Today's show was a marvelous clusterfuck

20  2014-03-18 by EskimoEscrow

Between Bobo, Colin, Ladi Dnyiaaa, and Denny... One of the best shows this year


Best part of the day was Bobo calling in for the first time today

Bobo: "Hey guys I..."

Opie: "Bobo, what are you doing, I was talking!"

Bobo: " put me on"

It was interesting. It wasn't up there with tequila and donut day... Sometimes these things work great, sometimes they just fall short. I'd give Sam a day or two to really get the most out of Di like he did with David, Noah, angry Matt... The whole blind Stevie incident really put the breaks on just when he was getting his stride. This was a good "feeler" in my opinion, what they do with it in the next few days will make or break it.

Just speculation obviously, but what do I know

Yes I enjoyed it. OPIE NIGGA!

yo dont be throwin that word around white boy

It was a good show. Interruptions from Bobo and Lady Di make it great... seeing them frustrate Jimmy makes me LOL... This is the stuff of dreams, baby!

Watching a video about hot sauce out of nowhere was really weird. Didn't fit the rest of the show whatsoever.

Probably Opie's fault.


Opie's out of breath laughing over everything and not contributing was so annoying!

And when he does contribute, people still bitch. What do you people want!
