Enough of the diarrhea song!

0  2014-03-11 by Ahall75

Am I the only one going crazy from this diarrhea song?





You are correct, sir

God dammit, I'm gonna have to wait another full hour before someone makes a complaint post.

it doesnt bother me...as long as opie would stop saying diaihaa. it doesnt sound exactly like diarhea but its not diaihaa

Everytime they say diaharrea i think "What the fuck goes on in his brain that he hears that. Id say they pronounce it better than half of america"

Hey, ya gotta "pump up" that mispronunciation. That's where the funny is at. If you don't understand that then I dunno what to tell ya!

In Opie's world, here's how comedy works:

1) Mispronouncing words on purpose = funny

2) Listening to someone on the radio watching Youtube videos = funny

3) Intentionally annoying your audience = funny

Hey i just go to work with my thermos of coffee, pb&j and my twinkie, listen to the rich guys talk about whatever. Get my job done then go home...ahhh but what do i know.

It's so fucking annoying the way he mispronounces it. Almost as much as "fuchitive". Also I don't think it's a bit.


Last month I just said ENOUGH OF THE DIRRHEA!

I had the flu.


Something something literally why Anthony is butthurt about family guy etc etc

Why even post this? The users here are so on Opie's jock that they're convinced it's "brilliant" and you just don't get it.

you're cute.

Everyone knows Opie puts up numbers, but that diarrhea song got super annoying.