Oh course they don't... The Sirius XM app is enraging. O&A, PLEASE move to a podcast format in the Fall.

0  2014-03-13 by BACON_EGG_CHEESE


Ugh, that SXM_Help Jess person is fucking infuriating

They'll never move to a podcast format because a podcast won't pay Ant fuck-you millionaire-manchild money.

Ever since I switched from I phone to a Samsung galaxy note 3 my android sirius app is a million times better than the I phone one. It doesn't jump around or backtrack, or go back when I hit play/pause on my earphones too fast. If I pause it, it will stay there. All these problems i had on my I phone.


"Please give up your salary and insurance to come work paycheck to paycheck".

It'll never happen. O&A are radio guys through and through, no matter how much they might not want to be.

Just Google Opie Anthony daily