Davey Mac Sports Program Cancelled!

87  2014-03-07 by Cheesyfingers


ESD's comments on his website;

As for as our situation with SiriusXM goes, how we were bizarrely put on hiatus, only to be brought back, and then strangely to be let go again....well, it's simply fucking with someone's life. I'll have a lot more to say about it at some point. But for now, I can state that (perhaps ironically) it is not me who is off the rails...it is SiriusXM. There is no strategy. And odd, random decisions that seriously affect people's lives are being made.

I make $150 a week from SiriusXM, $600 a month. While certainly not enough to live on, with a family, the 600 bucks was really important to me.

And not for nothing, but the people at Sirius simply did not take the time to understand or appreciate the talent of XM people. It's that simple. So I was seen as some lunatic from 2006 rather than the legitimate talk show host that I have evolved into and have been recognized as such via awards and hit reviews from the likes of the AV Club, iTunes, Stitcher, Deadspin, and on and on. Really, the ONLY place where the Davey Mac Sports Program doesn't get glowing reviews is the company it worked (greatly and passionately) for...SiriusXM. Shame, really.

Anyway, I'd like to give thank you's to my family and friends and YOU guys for always being great and supportive! In particular, Chris "Pepper Peppy Hamburger" Stanley has been great through this, as have Roy Shaffer and Sean O of our wildly successful online show.

So if still want the Davey Mac Sports Program, and this is not a scummy plug here, but I strongly recommend you listen to future episodes of the Davey Mac Sports Program EXCLUSIVELY on RiotCast.com and/or right HERE on ESD Country!!

Adios, fart-burgers!!!!!!!!!

What if Sirius started playing infomercials? I hear them all the time on regular radio during the weekend, it's only a matter of time until they start doing it on Sirius.

How infuriating would it be if they shitcanned Dave and replaced him with a 30 minute commercial for Activia or Proactive?

We already get a couple 30 minute infomercials for nutrabullet each week. What's one more?

And they finally killed off all the original content built by the Saturday Night Virus. Absolutely no imagination or foresight. They've chased away so much talent it's ridiculous.

Good to see Opie figured out the channel reboot.

Someone just needs to figure this shit out!!

Why are you trying to blame this on Opie?

This is clearly Sabean's baby.


im the biggest davey supporter but last saturday? when he "no showed" there was dead air on the channel for a good 5 minutes before anything kicked in, then a "were sorry things are fucked up the O&A channel were trying to fix it" style bumper came on, then dr. steves show sporadically came on.

it just didnt' seem normal. i wouldn't be surprised if he no showed, he posted some lame picture of himself in bed like 40 minutes into the show. maybe he had a good reason, maybe he didn't have gas money. im going through hard times myself, ive found myself without gas money for the past two weeks, i can barely make it to work in the morning. cashing in change, buying loose cigarettes.

Preparing for Fez's pay rise

Even if Fez was gone they would just spend that money toward the fucking JayZ Beyonce Honeymoon channel. I think Ronnie fucking with Fez is good radio and would be sad to see him go.

Hopefully to pay for Fez's severance.

Preferably his funeral expenses.

Jesus fucking Christ! They can't afford a show that's on once a week?!?

They can afford it they've determined it's not worth $150 a week

it's four (or maybe three?) people, so it is actually 600 a week (not that it makes a huge difference tho).

I think only their phone screener was getting paid in addition to Dave

No. But they can afford Howard, Tim Sabean & his assistant, Karmizan's amortized golden parachute and enough value to raise SiriusXM from penny-stock hell. The company that paid half a billion for the King Of All Media to transition into television is failing. This is what it looks like.

Also, just to state what should be obvious: anyone who thinks any of this could be changed by Ron/Fez/O&A, etc., is being a child.

Also, just to state what should be obvious: anyone who thinks any of this could be changed by Ron/Fez/O&A, etc., is being a child.

This should be reposted a million times.

It comes down to advertisers, I doubt advertisers were willing to pay more for Dave's show, the company probably makes the same for an O&A replay.

I've bought the O&A channel before.. they don't even say it was dave's show.. just part of the weekend daypart

Poor Dave. So talented, never gets the break he deserves. Meanwhile, Sal and Fez get steady paychecks.

Sal is underrated. I mean, have you not heard his angry panda piece?

Fez is on contract

These cheap Jew asses at Sirius can't fucking swing $150 a week? Meanwhile they throw millions at Howard and at celebrities just for putting their NAME on a channel? Glad to see they have their money management priorities down....

Furthermore, as much as I LOVE O&A, I kinda hope that they do call it quits just so that I can cancel and stop giving my money to this terrible company.

There's always Audible.

Seems like everyone gets screwed at that company, except for Howie. According to this article, Bob Levy made $100 a week for his show: http://www.marksfriggin.com/levy.htm

Bob Levy deserves less. Hack piece of shit

Wait, let's spend millions on another single artist channel!

The Great White channel is coming up next!

I hear that channel is predicted to be hot......

Not just hot. But on fire!

No way out of that channel.

They are really crushing it.

Yes blame the Jews!

I blame the blacks.

I used to love the Saturday Night Virus shit. Uninformed, Sam and Dave, Black Philip were great because they were unpolished and different. Now I can listen to podcasts and not pay Sirius.

I just canceled my automatic renewal. I can listen to all constantly repeated material online for free. Way to go SiriusXM!

By phone? How long did that take?

By phone. Didn't take long. They offered me a bunch of different options and lower rates to stay, they did try to keep me. All I said to the operator every time they tried to get me to stay was... " WHAT? WHAT?"


Wow, this is fucking terrible news. Sirius has no idea how to farm new talent.

I cancelled Sirius/XM a couple years ago (after a frustrating battle with them over billing and wrong re-occurring charges) and couldn't be happier. Since the merger, this company has been absolute dogshit. Horrible commercials, DJ talk on channels that didn't need fucking DJs, dedicated artist channels....O&A were literally the ONLY thing I listened to. After dealing with their shitty billing department, I had had enough. I listen live via other means and have absolutely ZERO remorse for doing so, the company is clueless.

Davey Mac, while he may not have gotten the audience of an O&A replay was still original talent on the platform. Something they don't know or don't care about. When Howie retires, this company is going to be in a fucking scramble to find a business model. I'm obviously not saying Davey Mac is going to be Stern or anything, but who knows...maybe if they invested some time and money into some of these guys they might have something to lean on other than....I don't even know....a grateful dead and Elvis channel.

...edit: Just to add a little context, I wasn't just some new sub either. When O&A signed with XM, I went out and bought a MyFi and happily paid the extra buck to listen to them. I was a subscriber from the first day they hit the air up to and through the merger....then things just went south.

There's no point in even listening live anymore, the best stuff is uploaded to YouTube within hours of the show ending, and the cream of the crop ends up on their podcast. The entire channel has been on a slow, steady decline since Eric Logan left, especially post-merger. I just hope that after their contract is up that they leave Sirius xm and Jimmy and Anthony decide to host their own podcasts. Opie can retire and the rest of the crew can go work for the Todd show for all I care.

Guess that 150bucks got sick of stretching and finally snapped.

Sabean/Sirius/hiatus apologists can queue up out the door and to the left to receive their cunt kicking.



For the official record, here's Opie defending the hiatus:


He got all mad when people replied to say that was clearly horseshit, and we're not all fucking gullible idiots. This was his triumphant vindication which lasted just a few short weeks:


He wasn't "defending" the hiatus, he was stating a fact. It's as if you fucktards don't even pay attention AT ALL...

Any chance to bash Opie gets their dicks hard.

Is it your opinion that Opie didn't know that they were going to cancel the show today? Do you think he was blindsided? His twitter would indicate so. He's said many times in the past the playbook for getting fired and this seemed to play out. Cancelled does not equal fired for an action though.

My question is if they are cancelling this show, what is there plan to add original content to the channel? How will the channel improve with the new time and resources? I think this is a bad move on their part.

Oh god you just reminded me we are going to get an audible beating on Monday because of this.

This is kind of an aside, but I always find it funny and ironic that the guy who claims to hate people who are always being selfish and saying "ME ME ME" literally puts ME in all caps in any tweet he responds to.

it's for clarity. what, because he doesn't like to be burdened by the mentally ill he's not allowed to type the word 'me'?

Tim Sabean strikes again.

Off topic, but that is one badass last name.

Fuck this god damned motherfucking piece of shit company. I'm just fucking done.

This sucks. I thought Opie just said "He" saved Weird Medicine. Always liked hearing ESD. Crazy muthahucka.

Yeah, he saved Steve by letting Dave get kicked down the stairs.

I think Opie did his best to save both, unfortunately the company seems to be wanting to severely reduce the budget on the O&A channel

BY 150 dollars?! I'm pretty sure nobody else on the show was being payed, Pepper makes his R&F producer money, and Roy and Sean just volunteer, and the call-screener is usually a volunteering intern.

Yes by $150, I'm pretty sure the only thing Sirius wants to pay for is licensing for O&A, cost of running the channel, O&A&J themselves and paying the regular talent poorly. If they wanted to do more it wouldn't cost them half a million to move a wall.

opie doesn't care about Dave,he's dr Steve's friend and Dave is an Anthony guy....and we all know Anthony's not gonna make a fuss over a problem that isn't his.

Don't treat Anthony like he just got into Radio, Opie's just more vocal on air.

fuck steve nobody likes his boring ass radio show, plus he already has a day job, dave is a radio guy, steve is a boring doctor.

His podcast is consistently on Stitcher's list of most popular podcasts.

Steve is great but he is a doctor... he doesnt need the money as much as Dave. This is fucked.

Steve was doing it for free for 3 years before Sirius decided they'd pay him. And they owe him money (according to the O&A show this week).

I like it. Dave is obnoxious. Steve has greater audience appeal.

You should stop having opinions because you fucking suck at it.

ESD was like that mouthy guy at the end of the bar who won't shut up and his two friends think is hilarious.

I like both guys, but really couldn't fuck with Steve's show.

Opie tweets: I fought to bring @EastSideDave back. Tim said he didn't show for his show and didn't call company so he was fired. I DON'T AGREE WITH THIS.


That would get me fired too if it's true but ESD used to work all week so its not like hes lazy

He said he had food poisoning and called off 2 hours in advance. He also said he was told, contrary to what Opie said Tim said, that it was for budgetary reasons that he was cut.

I really hope this means ESD will get Fez's job in April but that isn't going to happen.

Who? You mean the expired invalid ESD basically filled in for on second-mic for 5 years? While Fez continued(/continues) to make a salary to live comfortably in lower-Manhattan?

O&A is the last of the content left on satellite radio that I feel is worth paying for. Once that is gone I will have no hesitation or remorse at cancelling my subscriptions and never looking back. In the past 10 years they have systematically removed all of the content that I felt was worth listening to.

I was actually strongly considering getting an online subscription last November, feeling guilty for pirating O&A/R&F/DMSP for the last few years; the Davey Mac cancellation in January confirmed for me that this was a bad choice. It sucks that this forum prohibits posting links to pirate sites, but then again, at this point, I'd do nothing but post ways to listen to O&A/R&F/DMSP illegally. FUCK SXM!!!

If/when OandA leave satellite, i will also cancel my subscription.


What pack of dopey fucking cunts. I have to think that there's a reason they're doing all this ridiculous shit. They're a billion dollar company, surely us regular Joe's must be missing something. Why would a company whose product is creative content, stop funding creative content? Its fucking bananas.

Whenever a business makes a weird decision it's always by someone trying to protect it legally or financially. It has nothing to do with nurturing original creative content, it's all about mitigating dangers for investors and whatnot.

"We got this guy running a sports show that makes ching chong jokes and doesn't really talk about sports all the time. He spent a half hour talking about chocolate milk one time I guess...it's like $1K/mo in staff in a time slot we could just drop in O&A worst ofs. Kill it?"

Because it's a 'regular joe's' idea of creative content.

Childish and sub-mental.

They are going to screw Dr. Steve too.

I like Steve but Dave put in years learning how to do great radio and is more entertaining than Steve. Plus Steve has money and a good job to fall back on...

Steve has done his show since 2007, for free for many years to boot.

Oh, I agree. I wish Dave could find something steady. Support his podcast.

That literally hurts my heart..

The Chocolate Milk Instructional Half Hour is one of my favorite things ever.

I've said it before, Tim Sabean is a talentless cunt. His original programming on H101 was garbage, and he made his reputation by cutting costs and hanging on to already made shows like Stern and O&A when he was in Philly. He's a good ass sucker.

why would they bring him back to shut him down again

Management Incompetence.

Why not voice your disapproval? Maybe another channel picks him up.


All he went through for $150/week. Imagine what he'd do for $200.

we already knew sirius was killing xm so no surprise there. as soon as the boys are booted im droping sirius... fuck them i have an ipod.


Why is everyone giving up? Tweet at all these people, @TimSabean @SIRIUSXM @OpieRadio @AnthonyCumia @JimNorton . If we annoy the shit out of them we can make a difference!

Haha no we can't


Unless Dave fucked himself.


do you mean dinero? i don't think he's strapped for famed actor Robert De Niro


doesn't mean that he didn't pull a CLM

Opie has a point. Does Eminem really bring any listeners with him for what they pay him?

I have Shade as a first-tier present. I am sure you have it as a preset as well.

Only for Whoo Kid

Dave McDonald @EastSideDave 9m Then @ SiriusXM doesn't know that for the last 8 years, I've worked 6 days a week for your channel. My work ethic is unquestioned. @OpieRadio

Dave McDonald @EastSideDave 11m Not doubting you, @OpieRadio, but he personally told me "budgetary" reasons. I had food poisoing and called out more than TWO hours b-4.


Why don't you guys get on Opie & Anthony or Jimmy for not taking a Slight pay cut to keep these guys around? Since when is it just Tim sabeans fault? The budget is most likely pre set and not by him. Jesus maybe ant could help a friend out and God forbid next time he'll have to gamble 70000 dollars a black jack game instead of 80000. Also it's disgusting when fan boys think they know what happens behind the scenes.

Because it's not their fucking job to pay for programming. Why don't you set aside some of your paycheck so your coworker can buy school supplies?

Sirius is a huge publicly traded company. Of course they can afford the show, they just don't think it's WORTH 150 bucks a week, which is horseshit, but that's Corporate America for you


Because chances are it isn't actually for budgetary reasons, but is just a nice excuse they can throw to Dave and the listeners.

It still makes them look like the cheap fucks they are

Yep, the budgetary reasons are that his show probably isn't bringing in money.

Yes. Don't understand why the whiney babes on reddit don't understand this. ESD isn't funny or interesting outside of the stuntboy context and nobody listens to this show. His recent tweets about the show's cancellation are averaging 20 retweets. If you like it so much, go listen to the podcast.

Look at his UStream numbers.. ESD has more support on Reddit than actual listeners for some of his shows. I think his whole popularity on here is a lie and/or the 40 or so people that can be counted on to listen to him are all on Reddit.

His Ustream numbers don't even come close to representing his number of listeners. Its a podcast you don't need to listen live. I never listen/watch live, but I still make time for it during the week.

I viewed one of his shows and the number ticked up from 41 to 42 views afterwards, so it's accurate to some degree. I understand that being on satellite radio, he probably has listeners that aren't going to necessarily show up in retweets or Ustream views, but those are awful numbers regardless. LFTC, which is basically a joke show that Ant does for fun, does 10x those numbers. SiriusXM might as well just bring in a semi-popular podcaster to do a show.

His podcast is distributed in more places than just ustream.

For 2013, Sirius XM reported a net income of $377million on a record-breaking revenue of $3.8billion.

I'm sure if he really wanted, a Senior Vice President of Talk Radio could find 150bucks in there somewhere for the Daveman.

Yeah, it's not a budgetary decision at all. That much is clear.

blah blah blah...Also it's disgusting when fan boys think they know what happens behind the scenes.

Irony, thy name is thermitepaint.


How many times have you volunteered to take a pay cut to keep some part time employee around?

There salaries are written into the budget so yes they can take a paycut of a few hundred dollars. When it comes to helping a friend out that's done nothing but promote the o&a channel you can make a sacrifice. It's what friends do asshole.

That's not what he asked. Would YOU take a pay cut at your job to keep a friend and his part-time job around?

I should of known when I said its what friends do for each other that it would go over some idiots head. What do you think my answer is with a statement like that? If a guy had busted his ass for me over the years, and was nothing but loyal to the fucking channel with my name on it, and did nothing but promote my name and channel then I'd find a way to keep him around. Especially if I was a well established millionaire that has plenty of "fuck it", and "i could quit tomorrow" money. Don't bitch about how Howard takes all the companies money, and doesn't give anything to the other guys, but then they can't make a small cut if your own channels budget and keep someone around? Sounds like bullshit to me if that's the case.

Oooh, petty insults.

Oh will you two faggots shut up? Nobody cares about your dumb internet argument.

Tim Sabean is incompetent; everything he has done so far was turned out awful. Opie coming up lame trying to blame the ESD decision on Sabean when it looks like Opie had a part in it. He called out? So what? Pepper is there in the studio. Just pop in a best of. Lame, just lame. Not a hint of truth to it. 150 bucks a week in savings. Whoop de fricking doo.

There is one clear action to take. Jocktober the O&A facebook in honor of a fallen talented comrade.

UNBE-FUCKING-LIEVEABLE!!! SXM Cunts put the show on hiatus during NFL playoffs and Soup-or-Bowl then cancel the show outright after only a month.

Hey Michelle Laikowski your boss is a cunt-worm. I wish you'd have fought as hard for Dave as you do for the useless waste-of-a-mic that is currently blaming listeners for his eventual suicide. FUCK YOU!!!!


2014-03-07 14:06:16 UTC

We have been informed that the #DaveyMacSportsProgram will no longer be on @SIRIUSXM due to budgetary reasons. Thank you all! Listen online!

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

With his talents, he could always work as a drug mule.

The alternative for Sirius is to play o&a replays. This option costs nothing and has a much bigger built in fan base.

THey dont even play good replays! Its the shit we just heard this week! Put some old shit on there.

Sabean's restructuring at work my friend. Same shit he did over at Hoo Hoo he's taking here. Except now we get a pre and post show! Yayyyyyy!


This pretty much turned the corner for me. I tried to not come down hard on the Ron&Fez official Twitter ever since they mentioned that trashing Gurian and other guest while @ mentioning the show hurts them. Fuck that: unfiltered, non-stop hate for every Gurian appearance, fuck the chunky cunt Laikowski and that old bitch Sabean.

Only know him as the guy with the shit eating grin.If he puts it up as a podcast he could easily make 100$ a week just from amazon referrals if he has a small to medium audience. Plus it's a sports show so he can get sponsors more easily than say,an interview/comedy podcast. Sirius looks like it's infested with entitled corporate rats.

If you've ever listened to it, it's like 30-60% sports. It's more or less a comedy show, that just happens to be ran by a guy really into sports so it comes up frequently.

Pssst word on the street...calling out sick 5 minutes before the show was about to start the second saturday Dave was back from 'hiatus' didn't paint him in that good of a light either and actually made Tim go full force with this decision, look at the whole picture first.....just sayin'

Just sayin' ... Anytime you catch someone giving out two different reasons to explain the exact same thing, you know they're likely full of shit.

Sabean personally tells Dave it's budget, tells Opie that Dave never phoned-in.

We'll find out the truth eventually, it always comes out.

So until then, it's a question of character:

Dave's regular schedule was to be in the building hours before the show, so any non-appearance would have been apparent more than Tim's five minute claim. Dave says he gave notice more than two hours in advance. Plenty of time to spool up a replay ... unless of course Sirius' constant budget cutting has eviscerated weekend staffing.

Despite SiriusXM's extreme provocation for years, Dave never missed a show ... he spends a month fighting online, taking vacation hours from his day job to do Ron&Fez appearances, all to desperately hold onto his gig during its bullshit hiatus, and as soon as he gets it back the very first thing he does it blow it off. That picture doesn't even begin to look right.

By contrast, Sabean goes behind Ant&Jim's back to plot an afternoon move with Opie. Throws a petulant fit over O&A leaving before a tardy Oliver Stone and duly wrecks the post-show to demonstrate who's boss. Fucks Ronnie B in the face for a west coast replay. Puts DaveyMac on hiatus for no credible reason, and wasn't intending to even let Dave do a show to explain to the audience what was happening.

Spends a week trying to figure out how to either cancel Dr Steve or make him do a show for free, and when thwarted, suddenly next day the boy Dave is out.

If he never called, why wasn't Dave sacked Monday, and Dr Steve given Dave's 150bucks. Why wait till Friday and after losing an apparently otherwise unnecessary fight with Opie?

So we've got one guy that kills himself for years just to do radio, and one deceitful, spiteful, vindictive, management shitstain ...

I reckon from week one, Chinky The Puppet didn't fit with Sabean's retarded, sub-mongoloid ideas for a MediaDestination. He never got Dave, Dave's face didn't fit, it was that simple, and although it took him a couple of attempts, he persisted and finally took him out.


Fuck off Michelle

Is the word on the street closer to rumor or reality?

Dave said 2 hours, and so fucking what, he gets paid $150 a show, minus his expenses, a bargain. Sabien still has hurt knees from being Howard's bitch for years, now he wants to get his manhood back by using his power. The whole fucking station is replays! And sorry Dave is more entertaining than shitdick Sam Roberts or DR. Steve's (great guy) snoozefest. And Opie doesnt even have power to program his own station? What's Sabiens salary? FUCK ALL OF THEM -

I don't believe Dave when he said that it was two hours before the show.

"im the biggest davey supporter but last saturday? when he "no showed" there was dead air on the channel for a good 5 minutes before anything kicked in"


Why would the channel have dead air for five minutes if they were informed two hours prior?

Because they're incompetent managers and keep cutting staff? So they can save money by playing 24/7 replays?

because it's saturday night cocksucka

Great move for a guy who goes on the air and cries for how poor he was.

Fuck Dave. He can go into obscurity with some shitty podcast.

Y E S ! !

Finally a corporate decision at SiriusXM anybody with more than one brain cell can applaud them for.


Good, he stinks.

probably should have showed up for work 2 weeks after his show was put on hiatus then granted a return.

I'm pretty sure the budget for the O&A channel is pre-set. O&A go into the negotiations knowing they have "x" amount for their channel. This includes everybody's salaries. On-air talent and behind the scenes staff. O&A don't want to take money out of their checks to help build the platform with new shows because they argue that the company sinks all the money into Howie so why should they suffer? It's a fair argument, but in the end when they negotiate their salaries they know how much money is left for everything else and cuts are made accordingly. If you end up getting new equipment or building new studios or whatever your expense account money ends up going towards and you max out your budget, small shows like Davey Mac's and Dr. Steve's take the hit.

Good fuck the retard and his shitty show

Neither Opie or Anthony can pry their fucking pockets open?

yeah.. that's not how things work.

What's everybody bitching about? If the show has enough listeners to justify doing it, the show will continue. If podcasting is an outlet that's so superior to satellite, you should be expecting the show to improve, not get worse and/or disappear.

It says a lot when a company decides a show that costs $600 per month isn't worth keeping. Either a: the company is really stupid or b: nobody listens to this show. My money's on B.

Shut up fuckface.

Why. If you like the show so much, you'll still be able to listen to the show. What's so confusing about that? You whiny cunts.

I understand what you're saying. I should drive my car into the ocean with my kids in it!

While not a popular opinion this is the closest thing to what's probably the truth. I enjoyed ESD when he was on Ron and Fez but can't stomach his show. He is not a 1st mic guy.


Who fucking cares about this little faggot? Can't stand him, not sorry to see him go.

He wasn't "defending" the hiatus, he was stating a fact. It's as if you fucktards don't even pay attention AT ALL...

Is it your opinion that Opie didn't know that they were going to cancel the show today? Do you think he was blindsided? His twitter would indicate so. He's said many times in the past the playbook for getting fired and this seemed to play out. Cancelled does not equal fired for an action though.

My question is if they are cancelling this show, what is there plan to add original content to the channel? How will the channel improve with the new time and resources? I think this is a bad move on their part.

This is kind of an aside, but I always find it funny and ironic that the guy who claims to hate people who are always being selfish and saying "ME ME ME" literally puts ME in all caps in any tweet he responds to.