Ants "Take" on Family Guy

0  2014-03-11 by CUNTYMOM

does he not realize his take is the most hack obvious thing ever, south park kinda brought up family guy's flashback style in i think around 2007 and then ant brings it up on air like nobody has ever thought about it before.

"hey lets make a montage of this!" enough with the fucking montages this isnt the tonight show.

whats obvious take is next?


Everybody seems to forget the end of that South Park episode. Some line like "it's just fun and isn't preachy all the time". It was a jab at themselves.

In the end Family Guy isn't an amazing show, but it's good for one or two laughs every episode. Sorry that they have a format that repeats every episode, so make sure you also criticize Letterman for having the same structure.

But Family Guy is still on the air and still pulling the same unfunny "gags," so I don't see how South Park has to be the beginning and end of shitting on it.

I think the point was that it's a really common criticism that's been around for at least 6 or 7 years.

It's like if they made a montage shitting on Carlos Mencia or Nickelback.

The only reason I can think of for people not liking Anthony bashing Family Guy is that they like show, because I hate Family Guy and enjoy any beating it takes, "hack" or not.

I don't watch Family Guy, but I personally think it's kind of boring to hear them trash something for exactly what everyone has for years.

It's not as if they shouldn't or that the show doesn't deserve it, I just think it's tired.

Maybe I should do something though.

Fair enough.

yes exactly, its just such an old thing to say, maybe in 2005 it would have been relevant but nobody watches that piece of shit anymore anyways and ant acts like he just came up with this brilliant observation.

and i dont understand how they make fun of repetition when they pretty much do the same shit everyday, and bring up the same bits all the time, bring up the same references all the time, their show is all about repetition. "oh this is funny, lets run it into the ground till 11am"

the most hypocritical people on radio

It's just funny to shit on FG's style of repetitive, annoying, style of humor sometimes, and than in the same show play the diarrhea song for ten minutes.

That montage wasn't made by the show, a fan made that, i thought.

Opie is usually the one who takes the most hack overused criticisms of something and acts like he thought of it.

They quote it all the time, but it seems like Seinfeld is just a show about nothing.