Bob Levy (Rich Vos)

0  2014-03-13 by popnfresh1

Was Bob the dumber version of Rich on the HSS?


Bob is just a dumb Jew, Vos is a funny dumb Jew.

in b4 muh 6 gorillion

As funny as it was, I don't condone the holocaust. For now.

Yes, Levy was Howard Stern's Vos.

Does anyone know why O&A treat Bob with kid gloves?

He goes way back with a certain sweater boy cutie.

Because he was thrown out of the stern show and network. He hates stern. The enemies of your enemies become your friends.

Just like the Taliban

Even though Vos is a mush mouth and has an ex crackhead brain I think he is plenty smarter than Levy.



Vos can think on the fly like nobody's business. He's turned out some fucking burns like nothing happened as replies, but he does get the reputation of a dumbass for being a bit lacking in brains.

Rich Vos is marred to Bonnie, so he at least has some redeeming value. For a stupid Jew.
