Think we'll hear about this next time he visits? Jim Breuer's ex-neighbor faces stalking charges after mailing condoms to Jim's underage daughters (ages 15, 12 and 9).

51  2014-03-12 by [deleted]


I didn't know Anthony lived next to Breuer?


Anthony probably had the 15-year-old. Paul got the 9-year-old. They split the 12-year-old.

What's funny is that Paul is just a character, but Anthony is real.

Eiffel Tower?


I'm assuming this is Pizzaman he always brings up.

How many Giuseppes do you think he knows?

The article says he's been a problem for years, so I would assume so. God help him if he has more than one troublesome Italian immigrant neighbor.


Seems so.

Bag of rocks


lol, the Ellis island ship sound he does is the best.

HAHAH, just brought me back to that sound he does.

"Here son, make-a sure you take-a your bag-a-rocks! If you argue with anyone just show your bag! Tell em, 'This what's in my-a head!'"

Depends if legality issues are around the issue. Can't wait to hear Jim tear this creep apart.

I just hope to never hear his Christmas song again

Hey Pizzaman, stop stealing my moves!

And the Pizza Man saga continues...

The pizza guy always delivers!



Somehow I doubt this is the real guy.


i dont think its him. Jim refers to this person as Joe, not giuseppe but then again talks to him as if he is pizza man? IDK, all i want is for whatever the boys were hinting at today during the intermission music to just go in effect and put the guy behind bars for awhile so Jim can have some peace.

I think Joe is short for Giuseppe, or Americanized.

Yep most Giuseppe's go by Joe

oh well fuck me. good to know, thanks.

"Oh so Jim has a stalker too? YES, I SAID TOO (please ask me about my stalker)" -Opie

No, this was a hypercringe moment. He couldn't wait to hit us over the head with this subtle hint. So much so that he dropped it again moments later when no one acknowledged it.

A stalker in Opie's eyes is probably just somebody who makes fake twitter accounts to evade a blocking.

Yeah, Opie's so lame. amiright, guys?

creepy pizza guy commenting on Breuers videos

Breuer's G+ comments to Pizza Man

I love hearing about Pizza Man... Breuer is the best fucking story teller, period.

I can't believe i'm the first to say, "JACKPOT!" I'm so sorry.



Pizza man podcast next week... Then have bruer back on the week after...

Or would that be too close to promotion and Sirius would frown upon it...

He got it on a Tuesday...



what a weird fucking neighbor to have

We reached out to Breuer ... he had no comment.

BULLSHIT! Jim has told the story on INTERNATIONAL radio to millions of listeners, and has even given updates in follow-up appearances, and they say they can't get a comment out of him? Get off your lazy ass and fuckin' call him.

Unless he's filing a full-fledged lawsuit he'll give you his side of the issue, you lying fucks.

maybe he had no comment to give to TMZ. Sure he told the original story on air but he hasn't told this part. It looks like TMZ got all this info from court documents. god


not really. I can name more than one George Clooney movie.

Still known for his first movie ever...

If he does talk about it, I won't hear it.

I can't listen to Breuer. He is fucking obnoxious.

I'd rather listen to the Todd Show phone scams all day

Eiffel Tower?

What's funny is that Paul is just a character, but Anthony is real. god

maybe he had no comment to give to TMZ. Sure he told the original story on air but he hasn't told this part. It looks like TMZ got all this info from court documents.