Opie And Anthony discuss Chris Benoit murder/suicide

13  2014-03-10 by [deleted]


Best part is that it ruined the guy's "I might be dead because my limo blew up" storyline crap.

Yeah Vince did the big "Fake Death" storyline and it got a buzz and then a week later Chris Benoit actually died and ruined it lol

Sam didn't actually believe that Vince was dead, did he? He had to have been going for a bit right?

Nah it was a bit. One time Triple H was in studio and Anthony told him that Sam was worried about Vince "Dying" and Triple H laughed and said if that was the case then Sam was the only person in America who thought it was real. Sam just plays up the wrestling storylines to annoy the boys

That's what I figured but the guys all went along with it as if they believed that Sam thought it was real. It had me a little worried because whether ya like the guy or not, Sam seems like he's a pretty intelligent guy. He's not Rich Vos level MENSA-candidate smart, but if he thought Vince died in a limo explosion he'd be down around Bobo level.

I think Sam just likes it when the boys talk about wrestling so he tries to play it up. I was in 7th Grade when Vince "Died" and it was the fakest shit ever but I just thought it was such a hilarious storyline that Vince pretended he was dead and then had to come on the next week and apologize to the fans haha. Fuck Benoit for ruining the bit

Worse than that is the Vince McMahon's million dollar challenge bit from next year. Patrice was in studio (Patrice used to write for WWE) and the storyline at the time was similar to the limo except this time Vince had a piece of the stage fall on him. Even Patrice was exasperated that Sam kept going with da bit and trying to explain away all the fakery.

Yeah I remember actually tuning in to watch Raw cause of that shit. I used to watch it when I was a kid up until about like 8th grade and then when that "Vince blew up" shit happened I was like 20 and me and my buddies in college would tune in to see what was going on cause of how ridiculous it was. I was dying to find out how Vince was gonna wrap that bit up. Fuckin Benoit had to go and kill everybody he knew and now I never got the payoff.

I like how opie has no sympathy for the dead family and ant is trying to explain to him how people are more pissed because it's a wife and kid.

Dad opie wouldnt be having none of this.

The first thing Vince did was a 3 HOUR tribute to Chris Benoit after the Murder/Suicide. oof