can we please create some new StupidOpie memes?

0  2014-03-07 by opiesucks

its been a long week and i need to lol. help a guy out will ya?


Oh good forced memes. This will have the humor and subtlety of Ralphie May.


I'm still fairly new to O and A compared to most of you, I'm sure. But holy hell have I noticed that the more dOpie is talking, the less enjoyable the show is, in my opinion.

Did you really lol?

You gonna start these threads every day now? What a fucking loser.

nuh uhh.

you cant have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without all 3 ingredients. Hey opiesucks, whats the differance in jam and jelly? I cant jelly my dick in your moms ass

you don't know my mom /u/opiesmomsucks sir.

ask her, she remembers me. She may not however because her back was to me the whole time for easier access to her ass and she quite frankly is ugly. Dont tell her I said that last part, I still like drunk ass sex.

Ooof. Should have stopped while you were ahead. Hi Vos!

He'sch killin' it up there, tearin' down wallsch

come on, that was pure gold

come on, that was pure gold