Why bother listening?

6  2014-03-07 by AgentTimex

I understand if you hate Sam or Roland or Erock. I'm not fond of any of them myself... But half of the posts on here make me think: If you don't like the way the people who the show is named after do radio in general, WHY the fuck are you listening to the show at all??

You KNOW Anthony is going to do his loud laugh, you tune in anyway.

You KNOW Opie is going to talk about his nutribullet, you tune in anyway.




STILL listening to the show regularly. I simply do not get it.

EDIT: It's interesting how people who agree with me do their best to answer the question with their own theories, but the people who are against what I'm saying simply sidestep the question and act like asses as a diversion for having no answer.

WHOLE NOTHER EDIT: I just asked a question. Why? That's all I wanted to know. A lot of the "answers" I'm getting are either a) another question (god is that annoying/disappointing) or b) Some diatribe about kissing O and A's ass and how you don't like my question. Hey I guess it's your right to do all of those things, but let's take a second to acknowledge that you didn't answer my question. It's honestly funny how defensive some people are getting about this. . .Now, listen carefully as i ask the exact same question, with the exact same wording one more time: If you don't like the way the people who the show is named after do radio in general, WHY the fuck are you listening to the show at all?? . . anyone care to field this one?


Because were all autistic and can't express joy or comfort

I read the posts and wonder the same thing. People just like to be angry.

IMHO, the fact that O&A hate their fans actually makes for good radio.

For instance, a lot of radio shows encourage the fans to worship the host like a God. Tom Leykis and Howard Stern fall into this camp. But when the fans do that, it makes for really boring radio. Literally 30% of the Tom Leykis show consists of phone calls telling Tom what a great guy he is. It's boring as fuck, but the other 70% of the show is usually good.

OTOH, O&A regularly shit on their own fans, hang up on them, mock them, laugh at them, etc. That's a lot more interesting to listen to than another boring caller on the Stern show telling him how he's The King of All Media.

Probably the funniest bit I've heard on O&A this year was when the trucker called in and started to cry and they just hung up on him in mid sentence.

The thing that DOESNT make for good radio is when Opie treats celebrities with the same disdain that they treat their fans. The fans will put up with a lot of shit, but celebrities just won't come back. I think this is a big part of the reason they have a hard time getting guests. Opie and Anthony have developed a reputation for ambushing guests, a reputation that's well deserved.

I prefer the celebrity abuse. I hate hearing some A Lister come in and just talk about their new album/film/Tv show. There are obviously exceptions. Donald Sutherland, Chris Hemsworth, Ron Howard are three off the top of my head. But the likes of Michael Shannon? Fuck off. CQ could not have been more accurate when he described the atmosphere of that interview as toxic with stilted air.

If the celebrity is a bore, then fuck 'em. But they don't just fuck with boring celebrities, they often dismiss them before they even show up. (The bartender from 'Love Boat' is an example of this.)

And why the fuck do they dismiss good guests because they don't kiss their ass enough? For instance, they've mentioned half a dozen times that Tracy Morgan wants to do the show, and they won't let him on because he didn't want to do the show while doing "30 Rock."

WTF?! He's still a good guest. I'd totally prefer Tracy Morgan over two hours of Youtube clips.

"They hate their fans...it's brilliant!"

I don't get it either. Post after post of Opie hate gets really dull. /u/Opiesucks is the only funny one. I enjoy 95% of the content that O&A give me.

oh shucks..... thats boo.

People like to: 1> Whine 2> Cry 3> Pitch fits. Everyone has their flaws, but Roland is a horrible piece of shit.

Pitching a fit?

Theres a fit being pitched? Anything a guy can do about that?


"People whinin, cryin, Roland is shit, get over it! GET OVER IT!"


I like how the guy putting the lyrics on that video wrote "bitchin a fit" instead of "pitchin a fit" to make the song seem cooler.

If I sat down and dedicated time and energy to dissect and examine the show, I could come up with some minuscule nonsense and hate Opie or Sam or Anthony for it. But I don't because I love the show. I like their take on things. I can stand it because it is entertaining to me. They are not my friends, I don't have such a bond with them that I want to bitch and complain until they "hear me" and do something about it. I can't and won't ever do a better job as them and neither will anyone else here.

That's reasonable.

I work for myself, and listening to them is like hanging out with "the guys." I look forward to the banter; even the Sam's and Erock's of the group..

How many times is this anti-complaining shit going to be posted? It's almost as annoying as the complaining itself.

When people listen to a show regularly, they become invested in it like they do a friend or spouse. When and if that friend or spouse stops delivering what we've come to expect, we get irritated. We want to abandon them because they're not delivering, but we don't because we don't have a better alternative. So we opt to voice our discontent and commiserate with others in the same boat, while maintaining our loyalty and hoping things will get better.

Your argument is exactly what Opie repeats ad nauseam: "If you dummies don't like the show, just don't listen! Simple as that! Just don't listen!"

You, I, and everyone else have parts of the show we can't stand, fast-forward through, or make us want to stop listening, yet we keep listening, because in-between those parts it's probably the best show out there.

There will always be bitching as long as the show isn't perfect. Can you please wrap your fucking head around this concept so we don't have to deal with annoying bitch session, AND annoying anti-bitch sessions?


It's nothing like a relationship with a friend or a spouse. Those are symmetrical relationships that you share with the person. Your relationship with the show is rhetorical. They broadcast, so be a good boy and just enjoy it. The complaining has to stop.

Exactly. Very well said. I think this is exactly it, and there is way too much overthinking.

Because some people insist that being a fan of OnA must mean you act like a negative cunt. These are the same people that talk shit to the guys on Twitter and cry when they get blocked. They think they're the 4th mic but the guys haven't discovered them yet.

Again the reason the O&A Travelling Virus was banned was because the fans were way too negative and booed every comic that came out there. Not saying everyone is negative, just that there's a substantial population like that who tries to be edgy in order to get their attention. (See the "Hey Jimmy, why don't you get some Aids and die" caller on Unnecessary Cruelty)

It works for Jimmy, but that kind of humor doesn't work when everyone is trying to imitate it poorly.

Guilty of that, sort of. I got blocked by Ant for saying he looks like an Arab acid attacked whore. Posted a sub/r (actually asking how people would go about getting unblocked) and got murdered (appropriately). I couldn't give a shit about Twitter. Do see that some people really want to be a part of show for whatever reason; maybe they should get fucking job or cease to exist. For what I do, even admitting to be a fan would probably upset someone and turn into HR nonsense.

People on reddit are whiny cunt babies. They generally have shitty jobs and the only way they can feel powerful, or heard, is by bitching about everything. 1 in 5 posts spark interesting discussion. I'm here for those.

I also suspect the vast majority of the people on this sub listen to the show for free, so they're constantly complaining about something they didn't pay for and supposedly don't like.

Interesting, where did you get your certificate in armchair psychology?

They listen so that they have something to bitch about on reddit.

Oh. God. This.

If some of these posters put half the effort criticizing their own lives as they do a fucking satellite radio show, they would be too busy improving themselves to give a care.

"Because the show is negative so people should be 'negative' in general"

People just don't shut up and appreciate what they have. The "twitter haters" are just out in full force and will criticize anything. Opie was "too boring". Ant is "too political". Jimmy "acts like he's smarter than he actually is". So what? I still listen every day, and I enjoy what I hear.

What's wrong with the hosts we got? The hosts we got joke pretty good don't it?

wuzza name of some of them other host?

(ron benigtun, bj shea...)

Where dat Bj Shea from?.... SEATTLE!?!?

Bunch of cunts on here is what I say.

Yeah, and if you don't like America, then you can get out, buster!

You can like something and find faults w/ it at the same time.

Youd be told you were ass-lapping fanboys if you were "all in" with everything

Why bother reading this subreddit?

Why bother posting?

look.. OP doesnt like whats posted all over the subreddit, but those people making those threads shouldnt listen.

I know ESPN is going to go to Ray Lewis on the sideline but I still watch MNF. Opie knows Eddie Vedder is going to talk politics but he still will go to Pearl Jam concerts. Opie knows Bobo is going to talk over him but he will still take the phone call. Why is this so hard to understand?

Oh the monthly "why do you even listen" post. Ugh..

People like the show but don't like certain elements, which they complain about. Like in anything else. Sports for example, someone may say they hate Jeter; well "tHen WhuY dooO yoU eVeN wAtch Duh YankEEz DenN??1" Because, dummy, you could still be a fan and dislike a certain element or two or many that you would like to see changed which would ideally enhance your experience.

Now fuck off.

I ask why they listen. You answer with why they complain. Brilliant. Hey, I'm well aware of peoples' complaints about the show. I'm not even telling them to stop doing it. There's really no need to defend their actions to me. Some of the people on here really seem to just hate Opie and Anthony and Jimmy as people though. I'm sure you've seen the types of posts I'm talking about.

It's funny how you come at me as if I'm attacking this whole subreddit though. Because after all "you could still be a fan and dislike a certain element or two or many that you would like to see changed which would ideally enhance your experience. Now fuck off."

If I said you should fuck off this subreddit you'd be right, since I didn't you're just an idiot. You're also overtly pointing out the hypocrisy in your own question. ie people hate the show shouldnt listen. You hate this sub then, according to your logic, you should indeed fuck off this sub.

You're asking why they listen BECAUSE they're complaining you dim-witted doesn't-understand-his-own-question twit. The reason, again for the simple-minded, is THEY LIKE THE SHOW OVERALL BUT DISLIKE SOME SMALL ELEMENTS THEY FEEL SHOULD CHANGE TO MAKE THE SHOW BETTER.

I've been active in the sub under different aliases long enough to notice people mainly hate one or a handful of things (ie Opie, Roland, serious Jim) but like the show overall.

Awww. Now don't you wish you were that witty and assertive in real life? This sub is called Opie and Anthony. I could understand if this sub was called Fuck Opie and Anthony (but I'm a fan) or something.

"your own question. ie people hate the show shouldnt listen"

Lmao you just made up your own premise here so you could heroically pwn it. I even specifically said in my last comment that I'm not trying to stop anyone from doing anything. I was just asking why.

Then the next in line of hyper-defensive keyboard warriors jumps to the rescue! Bravo. Everyone is impressed.

You obviously made your post hoping everyone would agree with you and respect your oh so philosophical observation. And you now ineptly lambast anyone who either disagrees or points out the Idiocy of your shallow-minded question that's been said almost every day in this sub. Your post makes you appear stupid. All of your senseless responses makes it worse. But please, keep playing protective mother hen and defend your invaluable post contribution with another incoherent dim-witted retort.

"You obviously made your post hoping everyone would agree with you and respect your oh so philosophical observation"


"And you now ineptly lambast anyone who either disagrees or points out the Idiocy of your shallow-minded question that's been said almost every day in this sub."

Made up bullshit.

"Your post makes you appear stupid. All of your senseless responses makes it worse."


"But please, keep playing protective mother hen and defend your invaluable post contribution with another incoherent dim-witted retort."

Oooooh the venom. This is pretty important to you, eh? Why get so angry? Here comes the part where you deny you're mad. Yawn.

You're not even making sense anymore.

I listen because on their worst day, they still put on a way better show than Howard does. With that being said, I don't think criticism is a bad thing. The staff and management come here, so maybe some of the feedback will help the show improve.

Im a new listener to the show and love everything about it. no matter what's on, Im sorry but I rather listen to them being honest then the shit radio in Ontario.

Cant speak for the other shows but IMO, there's nothing wrong with O&A

You should check out Ron and Fez if you havent, theyre like a different side of the same coin. Probably not as initially appealing as O&A but one hell of a deep show when you listen a few times

lol I started before christmas during the Fez fiasco and stopped, started again this week after figuring out that I should totally be listening lol Ill be honest I want to kick Fez in the head but for the entertainment it's worth it lol I like the shows adn Im lucky I get to catch them live.

And they actually have non-tard callers

Once in awhile, sure.

funny thing is that there are a decent amount of people that hate the show, don't even pay for the show. they listen on youtube or elsewhere but bitch about it daily that the show sucks. as a paying customer i can understand some of the bitching about the show just because you are in a contract and paying good money.

I've never paid for the show and I've listened for several years now. If you want to listen for free, you can easily listen off fan sites, official rooms, and hidden Paltalk rooms. Then again, that's probably why I'm a lot more tolerant of what they say. If I don't like it, I lose no money, I just turn the feed off and do something else.

I've started listening more to the cut up bits on youtube rather than the full show. This was a pretty good week, but R&F has caught my attention recently. O&A has gotten way too formulaic, I want to listen to them do bits or talk to guests (any guests) over just O/A/J talking because it's all become a bit too similar.

If going onto reddit and bitching about stuff stops some wacko from beating their family or shooting up a mall, what's the harm? People like to bitch and want to be heard. Some are trying to be funny by being overnegative and superwhiny but most of the context is either used incorrectly or interpreted wrong. Hey at least we Americans can actually do this without being taken away. I'd hate to be a Ukrainian right now. Oh yea also, Sal sucks.

I agree with your sentiment. I hate the constant bitching in this sub. but who hates Erock? The guy takes a constant pounding on air (and anytime he's on vacation of course) and has done nearly everything they have asked him to do over the years. Erock is great.


I just think Roland's a bitch. Everything else is awesome

I agree with both your comment and screen name.

Audio masochism.

Because Norton and the other comedians make up for O & A. Also, for the train wreck effect.

And probably for the same reason I subscribe to /r/cringe

The quality of this subreddit has dropped significantly in the last few months.

The way I look at it is like being the fan of a musical group. Just because I like the band doesn't mean I'm gonna inherently like every song they put out. Overall I really like the show but there are things that I don't like from time to time. Opie, Ant, and Jim all have things about them that can get annoying occasionally (for me) but that's only a small amount of the time. I might not be the best person to answer this though because I like tuning into The O'reilly Factor even though I hate Bill O'Reilly just to get myself fired up.

But it's not like you'd go on a public forum and motherfuck that band or the songs you don't like on a regular basis though. I think that's what op is getting at.

Well no not online but if I was talking to one of my friends or something and they asked what I thought of whatever song I'd say it sucked if I thought it did. I wouldn't actively go outta my way to say it though. I think the reason people bash the show even though they like it is because the guys are talking 3-4 hours a day with strong opinions about shit so the listeners are gonna have strong opinions as well about some of the stuff being said. Eventually a topic is gonna come up that'll rub people the wrong way.

For sure.

Is Wackbag down again?

I think this place could really use a nice "Who Tweeted it? Opie or Todd" thread ZT.

I'll work up to it. It's coming for sure.


New listener here. It's the worst train wreck. I'm waiting to hear there pathetic end.

maybe if you CAPS some more your point will get across

I'd call in, but I know that Opie and Jimmy would shout over me and then hang up before I could retort. Then spend 15 minutes explaining their incoherent and inconsistent P.C. views.

I don't have a redneck accent, so I would never make it past the screener.

I think you should try anyway. They let that kid talk who liked the movie "Her"; it was good radio for the rest of us. Do it, or you're a fag.


Foghorn Cakehorn. I don't get how just wondering why people listen to a show that they hate makes me candy-assed though. "/


I understand if you hate Sam or Roland or Erock.

For me to hate them, I'd have to give a fuck in the first place and pay attention to them. As another example, I don't really give a fuck what people on the show tweet - I don't follow them on Twitter, so who cares?

O&A are receptive to feedback, and frankly, they exist as a brand and a franchise whether you or they like it or not. I listen to old shows and clips more than I do their day-to-day show, because their contemporary show is mostly shitty/boring/lazy compared to what they've done in the past and what they're capable of doing.

shuuuUUUUuuuut upppPPPpppppp....

Who are you again? And who gives a fuck what you do or do not get?

Funny, I say that to most of the posts I read here.

That's reasonable.

Theres a fit being pitched? Anything a guy can do about that?