Jim Norton Laugh Compilation... this really cheered me up

32  2014-03-15 by [deleted]


The reaction to the Ropers theme makes the whole video.

I always loved that song when I heard it being the intro to Norton's show, but the reaction is priceless.


Aaaaand the long-awaited part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co_yWmPqlq8

your a faggot


I don't no what you are trying to say but enough posting the stupid blind basketball shot

love his wheeze

Also I genuinely burst out laughing whenever Jimmy and Anthony make each other laugh. Like when Anthony does a corny joke and Chip says , "Fawkin home run Cumia!"

Funniest link I've heard in a week. Thanks /u/stanleyfeinbaum.

thanks to the guy who put them together (youtube user brusox20).. I literally never heard any of these clips.. it's a great compilation

These are the kinds of segments that seem to get funnier every time I listen. Especially the caller and Bob Kelly at the beginning of part 2.

Creepiest thing I've seen all day


this is awesome. thanks for posting it.