Question about the Joe Rogan?

1  2014-03-12 by [deleted]

Think I might try listening to his podcast instead of the show a couple times a week... For those who listen to his podcast regularly - how would you describe it to someone who's never listened before and doesn't know anyone of the regulars on it?

Whenever he's on the show he doesn't seem like a typical comic. Very laid back and sensible - never really telling any "jokes" and only ever talking about serious stuff. Kinda like he wants to be taken seriously and respected as an intelligent guy before being recognised as a comic.

Having said that O&A are always saying it's great but the fact that it's 3 hours means it would either be listening to that or the show. I know Rogan has said he was inspired by O&A - does it match the style of the show? I'm imagining it being a lot slower and more of a hard listen when you're not familiar with it.

Also, any particular recent episodes you could recommend to start with?


It's more of a positive show but it's still great. Rogan has comics, scientists, rappers, UFC Fighters, etc. as guests so just pick whichever one's interest you. If I were you I'd check the times Opie or Jimmy was on the podcast so you can listen to a guest you're already familiar with. Rogan's podcast is really entertaining but he's not as angry as the boys. It's a more laidback show like Ron and Fez

I think Immortal Technique was the only rapper he's ever had on.

He's had everlast (house of pain) on.

and Mac Lethal (guy who did the pancake rap)

Also B Real from Cypress Hill.

I loved the Rogan podcast for a while, I think I was a little more naive and took all of his opinions as fact and used to enjoy hearing him talk and seeing how other people reacted. Then I developed a little more skepticism and had less time for a lot of the weird pseudoscience he rambles about, and honestly started to find the whole thing frustrating. It's not a bad listen by any means, but these days I only tune in for specific people that I already know and don't listen to every show since Joe is going on much of the same monologues now as he was when he started. O&A talk an equivalent amount of shit, but the humour makes it more worth it to me.

I feel the same way. I used to religiously listen to every podcast. Im almost going on a year since I've given even one a listen to. I have opie and anthony and ron and fez to take up my listening time. He repeated the same shit every podcast. He talked about a lot of pseudo-science bullshit that i thought was cool at first and then realized its mostly retarded stoner talk. Got sick of it really.

Could not agree more.

I listened to a Rogan podcast everyday for a long time. Eventually I realized that it's kind of just the same exact thing everytime. I still really like Rogan, but I can only listen to banter about vitamins, UFC, and legalization. O&A cover way more topics plus getting to hear Jimmy, Vos, and Burr is suhhhweet.

For Rogan, focus on the ones with either scientists or some kind of journalist. The rest are really just UFC and Comedy circle jerks as opposed to actual discussions

I don't like his show, he seems to just talk over whoever is in the studio. Whats the point of bringing in guests if you're just going to talk AT THEM.

Oh then I've got just the perfect show for you

That's odd, most of the time I feel like he lets the bigger guests who are real space cadets get REALLY out there without cutting in. I think the weed definitely influences talking over or spacing out at points.

It's hit & miss imo, some of the guests are interesting but the fighters and stoners, Duncan Trussell etc. I can't listen to.


If you pick ones with old Boston comics they have great stories (Burr off the top of my head). Really just scan the list and pick people you like or people that sound interesting to you.

Joe Rogan Experience #383 - Jim Norton
Joe Rogan Experience #233 - Jim Norton
Joe Rogan Experience #228 - Bill Burr
Joe Rogan Experience #203 - Jim Jefferies

i like the earlier podcasts the best. it was more him and his friends and it was much funnier. any with Joey Diaz are great. the new ones are good but less fantastic

If you heard the first 100 episodes you've heard the next 300+. It's recycled conversations over and over.

Fuck Rogan he's an ignorant, narcissistic asshole. His message board is the tits though.

he wants to be taken serious as an intelligent guy instead of a comic because he isnt that funny, to me at least.

I usually google who he has as guests then make my choices. He is my go to show after OandA. I stay away from the ufc guys because thats the least interesting to me. His recent hunting podcasts with steve renella are pretty good. Try it, youll like it. BTW fast forward the first 10-15 minutes of all shows because their straight commercials

Hell yeah the Steve rinella ones are my favorite

Id start with the Anthony Bourdain, Opie, and Norton interviews on Rogan's podcast. The format is essentially a 3 hour long interview and discussion of current events with whoever his guest is. No callers, no bits, very laid back but fun and professionally done.

A really good podcast is The CrabFeast. If your a fan of comedy you'll like it. Fuck the CrabFeast! 5 Stars! ☆☆☆☆☆

No pitch-touching.


He's a lot of fun to listen to. I recommend just going on iTunes and scrolling through his 300+ shows until you find someone he's interviewed who you recognize.

As other people have said, he's definitely much more positive than O&A, and if you're like me and you enjoy the way the boys bitch and complain, you'll be pretty much missing out on that for Rogan.

Any of the podcasts where he has on a science guy are pretty entertaining. He does a good job of asking questions and regurgitating whatever the scientist said if it seems over-your-head at first. He's very philosophical (sometimes to a ridiculous extent and other times just plain mind-blowing), but doesn't go too far outside the scope of what the average 'bruh' can take.

Used to listen to every episode. Now when I listen, it's strictly for the credible scientists and every time I hear Rogan say "it seems to me that..." I just fast forward to whenever he stops talking.

The recent Louis Theroux one was horrendous. Joe has a guy with a million interesting stories in studio, and for some reason decides to monologue for 10 minutes about the JFK conspiracy. And as you mentioned, he seems to be trying to prove himself as an intellectual, and comes across as very defensive and petty during the interview. Conclusion: don't listen to the Louis show, or, as I like to call it, "Louis listens to Joe Rogan ramble".

I love his podcast listen to every episode. Sometimes he gets preachy about stuff but it's generally interesting and entertaining. The best ones to listen to are the ones with Greg Fitzsimons, Dom Irerra, Joey Diaz or other comedians.

Joe Rogan isn't a haha funny comic. He's a lot more cerebral and unless he's on stage he's not really doing material. His podcast (remember, its a podcast, not a comedy or radio show) is either hit or miss because his interviews run on forever regardless of what the guest has to contribute. So you'll have someone like Neil Deggrasse Tyson who can only talk about a very specific topic in the long range of topics Rogan likes to cover on every show. Niel might be sitting there saying nodding his head or humming approvingly until Rogan can get his ideas out. Similarly Sam Harris might be on and at least will TRY to roll with the punches and cover topics he's not an expert on (politics) because he knows its important to Joe.

TL;DR Joe's show is great, very inspirational at times, its not a comedy show but it does occasionally get laughs, and his only problem is his interviews seem to go on forever regardless of how much his guests have to contribute to the show.

Took a hit in quality after he argued with Brian about "killing on stage."

But still one of the best podcasts.

Sometimes he beats down redban and comes across like a massive dick. Granted sometimes redban deserves a good beat down but Joe is ruthless.

95% is new age, conspiracy theory, pseudoscience bullshit.

Rogan's recent podcast with Greg Fitzsimmons is ASTOUNDING. I've been listening to the podcast for two and a half years now and this most recent with Fitzsimmons is HILARIOUS.

I like all the ones with Fitzsimmons. Greg's podcast and sirius radio show is pretty good listen also.

yes, Fitzdog radio is great when he has good guests.

I was listening at work and people thought I was a madman when I laughed at the grandma conversation.

yeah it was fuckin funny hahaha. AH GABAGUSH!

I tried listening to his podcast once.

Twenty minutes of commercials for Steroids later I tapped out.

Rogan is as funny as a cry for help.

I've listened to the podcast, it's ok but my idiot hippy moron friends ruined it for me.

His show sucks. It's new age garbage delivered by a world class douche. Joe Rogan has always been one of those comedians who doesnt rely on jokes and punchlines just good points.