Team Denny or Team Sal?

9  2014-03-12 by mr__hat

Crab cake.


Team Cakehorn.

damn right

Fuck Jimmy and his mock outrage.

crabgate will blow over. Denny is god.

Team Travis

Jimmy is so gay for Sal.

He loves sticking up for someone universally hated. I remember he used to stick up for intern Matt despite being the most hate-able person ever.

The thing that bothered me about Jim defending Sal is that he asked Denny why would he bring up HR in an argument, when in every argument about calling someone a racist name, Jim's point is always that when you're mad you say shit you don't mean because it's the most hurtful thing you can think of. but when Denny tried to make that point, Jim was having none of it.

Because that point is total nonsense started by Ant to justify his constant racism, of course Jim doesn't buy it in any other context.

"hey, watch out because your baby may be stillborn." Denny has a palace up the Nung river where he's worshiped as god. All Praise our Dear Leader - Denny Falcone!!!

Team Scott

Denny all the way. I don't hate Sal, nor do I think he is a lazy hipster (That title goes to Roland). I've just been a massive fan of Denny since Tequila and Donuts day and never get tired of hearing him.

let me be the first to say nigger

Team NattyIce

Team murder suicide


Team Puppet-Shins

Those two should just go gay it out together already.

Team Erock


Team Hard Drive of Hits



Fuck that stupid hipster.


I don't have a dog in this fight.

Typically, I am always Team ERock and Team NOT Sam. Shit I mean Team Erock and Anyone NOT-Team Sam.

I reserve the right to change my Team at any time for any reason.

Dennis Falcone has a huge dick.

Team Manny

fuck that crab cake mooching chiseler

Team spoiled hipster brat

Yall niggas invented your own options instead of Denny or Sal.

I'm going with Denny because he's a GILF
