Do all O&A fan's think Monty Python sucks as much as I do?

0  2014-03-17 by harriswill

As Joe DeRosa so eloquently put it, "Monty Python can suck the dead parrot out of my dick".

Tonight I was watching "Monty Python: Almost the Truth" on HBO and it reminded me of Joey Rose's quote from years ago.

Now this isn't one of those "not respecting the founders" situation because when I see guys like Carlin, Pryor, although I don't think they're as funny as guys today, I can appreciate their incite for what they knew at the time. When I watch the Ministry of Silly Walks, Dead Parrot, or Cheese shop though, I don't see where it was even funny or how this was the origin of the great sketches we saw in the last 10 years from guys like Chappelle.

Now given, one of my favorite all time (behind Chappelle of course) sketch shows is WKYK, it might just be my shitty taste, but I feel like a lot of O&A fans know what I mean.


Monty Python doesn't suck. Sure, it might not be the pinnacle of comedy as some hipster douchefucks like to claim, but it has it's share of brilliant sketches and it's undeniable that it influenced generations worldwide.

As a global phenomenon MP penetrated pretty much every culture, while people in most of Europe will be hardly able to tell you who Pryor was without seeing his picture.

They're from another era and (for many here) a different culture, so it's really hard to compare them to their US counterparts, especially with those who work today.

For me, a lot of their skits fail (but i allow the possibility that i'm too young, too dumb to get them), but some are sheer brilliance. Life of Brian especially is one of my favorite movies of all time.

I like em, but I'm biased because my parents are from scotland and I grew up watching it.

I can attest to the fact that one can enjoy Monty Python without it being of the "they're legends, and you gotta respect the legends" variety, or the "look how smart I am that I get this" variety of laughter/enjoyment. I genuinely laugh harder at Monty Python than anything else. I've noticed we all have a certain type of humor that just doesn't communicate to our brain. For a lot of people, Monty Python is that type.

Though, I won't be like other Python fans and claim that it's "intelligent people's humor," and you're an idiot if you don't like it. It's just taste, and has to do with personality type, interests, your way of thinking, etc.

Personally, The Workaholics is a kind of humor that just doesn't communicate to my brain. I can sit there and watch it, and I feel nothing. It's just people talking on screen. Yet their videos are massively popular and their show gets accolades.

But it's no surprise to me that O&A and most of the friends of the show bash Monty Python. For them, it's just faggy egghead humor.

Agreed. When I was a kid, you either liked Monty Python or kids in the hall. A bunch of people wrote of Kids in the Hall cause they were fags. But they were funny fags and Monty Python was horrid