Colin-Bobo bus tour canceled?

8  2014-03-09 by carrara9000

They hyped up this tour alot, what do you think happened?


This question might be more dumb than Rich asking for Neil Tyson's caclusion on the Bewmuda Twiangle


i-its slated for juuune



It is still on. Colin just pushed it way, way back. They are shooting for June but Colin is a busy guy so it could be in 2015.

He's gotta give Bobo a little bit of hope.

I think Colin started getting jealous of Bobo's twitter followers.

If Colin waits any longer, he'll be opening for bobo

Gotta wait for Lady Di to get her buhbs in working order.

we need to agree on a spelling for the word Lady Di uses for her awful tits. "Buhbs" is pretty damn close, but somehow doesn't transmit the horror of the word. I'm trying to capture the way Anthony says it when he's making fun of her and it's amazing how English just doesn't have this sound in its alphabet, apparently.

What about with an umlaut?


The umlaut would make it sound more like "bewbs"

That's true. Maybe just "buhbbs" then.

I spell it buubs. a long uh sound. The umlat would work.

Motley Bübs

Same here. I just used Buubs in my Snackfish poster. It's about as close as we can get.

They're waiting to get Jerry Seinfeld on board. The word on twitter is that he's very interested.

Comedians on a Bus with a Retard.

Hopefully throwing coffee in its face.

At least someone is committing to the bit.

Did you really think this was going to happen, man?

It's going to happen. It just might be a while. Colin's a real busy guy.

If Bobo, a man with 222 thousand twitter followers, can make time, Colin should be able to.

Unfortunate, but it does free up Bobo to join Bob Levy on a "Stars From Opie and Anthony Tour feat. Bob Levy and Bobo."

Will Levy eat Blue cheese out of Bobo's ass?

Thanks for this OP.

It's slated for 2015, Bobo penciled it in.

Logistical issues gang. My people are taking the bus company to court. #IDGAC

How can you cancel something that was never to be in the first place?

I think it was a case of colossal egos clashing, we all know these two are great talents. They know each other are great talents. But when you get two mega superstars to try and share the limelight, it doesn't always gel. It's kind of like the modern day Eagle's. I just wish they could put their differences aside and.....

Are you retarded?

Maybe Bobo was lying.

(Prepare yourself.)


Due to Bobo's increasing popularity in sand-niggerville they are renaming it The Arab Spring Bus tour and are going to hit all the hot spots[Egypt Libya Syria, Chechnya] draped in the White and blue flag as the zionist swine that they are.

It's not happening now? What about this tour poster I found?

you are an awful human... if human at all.