Jimmy Newton's math...

0  2014-03-11 by Dannyprecise

Opie: "I think we were paid about 25 cents per unit sold. Something like that."

Jim: "ohhhh. You said 25 cents! I thought you said 'a quarter, like 25%!! That's nothing!"

That's the same thing, Jim.


You're the idiot. They weren't selling the units for a dollar. Jimmy thought they were getting 25% of the price of the CD. They were only getting 25 cents. There's a difference.

Hahaha you're absolutely right. What a fucking idiot!! Whoooooooooopsss

Heatin' up?

lol one of the opie lines that dosent get annoying,

No! They both have 25! That means they're the same thing! /s

Everyone upvote this so we can laugh at OP.

Unless of course, they were selling the CD for $1

At some point, they probably were. Ye Olde Bargain Bin.

The most telling thing about all of this is that an hour in, OP still has 7 upvotes and only 11 downvotes. People in this sub are going to hate just to hate.

No it's not, you're a moron. If a CD costs $10... $0.25 = $0.25 25% = $2.50

Thank you, I feel like a dick. Let me retreat back into my hole now.

Nope. You haven't had enough yet.

We got a real mathematician on our hands!

I'm going to leave this up because I deserve the bashing.


Yeah, enough with the OP hate, already. He steers the ship.

If you really want to point out the bad math, Opie said half of .25 cents was .37 cents.

He was the math whiz, and an expert computer programmer

You shit for brains...

You should be banned from interneting...

I gave myself a 24 hour break to gather my thoughts. I embarrassed myself and my descendants.

He was the math whiz, and an expert computer programmer