Didn't Opie mention Jay Mohr would be in this week?

0  2014-03-17 by rottengymshorts

I think he said it during the Scott Shannon phoner.


never been a fan of mohr, dude steals borrows jokes.

I think he's funny. He's a great impersonator

The show with Ron, Louie, Gervais and Jay in studio summed up the Jay Mohrss for me. Louie and Gervais were being generally funny and interesting so all the conversation was centred around them...

Mohr was bringing nothing to the table but then making back-handed jokes that he was on the pay-no-mind list.

Then he phoned up - I think the next day - to shit on Gervais and Louie about being too cool for the room and making everything about themselves, when he said nothing of any note when they were in studio.

They ignored Ron pretty much the whole time too. Kinda bothered me but it was a good show.

God forbid Gervais and Louie talk about the show they were in their to promote.

They can do that and still get others involved. It didn't need to be a 2 hour circle jerk between the 2 of them.

I don't think it's the job of the guests to make sure nobody in the studio has their ego bruised.

No its also not the job of the guests to take over the show and not let the hosts or the other guests talk.

He has some East Coast dates coming up so I wouldn't be surprised if he comes in to promote a bit.

Hope not

Did you know his wife has never had plastic surgery? Jay swears on his life and child that's she's never gone under the knife. He said it on his podcast and that was it for me. He's insufferable.

Boy did I jerk my dick to her on unhappily ever after.

Ha! I always remembered her as the lady from Las Vegas with too much botox

She looks like a monster. Also, he took her name when they married... Yeah you read that right. Jay mohr cox


I feel bad because I really liked his podcast and would listen to almost every episode...and then something changed. I think it was that other podcasts just vastly surpassed him in content quality than something he actively did.

While I don't listen to his anymore, it did open me up to new comedians and their various ventures.

I gave it a shot when it was added to the Smodcast network and I couldn't get past him saying "fake mustache studios" 800 times in an hour.

He straight up wrecked the majority of his comedy connections because he's a bit of a backhanded borrowing( thieving with after pay) asspie. He blew it with everybody cause of his dumb mouth. Once he went after redban, pretty much fucked his podcast pull across the board. But that's cool, we all wanna hear about the lives of has been 80's butt rockers. That being said, his interview with Bobby Dooley had me in fucking tears and might me one of the greatest podcasts ever recorded. Find it.


He's pussy whipped. But that doesn't make him not entertaining. I hope he is in.


jay mohr is an anti gun idiot who should just shut up and tell jokes...dont lecture me on gun control or how to protect my family idiot

But you're OK when Anthony does it?


Unrelated- dlike Gilbert Godfrey, does Bobcat Goldthwait fake his voice?


If he held back on putting down every successful cunt that he knows he would be a good guest.

I love the scene of the Michael Richards episode of Seinfeld's coffee/car series where they accidentally go to Mohr's house and Richards pretends? he doesn't know who Mohr is.

God forbid Gervais and Louie talk about the show they were in their to promote.

I don't think it's the job of the guests to make sure nobody in the studio has their ego bruised.