Does anyone have a clip of Patrice describing black grocery stores?

8  2014-03-07 by bludmoster

Funny bit.

6 comments First he talks about a gay supermarket and then goes into black supermarkets.

Thank you, fine sir!

obviously not nigga be out


Nah it was definitely Patrice. My brother and I quote the bit fairly often. He talks about how in black grocery stores there will be a fat black bitch in the middle of the isle parking her cart horizontally. If you even approach her she will say "I be done in a minute." White grocery stores have double wide lanes just so fat bitches can park horizontally and there won't be a problem. W/e you get the point. It was Patrice, but I don't remember what episode.

I remember a similar bit that may be the same one. He said in fancy white grocery stores a gay guy will grab your hand and then you skip with him to what you're looking for.

fuck you


Thank you, fine sir!