Am I mistaken, or . . .

0  2014-03-13 by gsbird1065

. . . has the Opie hate been kicked up a few notches here in the last few weeks? Not that he doesn't deserve a lot of it, but I don't see anything he's done (or not done) recently that would have caused this gathering storm of disapproval.


. . . Or have these dot dot dot ellipsis threads keep popping up about total horse shit stupid fucking topics?

He has consistently been interrupting and talking over Ant and Jim. I think he talked over ant like 3 times today, stopped him mid sentence.

It really bugs me when he does that... because it's usually a clarification or reiteration of something that we're already aware of taking priority over something funny and spontaneous.

Back when Anthony told his story about getting diarrhoea on the way home from work and having to talk his way into the bathroom at the Italian restaurant, Opie almost derailed it by babbling over him in an attempt to start a bit about 'vegetables you didn't like as a child but do now'.

I'm the captain now.

You know he improved that line?

Do you listen to the show? Ant, and Jimmy might not interrupt or talk over other people, but they have there own annoying shit. Listening to Jimmy get serious, and try and sound smart is FAR more annoying than anything Opie could do. Jimmy the last couple days wasn't funny at all, and then he'll try and sound smart about some current issue normally involving politics, or social issues and he comes off as a complete dope.

Kind of ironic how you interrupt this thread to make your own point

Really, is it ironic? I wasn't the one bitching about Opie talking over other people, but simply pointing out they all have there own annoying traits. So tell me how was I being ironic?

It's ironic because like Opie, you interrupt to make your own point that is not on topic with what everyone else is talking about. Everyone else is complaining about that and here you go and do the same thing. Dont get so emotional, it's only reddit.

It is ironic you spend all your time bitching just like Opie does. What I did was not irony though.

Well this thread was started about opie. Not Jim and ant. OP didn't say anything about Jim and ant. Your basically calling me out for not answering a question that wasn't asked.


Hate/bitching threads every once in a while are normal but when half the page is taken up with one sentence Opie pet peeves or nitpicks its just repetitive.

I've never understood why people hate Opie so much. Disliking shit he does is one thing, but full blown personal hatred seems weird.

Also never understood why people bitch to the degree that they do on this subreddit.

If you notice on todays show he said "He wants Jim and Ant, i get it, hes one of those. Eh wuddaya gonna do?"

Hes aware.

After reading Opie threads, it becomes a lot harder to ignore the Opie-isms when listening to the actual show. I never even noticed 'HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON' until reading an Opie thread and now I can't unnotice it.

The worst is when he wants to move to a different subject and says "HA HA very good" after someone says something funny.

The East side Dave break was really bitchy and petty.

People on the internet like to bitch about things. Opie makes himself a much easier target than Jim or Anthony.

He steers the ship. He is the one who knocks.

And I've heard he's all in.


Make believe.

as big as his imagination!

Go to.

He steers the ship into a Boboberg.

"Let's go tooooooooooooooo gsbird1065, How's your local sports team doing?"

Live to hate, hate to live!

Ant has toned down the racist pedophile father in law routine so it's opies turn in the barrel. Until of course Jim says something the neck beards disapprove of.

It's pretty much the same two posters with 10 different usernames each.

Keep telling yourself that Gregg.

Ok, Bobo.

That is a really good point. Never thought of it. I've often wondered how it seems that 90% of the people on this sub hate Opie.

I only use the one name :)

We just wish you would stop using it ZT...wavey.

I only use one reddit account

nah nigga. you are mistaken.

Go clean the bowl with your sock puppets.

what you guys talking bout in this thread?!

its been a long winter, people are on edge, i feel like it always gets negative in the winter because even the show is effected by the weather, once its sunny and warm out the show and fans get in a better mood.

Make believe.

Ok, Bobo.

I'm the captain now.

You know he improved that line?