, or anything for that matter?

Well, considering he brings most guests to the show, I'd say the dolt does good SOMEtimes.

he brings most guests to the show

Yeah, porn stars and UFC guys are his fault.

Yep. And so are good guests like comedians, both Tysons, that dude from GOT just yesterday and so on.

The other chick sounded like she smoked 2 packs a day, or was a tranny.

That's why porn's a good outlet for her. A dick in her mouth so she can't talk.

She put it best, "When I've got a big dick in my mouth, no-one can hear the smart things I have to say".

Even when she doesn't have a dick in her mouth, nobody can hear the smart things she has to say...

... cause she ain't got any!


Hey, whatever happened to the girl who fucked that Weiner guy ? Exactly. Enjoy your 15 minutes, big nosed whore....

thats what im saying enough with this stupid viral flavor of the week girls, its just so they can be lazy, they cant really enjoy these type of guest's.

im not gunna listen to the interveiw but i can only imagine how many times ant refernces his pool and mansion, ugh what a creepy old man.

For the most part pornstars just aren't interesting because the guys just suck up to them. Since it's radio I don't really get hot and bothered hearing a pornstar talk about all the tomfoolery going on in her life

Yeah I don't see how porn stars translate to good radio. Also I google image searched her and she isn't even that good looking. She's got a weird face.

In my opinion she's cute but I still don't care about her "story." She loves the media attention and to be fair I don't care enough about a woman's right to do porn. I'd fap to Belle Knox today and then forget she even existed tomorrow.

Yeah maybe I'm just a bit of a jerking off snob with all of the options at my finger tips here on the internet.... One thing for sure though is that I don't care to "humanize" any of the girls I see in any form of pornography.

Yeah fuck that bitch. And also I haven't listened to it yet but did Anthony try to get all flirty with her?

I also haven't listened yet. Gotta wait til I'm home from work. I have to imagine that he is trying to fuck her and they are all treating her like she is the hottest woman they ever saw.

Anthony has a weird taste in girls. I'm more of a MILF guy myself. I'd fap to /u/CUNTYMOM before Belle Knox

Hey, there's no shame in that. I like to mix it up. Sometimes I'll even just jerkoff to just to keep myself on my toes.

Edit: I imagine a lot of the Jews also do this.

As a Jew, can confirm the last part.

im a 23yo male you fucking mo

but yeah same here milf porn is great, and if i go for younger girls in porn its those softcore ones where the girls look perfect and are usualy european, american teen porn is usually horrible, girls are so beat up and drugged up.

My bad and yeah I agree



I like that they did that with her, because everyone's going after her. In this case it wouldn't have worked at all and she just would have clammed up and left. But yeah what a big dope she is. Can't imagine her being my lawyer lol.

I'm not suggesting they attack her at all. It's just weird when they fall head over heels for a girl who looks like she's 14

14 year old Barbra Streisand

Full of meaningless cliches about how men objectify women and then segue directly into a story about performing in scenes where the purpose is to degrade the woman. Holy shit. By all means do porn and get attention, just don't do it under the flimsy pretext of anything else.

She basically sat there and said, "Violate and abuse me, but only under the proper context." Of course, it's self-determined.

Yeah, wanted to be locked in a dog house as a kid…nobody got to that early on, for sure.

she says she'll never do a POV film caller asks about her POV film

Embarrassing interview. I hope Colin destroys them for their White Knighting.

It's the XOJane broad. If they kill this girl, that bitch goes full SJW on O&A. She's fake-mothering the girl while getting an assload of publicity from her story.

Don't get it twisted, though, she doesn't give a shit about Belle.

That makes it worse, so they were scared of some stupid response from a militant female?!?! Since when has that ever mattered? Patrice kept that show honest, now it's just shit.

The world is shit now. Patrice wouldn't have survived the onslaught of Corporate Feminism™, either.

'Never survived' as in what? Never starring in movies? Getting one gig a year? That would've affected Patrice how? lol

It's a completely different media environment than even five years ago. When Patrice started to blow up, the PC infrastructure was only acknowledged by certain institutions and was used as a marketing message. Now it's become the enforced norm in more places than not.

O&A deal with much of the same shit, because now many publicists and other talent gatekeepers not only are paranoid of certain types of bad press, but they work for larger companies that observe the PC values. The frustrating part is everyone besides the fat, gay, albino retard with a tumblr knows it's bullshit—no matter who they serve.

Blame Gawker, tumblr and everything like it. Don't blame the show for business' new-found love of pandering.

Thanks for the downvotes btw.

Patrice wouldn't have been affected by the feminists because he never did 20 movies a year and had gigs every week, so what would they have taken away from him?

Patrice chose to be blacklisted in hollywood but he still got paid gigs, O&A didn't play that game so comparing them and absolving them based on that makes no sense.

The environment isn't any different, people have just gotten louder and others have gotten quieter. The repercussions aren't any different.

I downvoted you for the "lol". Some stories and celebs should be blown off, but this bitch came in way too represented for the show to take over the narrative.

The fact is a bunch of unemployable shitheads have colluded to take your opinion away, for fear that others might agree. We can say whatever we want, but we have to deal with the new set consequences as well. Everything works until managers/investors find there's no gain in pandering, and it will level out. The beautiful part about extreme movements is they fight each other to purify themselves as much as they fight everyone else.

I think the boys did a good job of keeping the discussion open while letting Belle dig her own dumb hole, and her rep sound like the scumbag hanger-on blogger she was. This woman knew when to stop her, and what might be juicy to get some heat.


Belle‘s Handler “i cant believe how smart she is“ Belle “i cant follow game of thrones“

Belle “we talked about femenism, then he told me he would make me his sex slave, i loved it“

Belle “i am a womans study major, and i dont just do this for attention“ Jimmy “come see her tonight at headquarters“ Belle “yah, come throw money at me“

that is one broken dummy of a girl

I hate the way she talks. She drags the last word of every sentence. Sadly, it seems to be a growing trend with young girls today.

It's called a Vocal Fry and it means she's a dumb cunt

Wikipedia in case anyone is intresteeed.



Vocal fry register:

The vocal fry register (also known as pulse register, laryngealisation, pulse phonation, creak, glottal fry, glottal rattle, glottal scrape, or strohbass) is the lowest vocal register and is produced through a loose glottal closure which will permit air to bubble through slowly with a popping or rattling sound of a very low frequency. During this phonation, the arytenoid cartilages in the larynx are drawn together which causes the vocal folds to compress rather tightly and become relatively slack and compact. This process forms a large and irregularly vibrating mass within the vocal folds that produces the characteristic low popping or rattling sound when air passes through the glottal closure. The very lowest part of the register can extend in rare cases to 20–50 pulses per second, or about two octaves below the lower part of the modal voice register (the normal voice).

Interesting: Vocal register | Phonation | Creaky voice | Demilich (band)

Parent commenter can toggle NSFW or delete. Will also delete on comment score of -1 or less. | FAQs | Mods | Magic Words

Thanks for the info, now I know what to call it. It fucking grates on my nerves.

Holy shit, she could play the lead role in Clueless. She ends every sentence with an um, know what I mean, or like. I hate it when O&A and Jimmy sometimes defend these chicks just because they are on the show. If they were analyzing this broad they would be ripping her apart.

Lady Di speaks more clearly than this airhead. At this rate maybe she can get into Duke too.

You're just speaking from your position of white male privilege. /s

You, sir, are gay.

She's doing porn so she doesn't have to be in debt when she graduates. That's smarter than being a rube and just doing what everybody else does (crippling debt). Just watch the videos and enjoy.

Yeah, I am a giant faggot for thinking this chick is retarded. I don't care she does porn, but for her to think she is different than any other porn star is crazy. She isn't going to use her college degree (if she finishes), she is going to stay in porn.

Yes, you are. You think she's stupid because she speaks differently than you. I guarantee she murdered you on the ACT/SAT. You try going on a national radio show and sounding intelligent.

You're also an idiot for focusing on the way a porn star talks when you should be watching her videos, enjoying them, and shutting your mouth.

Not sure if troll or just stupid.

I don't think she is stupid because she speaks differently than me. I don't think the English or Irish are stupid because they speak differently than me. Her speaking mannerisms make her stupid.

If she chooses to be on a radio show and publicize herself, I have the right to focus on the way she presents herself. If she stuck to having dicks thrown in her mouth than I would have never known she is a barely functioning retard.

Again, I would bet my life that she's smarter than you in every measurable way.

Great personal attack man. You keep white knighting for these girls and see how far it gets you.

How's it white knighting? She's not going to read this.

You're saying such nonsensical things that only way we think you'd say it is to defend some pretty little thing.

I'm glad she's doing well, I'm glad I can see her on facial abuse, but articulating herself like an 8 year old isn't just some funny habit.

you are a moron

You'd wager your life on a no-shot, 0% likelihood bet? Are you even listening to the show? She's a vacuous, vapid, self-absorbed child that couldn't articulate herself out of a wet paper sack. Those aren't just verbal crutches, it's a sign of mediocre or average intelligence.

she's in gender studies and mentioned on the show that she needed a tutor(guy who outed her) for intro math.... come on

Belle Knox please go

She'll be financing a drug habit before she's a Junior.

No company will hire her, because she is a known porn star. Regardless of the fact that porn is legal, it doesn't fit into the corporate culture.

There are other things you can do with a college degree than "go get a job." And even when you do, how many people's course of study directly applies to what they do in business? There's very little applicability unless you're in the sciences.

Yeah, really brilliant plan unless a future employer googles her name.

That's so grody.

Like gag me with a spoooooon.

Why don'tcha gag yourself with a cock or somethin.

Fuck You, I don't suck cocks sometimes no more.

She couldn't say fucked hard without it coming out as fucktard.

even Neil De Grasse Tyson drags his words at certain points in his sentences for dramatic effect. It's kind of starting to bother me.

are you comparing this broad to Neil De Grasse Tyson? that's hilarious!

I fail to see the difference between them.

Let's see here...

  • NDT is the director of the Hayden Planetarium, while she is an average college student.
  • Tyson is a HIGHLY regarded astrophysicist, Belle is known only for sucking cock for money.
  • Tyson has the distinction of People magazine's Sexiest Astrophysicist Alive, while Knox may make page 12 of some XXX amateurs rag-mag, if she's lucky.
  • yada yada yada ad nauseum

Nice troll. 3/10.

  • NDT will not do anal under any circumstances.



Wait... is that sarcasm? I can't tell...

we will just have to agree to disagree

Use more show references. It makes you look cool.


NDT only has clout because he's a nigger in a heavily white/Jewish field.


jesus christ, wow a college girl who does porn, isnt that 80% of porn, but nooooo shes been on the news so shes important!, what a stupid fucking fame whore, shes a 7 at best.

not saying the boys didnt have great radio yesterday but god dam when will they ever realize this isnt good radio and never has been, enough with these flavor of the week guests that are big in social media FUCK.

I tune out when these dumbos come on. Pornstars are NOT interesting... not to listen to... now watching, that is a different story.

It only makes good radio if they rip into her. The Destroyer is the only aspect of Opie I like but he's been bitching out lately.

I know O&A hate attacking "easy targets" but we are due for another Ashley Dupre moment.

Jim just wants girls in studio! It's been a while since he's seen girls! He's tired of the guy vibes! He doesn't want to attack 'easy targets'! other than bobo lady di and the rest of the show mongoloids

Yeah that worked out well when the cunts didn't whip their tits out for his birthday and he wallowed in emoness the rest of the show.

Maybe he'll go home and edge for 14 hours. But not in an addict sort of way...

nah he will hit up a 12 step program and everything will be okay.

you guys are vicious

He's been saying things like "F word" and "S word" lately. I'm trying to figure out if its a bit or if he really has gone as soft as baby shit.

management got to them, ant hasnt gone off on race issues, and opie is trying to swear less, they are trying to clean it up, so all of us that bash howard are now sounding like a bunch of hypocrites because it seems to be heading into a "radio friendly" zone, and i dont care if they dont swear as long as they stop taking boring guests LIKE THIS STUPID PORNSTAR!

yesterday was great, pretty much all the show was about lady di, i could listen to any other radio show to hear boring shit interviews, i listen to this show specifically for OP ANT AND JIM! not fucking C listers.

this is why i hate roland, he brings only shit to the table

We need more UFC fighters.

He's 10ply.

I thought he was gonna go that route when he started asking about paying for college, but he backed off

Except for the fact that Opie did his best to destroy it. Who do you think is responsible bringing in lady di


They should have given her this treatment. This is also one of those situations where Patrice is sorely missed, he was a genius at deconstructing uppity whores.

He would of deconstructed her in minutes

the entire point of that video is that they treated her nicely and she lost her mind for no reason

Exactly. Why do you think Patrice would of destroyed Belle Knox. She was being nice to them. She's dumb and naive, but still, i don't know why everyone thought she should've been crucified.


The difference being, those girls can still be anonymous to some degree and actually find other jobs. This dumb whore is now world-famous and thinks she can just jump into a new career when she's done taking bukkake shots.

She's a woman's studies major. My expectations were not high.


Jimmy: Why the fuck don't we have chicks in here more often?

Because they're uninteresting bores.

lady di is more interesting

Who the hell is the chick in with her?

Belle is mildly annoying, but her handler is insufferable.

I think she's Mandy Stadtmiller - Sam did her podcast a few days ago. I'like how she called Belle a "rockstar," to appeal to hip, youthful listeners.

More like a cockstar! tssssssss

Whatever dude, enjoy your shitty job when she's going to go out and suck down 6 dudes and then wake up next morning to her R* job.

fuckin' homerun, ross!

Thanks, that appears to be her. Funny that you call out the "rockstar" thing, that really stuck out to me as well.

There's a small blank spot in the conversation, quick say something sexual to feign an interesting conversation/personality.

She's the Jeffrey gurian of porn has a great video of her on Facial Abuse where they're just smacking the shit out of her and making fun of feminism. Good jack off material.


Any link? Lazy..

Posting from my phone at work, so yeeeh. If you go to it should be right there on the front page.

Allright, thanks

I wish they had ripped into her whining about White Male Privilege.

Anthony fucking Cumia let that one go by without comment?

You could hear him go "Mrrrrrmmghp"

I think he was hoping he had a chance to nail her... But since she already said "No old guys..." He should have ripped into her.

No old guys HA HA Ants dick got all angry

I am extremely disappointed in Cumia, they are getting soft and boring.

Has she even fucked any apes on camera yet?

No. That's why Ant still wants her.

She seems smarter than average, but very self-involved.

I think that she thinks she's the only girl in porn that people view as not being dumb as shit, which really isn't the case.

How delusional do you have to be to think your dad is proud of you for choking on cocks?

Well, I mean, how big are these cocks? Maybe it is pretty impressive.

Hey Bill, I saw your daughter the other night on the RedTube.

Yeah I know, I am so proud of her. That black dude's dick was a monster.

I can see it.

Woah woah woah... black guy? Let's be a little more realistic here... he certainly would not be proud about that. But a nice big fat white cock would be something he can brag to his friends about.

Maybe her dad taught her all her moves...

Well, I'm proud of my gay son, and you should see the size of the cock he can suck down.

wow shes smarter than the average pornstar, thats saying nothing. i dont give a shit what school shes going to or that shes going to be a lawyer, i dont respect any girl that does porn, yeah i'll jerk off to it but that doesnt mean i have to respect it.

It's too bad the Ghost of Patrice O'Neal didn't show up to straighten this broad and her handler the fuck up.

She's doing the whole Sasha Grey "empowered" porn thing. None of her beliefs will stick long term. Seen it too many times.

no you haven't

Yes he has.

but what i said was that he hasn't and i am more important

my thoughts matter more

No they don't.


Nothing says empowerment like licking a toilet bowl while getting fucked in the ass.

nothing more empowering than being gangbanged by 6 black men, sasha is the biggest scum in porn, one time i saw her give a rim job to a black dude while getting pounded out anally by a black guy, fucking gross.

fast fowarding it through it right now

"the patriarchy is afraid of female sexuality" ughh...

ok but the porn she does is about male fantasies, not female sexuality, it couldn't have less to do with female sexuality...

I still don't get why this is a fucking national news story.

I think this girl is smart for avoiding the murderous college loans, and youre gonna fuck in college anyway, may as well make money.

But the amount of fucking times the words "white male privelage" came up in that interview was infuriating. As if white females have it so fucking hard in this world.

She reminds me of when my friends would take an entry level philosophy class and be convinced that they were all of a sudden "deep".

I don't give a shit about her being a pornstar, I just fucking hate the self-righteous feminist stance that she is doing this to empower women.

An hour and a half of this 3/10 cock swallowing hypocrite

They had this idiot on for two fucking hours?

The world needs ditch diggers too.

No one cares about your shitty politics or your shitty understanding of Kinsey.

Though I love Bob Levy more and more every day.


Fuck off with that "doge" speak.

we don't allow that horse shit here.

Shes a typical retarded feminist.


I havent heard it yet but, just like with Stern, porn stars are the most uninteresting guests.

For as smart as she thinks she is, she sounds like every other porn star that has ever been on Stern or O&A. There's no difference except for a few SJW buzzwords thrown in here and there.

Only time I like them having porn stars on is when they bash them, or have someone else in who will bash them.

This attention whore skank wanted to be a whore more than she wanted the money.

You talk like a fucking muslim.

Hey pal just because Allah is the one true god who will sweep omerikkkunt and JIZZrael off the face of the earth for a thousand year reich doesn't mean that this porn girl isn't a skank.

I'm just saying,

if someone said they struggled to put two bits of paper between an aggressively intolerant worldview, and the views of a smelly taliban rapist or an internet head chopping savage, then it'd just cause me to stop for a minute, question a few assumptions, rethink a few conventional handed-down opinions, and try to figure out exactly what the fuck went wrong that I ended up there.

Maybe she didn't have sex in exchange for money, perhaps you're right.

Oh, oh wait no, I think you're objectively incorrect.

And why is that even a problem for you?

When d'you get so fuckin puritanical all of a sudden? Posting to a radio-show reddit between scripture study, and fretting about sex outside of marriage?

The O&A show, when it works best, is supposed to be anti-authority, that's the fuckin gimmick.

You want them to do the same tired shaming shit as Piers or The View, but just saying the word fuck and cunt more. You want them to echo the received values of church and state and slam the whore/woman like some fuckin old testament rube.

That's all it is - fucking rubes and carnies. State/church doesn't want you fucking around, wants you locked in some marriage, wants that wife kept barefoot and pregnant, and you with enough shitty kids to fight the next war, and that you'll work any shitty job and keep your fuckin mouth shut, and pay tax, and do what you're told, and not wonder out loud why the establishment insiders have got the big golden palace.

So that means the state/church views any transgressors against that obvious bronze-age social control, like gays and pornstars, as existential threats. And they tell you to hate them, and you'll do it, for no good reason, cos you're a compliant do exactly what you're told half a faggot.

Fuck that, I'll support the transgressors, the outsiders, you can keep doing exactly what you're told and blaming Lilith and Eve. At the same time you can keep thinking the state owns the individual, their bodies being state property, and only the state can buy or sell them, just like a good little drone.

That, or your one of those angry overgrown frat boy fucks that hate frigid chicks that don't fuck you, and hate whores that do fuck you ... a date rapist angry disaster

... but there's no way you'd willingly admit to be that fuckin pathetic, not in public, not in broad daylight.

So, yeah, do what you're doing, and apparently the majority of the fat dumb cunts here, just stick with this faux-outrage, faux morality, scandalised at fucking for cash angle, that's your best bet. At least there's a few thousand years of that institutional misogyny to back you up on that tame, servile attitude to act as some sort of a feeble excuse for you.

And then when you're all done squabbling here, remember to sit hunched over your laptop tonight pulling your bent cock to stolen porn and people fucking for cash, and don't think for one second your angry complaints here make you look like a hypocritical piece of shit as you do so. You're aces man, you're golden.

Some one needs a hug you are not wrong though


See when you know what you're talking about, and know what you want to say, you can knock this shit out as quick as you can type it, and I type real quick.

Hey, if you personally find it takes a long time to organise what you're trying to say, and it refuses to come out right, you maybe haven't put enough proper thought into it beforehand.

Do you struggle?

the O&A show loooooves authority, just not when it affects them.

Tss what are you gonna write a book or sumpfin?

She sounds like an 18 year old is literally the bottom of the barrel in terms of "talent".

Gross nose too.

Absolutely. She claims to be a libertarian, yet thinks Dr.Drew's medical license should be revoked because he said he'd feel like killing himself if he were her father?

Dont worry guys, it'll be on the podcast tomorrow!

Gender Studies major. FUCKIN' GROSS.

"I was the first porn star to go on the View. I feel I'm breaking down those barriers". 2 minutes in. I've had enough of this airhead.

This is how Patrice would have handled it


She has delusion of grandeur.


Jimmy's ideal vagina is pretty much a beef tongue stuffed with ground beef

Jimmy's perv switch always overrides his bullshit detector. Opie was just glad she said his hair was cute and Ant was having McKayla Maroney flashbacks. This made me wish Patrice's ghost would bitch slap them.

Wait, did they even take any calls? Did the real questions get screened out? What the fuck is going on with this show these days? I can't believe they just let a flaming feminazi shit all over their show with their rhetoric and didn't mock them at all, nor allow any callers to rip them apart.

Isn't she 18? How smart do you want her to be?

What's upsetting is the fact she made it into Duke.

Jimmy, who only has a GED, would talk circles around that broad if he didn't wanna fuck her so badly.

There are certainly different kinds of intelligence.

Well, Jimmy could talk circles around anything, but that doesn't mean that he had a good argument.

yeah and the important one they couldnt give a shit about, as long as you can memorize your work and get good grades then youre in.

That's kind of the impression I have of her, just another 19 year old girl and by default has that little to put on the table.

Yeah she is a big dummy.

How long are they going to have this girl on! Jesus this must be some paid interview deal. Good god.

So Belle defends making kinky rough blowjob porn vids but then she says she regrets making one of these videos herself? What kind of logic is that?

You're expecting logic from a cum dumpster? Take a peek in the bottomless pit.

The funniest moment was "Do you pay taxes when you get payed?"

at least lady di was there to ask the hard hitting questions.


They used Diana to try and save the segment. Does anyone else see how transparent her pseudo feminism shit is? She slipped up a few times where she had to back track saying "oh no, just kidding, don't do that, that is disrespectful to women". I'm thinking that she got connected with someone to help manage her image, and to defend against those outraged idiots by taking the women's rights angle. She's a dumb fuck cum slut who takes 11 inch dick, she's not breaking any barriers however convinced she is that she's a second coming of the suffragettes.

Save it from themselves? Their balls are gone.

The vocal fry was strong.

She couldn't even be honest and acknowledge that Lady Di is a disaster. I hated her fakeness.

Did it bother anyone else when every answer started with, "Um"

This vapid whore made all other whores look bad.

I get that she is a "women's studies" major with a promising future as a manager at Pizza Hut, but she sounded like someone who would do anything for attention and needed to justify it somehow.


She thinks she's clever but she's really not and in a couple of months no one will ever remember her.

I tune out when they have boring people on. This was kind of a throw away story and they turned it into an hour and a half thing.




Seriously. I know they are always calling out fans for bitching. But porn stars on the radio, it's just not fucking interesting. it doesn't matter if it's OMG A COLLEGE STUDENT...who gives a fuck. let's see Lady Di's bubs.

She's an embarrassment to actual college students.

Hey Jim and Opie- what about your line about- SHE JUST WANTS THE ATTENTION.


Wish "Valley Jim" woulda chimed in. Also, she's really a 4/5. That "ethnic" nose is no go.

Making being a porn star more acceptable is the last thing porn stars should want to do.

Demand for porn stars is as high as it's ever going to get. It's pretty much tapped out. The supply of porn stars is higher than it's ever been but the fact that being a porn star is a negative thing puts downward pressure on the supply of porn stars. Easy money, but you lose respect, status and so on.

Salaries for porn stars are already going down with the proliferation of gonzo and POV type shoots. As being a porn star becomes more acceptable, you get more porn stars, and wages go down if demand stays the same.

She found an angle. She's a feminist porn star, and she gets threats (victim-complex, sympathy) and there's the whole college tuition angle, so she's setting herself up for higher salaries and merchandising potential. But a few more of her and the novelty of even that will go away once every other college girl is looking into it.

She says, "Everybody has a place in porn." But if that ideal was ever realized, there will be very little money in it. It won't even cover tuition at that point.


Is she still in school? How is she out publicizing herself and taking part in her studies? Ps haven't heard today's show yet.

Who fucking cares.

Fair enough.

That's never explained. She claims she was "taking a couple of weeks off". Oh, so the professors, instructors, and TAs just put their classes on hold for her to finish promoting her gaggers videos and then resume when she comes back? She's full of shit.


Her with Lady,Die (It's not just a name, it's also a suggestion) was the only redeeming part of that interview.


Maybe if I'd watched her work first I would have been more interested.

I've listened to the first 25 minutes so far.

Opie is actually bringing up some of the stuff that he's said in the past couple of weeks about Belle, unfortunately the subject gets changed pretty quickly.

Her handler is the worst.

The thing that seemed odd to me was that she said she told her parents she was selling weed to pay for college, and they were okay with that. Now I'm no expert, but in Washington don't you need to have a vendors license to do that? I'm assuming this 18 year old girl didn't, so if she was telling the truth about selling she'd still be doing it illegally, yet her parent would somehow be okay with that? I can't for a second believe that to be true.

The only redeemable thing about that interview was Lady Di.

I can't believe I just typed that.


She is a lovely gal and seems like a good egg. I think she is kidding herself thinkin she will get a degree or even get hired for a professional job after going into porn though. Almost tragic, really. That facial abuse video was hardcore and very demeaning, threw her women's rights BS right out the window.

She is an ignoramus. The handler was smart, but is still exploiting the girl.

Her handler is a dummy if she believes any of the nonsense that was coming out of her own mouth. But I doubt she does, she's just hanging onto these girl's for their 15 minutes of fame to make some cash.

Yep. Notice how many times she kept plugging her dumb website? She's using this girl like everyone else and the pornstar is just to dumb to realize it.

Belle Knox is cute, smart enough for an ivy league college and got her name by mixing a Disney princess with an alleged murderer. My kinda girl! Except for the small fact that a feminist doing facial abuse for women's rights is like a rabbi going to Auschwitz for a free shower.

That's fine. Get off the fucking radio.

Fuck off cuck.


It really wasn't a terrible interview. It went about as well as it could have. Especially with Lady Di interjecting at random.

Yes... Duke IS a wicked easy school to get into. Especially strait out of high school.

Well, if you can't tell the difference between strait and straight, having any school that requires anything more than a credit card would be a magical dream.

It's no different than a baseball player taking a million dollar bonus and putting off college for a few years. She is featuring, stripping, making a sex toy line, etc etc now. She's gonna make bank.

Most likely any sports player that is able to go pro is at college on a scholarship. This is very different.

I agree she is a useless twat, but IQ and knowledge wise she is probably smarter than most 18 year olds and 99% of the people on this sub

No...they must be smarter than her, because they were able to log into reddit and comment on how she "sounds dumb."


That was a great interview.

You know what? After listening to the interview, not bad. I like her.

Yeah maybe I'm just a bit of a jerking off snob with all of the options at my finger tips here on the internet.... One thing for sure though is that I don't care to "humanize" any of the girls I see in any form of pornography.

What's upsetting is the fact she made it into Duke.

Yes he has.

No they don't.

That's kind of the impression I have of her, just another 19 year old girl and by default has that little to put on the table.

fuckin' homerun, ross!

Like gag me with a spoooooon.

You mean if she's 10 it's a Cumia 10